This program allows certain Veterans who participated in Army Chemical or Biological Research Programs to get health care for conditions that developed directly due to their participation in these research programs.


Those found eligible will be able to seek treatment at the nearest military medical treatment facility with the capability and capacity to treat the specific medical condition(s) that have been determined to be related to your participation in those research programs.


  • This program does NOT grant you eligibility for TRICARE, Death, or other benefits!

  • You may be entitled to Disability compensation, which is a separate benefit run by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • You may be entitled to VA Health care, which is a separate benefit run by the Department of Veterans Affairs.


To be eligible, the Veteran must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Volunteered as a research subject* in U.S. Army chemical or biological substance testing from 1942 to 1975; and

  • You have one or more DIAGNOSED disabilities that you believe are directly related to your being a research subject.

*this DOES include receipt of medications or vaccines under the U.S. Army investigational drug review.



  • DoD does NOT have a Duty to assist! Meaning, you will need to obtain AND submit copies of everything yourself!

1. Complete Application for Medical Care (MEDCOM Form 840).

  • Section V, DOES need to be completed by your doctor.

2. Supply supporting documentation:

  • You should submit COPIES of any documentation that you believe will confirm your participation in a U.S. Army chemical or biological substance testing program. This would include your DD214 or other discharge papers, orders, evaluations, award/decoration citations for test participation, VA determination concerning service connected medical condition(s), enlisted/officer record brief (ERB/ORB), medical records, etc.

    • You can obtain your Personnel and Service Treatment Records Here.

    • You can obtain old VA rating decisions HERE.

    • You can obtain your VA health records via the 'blue button report' HERE.

3. Mail your completed application:

 U.S. Army Public Health Center (USAPHC)
 ATTN: Benefits Application Panel
 APG, MD 21010-5403

Frequently Asked Questions

    • It should take no longer than 120 days from start to finish.

    • Yes, you can appeal. You must appeal to the Court as a motion to enforce the injunction. You CANNOT appeal a denial decision or ask for reconsideration directly from the Army.

    • Yes, call 1-800-984-8523 and they will schedule an examination at the nearest military medical treatment facility.

    • Alternatively, you may be eligible to use VA health care.


    • The Army will NOT pay for ANY travel related expenses!

    • Yes, for the purposes of seeking medical care from the DoD, you can discuss your participation in chemical or biological substance testing programs. However, you are NOT allowed to discuss or share any technical reports or operational information concerning testing results!

    • You will need to submit a new application.