Filing for Aid and Attendance/Housebound
If you are in need of Aid and Attendance or are Housebound then you can file for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) or Special Monthly Pension (SMP) to get additional money.
How to Apply
1. VA Form 21-2680
Complete Sections I and II of VA Form 21-2680 and have your DOCTOR complete Section III.
Claimant is the person who is in need of Aid and Attendance or is Housebound.
In block 14 be sure to select the correct benefit you are applying for!
2. VA Form 21-526EZ
File a claim online or use a 21-526EZ for disability compensation. You will want to claim Aid and Attendance or Housebound as your condition.
3. Upload/Submit
Upload your completed VA Form 21-2680 onto your online claim or submit both forms to the VA.
Unlike TDIU, this is NOT automatically a claim for increase. Assuming your paperwork is in order you likely will not need to attend a Compensation and Pension examination and your claim should hopefully be decided in short order.