Claim Types/End Products (EPs)
Please see the references to see all the claim types the VA uses. While some claim types are fairly specific, it is all too common for VA employees to select a more general claim type.
Most of these claims are administrative in nature and are auto-generated when the VA receives information from other agencies. Often times these claims are closed out without any input or involvement from you.
If there are multiple EPs active in a series at the same time they will increase by 1
So if there is an EP 040 the next EP 040 will become 041, etc.
HOWEVER, administratively the VA is not allowed to have multiple active EPs for 010s, 020s, and 110s! Meaning if another claim is received the additional EP(s) will eventually be administratively cancelled and merged with the active EP.
Brief Summary of Common EPs
EPs can be broadly broken down into:
010: Initial Claim that contains 8 or more conditions
020: Claims received after the initial claim
030: Higher level reviews and BVA decision handling
040: Supplemental claim
110: Initial claim that contains less than 8 conditions
130: Claim for adding a Dependent
310: Condition(s) have a Routine future examination
320: Veteran was hospitalized for something at a VA Medical Center (VAMC); EP is to determine if an award of Temporary 100% is warranted
400: Used to control for a letter being sent to the Veteran, often when the claim/appeal is incomplete and cannot be processed
600: Something requiring Due process before the VA can take action
930: Error(s) have been found and are being addressed