Record Corrections

Did admin mess up your DD214, or is there something more substantial that you would like fixed/Upgraded like your character of service?

Well you are in luck, you can get it fixed!


  • For best results, use all applicable lower boards before moving up the chain!

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)

For simple error fixed ONLY such as:

  • Add missing awards/decorations to your DD214*;

  • Incorrect date of birth;

  • Information regarding medals;

  • Misspelled name;

  • Name change (NOT changed after separation);

  • Nickname cited rather than full legal name;

  • Reversed first and middle name;

  • Reversed first and last name;

  • Transposed digits of social security number or service number (digits are in wrong order); and

  • Wrong initial(s).

*Proofs of the awards/decorations MUST already be a part of your personnel record but are missing on your DD214!


  • If a correction involving a DD214 is made, a DD215 will be issued.

Requesting a Correction

Complete the following steps to request a correction:

  1. Click HERE.

  2. Basic information: Make appropriate selections and click Continue.

  3. Service and request details: Make appropriate selections as well as selecting "Correction of Records" and your request being "Clerical Error". Then click Continue.

  4. Report of Separation: Make appropriate selections, being sure to include in the comments of the Documents requested section what correction you want fixed, and click Continue.

  5. Review and submit: Make appropriate selections and click Submit Request.

Lower Boards

When NPRC is unable to fix your issues.

Discharge Review Board (DRB)

This board allows you to request an upgrade of your character of discharge if you meet the following requirements:

  • Discharge was NOT overseen by a generals courts-martial; AND

  • Separation happened less than 15 years ago.


Complete and submit a DD293 and any supporting evidence.


  • SIGN block 12a on the DD293!

  • Remember to attach any an all supporting evidence!


  • Air Force and Space Force may submit their paperwork ONLINE.

  • Army Veterans may submit their paperwork ONLINE.

Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR)

The PDBR is an alternative board that can be used by ALL branches for those who were Medically separated instead of being retired.


This board is ONLY available to those who who were separated between September 11, 2001 to September 30, 2009.


  • This board CANNOT consider upgrading your separation on a basis that was already considered by your branch's correction board!

    • UNLESS, you did so before July 27, 2008.


1. Paperwork


  • SIGN block 11a on the form!

  • Remember to attach any and all supporting evidence!

2. Advisory Opinion

  • Your form and any supporting evidence will then be processed and an advisory opinion will be formed.

3. Board Recommendation

  • The board will then vote on a decision to send up to your branch's Secretary.

4. Secretary's Decision

  • Once the Secretary makes a decision you will be notified and if appropriate, DFAS will begin working on any back pay.


  • The Secretary's decision is FINAL!

    • However, you may still appeal with your branch's board.

Board of Corrections of Military Records (BCMR)

BEFORE you bring a correction to your branch's Board of Corrections of Military Records you MUST go through the lower boards and if appropriate, NPRC.

If they were unable to fix your issue or your issue is more complicated, then it is time to go to the BCMR.

Here are some examples of issues that are commonly addressed:

  • Add missing awards/decorations to your DD214

  • Any correction that is not clearly documented in the record;

  • Any correction that may be controversial in nature;

  • Character of service upgrade;

  • Dates of entrance/separation;

  • Dates of time lost;

  • Medical separation to a medical retirement;

  • Narrative reason for discharge;

  • Normal separation to a medical retirement;

  • Reason for separation;

  • Reenlistment code;

  • Separation authority;

  • Separation code;

  • Significant name changes if it differs from the one shown in the military record;

  • Social security number if it differs from the one shown in the military record by other than transposed digits; and

  • Time-in-service.


  • If you served in multiple branches then you would need to contact the branch that originally made the error you are wanting to correct - which may not be the last branch you served in.

  • If a correction involving a DD214 is made, a DD215 will be issued.


Here are the steps of the process:

1. Paperwork

Complete and submit a DD149 to the board of the branch you were last in when the error occurred.


  • SIGN block 27a on the DD149 or block 12a on the DD293!

  • Remember to attach any an all supporting evidence!


  • Air Force and Space Force Veterans may submit their paperwork ONLINE.

  • Army Veterans may submit their paperwork ONLINE.

  • Navy and Marine Corps Veterans may submit their paperwork via email or fax:

2. Advisory Opinion

Your form and any supporting evidence will then be processed and an advisory opinion will be formed.

Do know that this opinion is a recommendation to the board - it is NOT a decision!

This opinion will be sent to you as a courtesy. You have 30 days to submit any additional comments after receiving the opinion (this is optional). If needed, you may request an extension of 30 days.

3. Board of Corrections

The board is then sent the advisory opinion, your submitted evidence, your personnel file, military medical records, and your additional comments (if applicable).

After which, the board will vote as to the outcome of the case.

This decision will be mailed to you and include the rationale used in the decision.

Department of Defense Discharge Appeal Review Board (DARB)

This is the HIGHEST board within DoD to request an upgrade to your character of service. Their decision may NOT be appealed back to this board!


  • The Air Force runs this board for the DoD and ALL branches CAN use it.


  • Separated on or after December 20, 2019; AND

  • You have exhausted ALL appeals options to ALL applicable lower boards to include your branch's Board of Corrections of Military Records; AND

  • You have NO NEW and RELEVANT EVIDENCE to submit.


For being the highest board, they have the least formal process.

1. Prepare the following email:

Date: [Today's date]

To: Department of Defense Discharge Appeal Review Board

I request an upgrade to the characterization of my discharge or dismissal that was not granted by my Service Board for Correction of Military/Naval Records (BCM/NR). I understand that within the Department of Defense, this is my final administrative review for a discharge/dismissal characterization upgrade.

Here is the information you require to obtain my BCM/NR records for a Discharge Appeal Review Board (DARB) review:

(1) The name under which the Veteran served and current name (if different) (2) Current address (3) Current phone number with area code (4) Email address (5) BCM/NR Docket/Case number, and if possible, a copy of the associated discharge/dismissal upgrade denial or partial upgrade letter (6) Proof of relationship (as applicable)

[Do NOT include the Service member’s social security number]

[If you are a legal representative applying on behalf of a Petitioner, additionally provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email.]

[As applicable, attach proof of status or relationship documentation. Additionally, if your contact information is different from the Petitioner's, provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email.]


Name of Veteran, Petitioner, or Representative

Attachment(s): (options may include)

  • BCM/NR Discharge/Dismissal Upgrade Denial or Partial Upgrade Letter (do not include any new evidence)

  • Court Appointment of Conservatorship or Guardianship

  • Death Certificate

  • Divorce Decree

  • Heir’s Birth Certificate

  • Marriage License

  • Notarized Power of Attorney

2. Email letter to

Appealing a Decision

If you disagree with the board's decision you CAN appeal.

To appeal a decision by a lower board or your branch's Board of Corrections of Military Records you submit a new application to the same board* or submit an application to the next higher board.

Do know that you MUST submit NEW and RELEVANT evidence! Meaning, your evidence must not have been previously submitted and the evidence must directly address the rationale for the original decision.

Alternatively, you may try and file suit in the Federal Court System.

*Unless stated otherwise.

Supporting Documents Tips

In order to stand a chance at the board you MUST submit sufficient evidence that an error or injustice occurred.

  • Normally, the best evidence is signed statements from people who have direct knowledge or involvement, or copies of records that support your case.

    • Do NOT simply provide the names of witnesses. The board will NOT contact the witnesses to obtain statements!

  • Character references from those who know you are helpful if you are requesting mercy based on post-service activities and accomplishments.

  • In your personal statements be direct and avoid flowery exposition. Remember, you need to explain what happened and why it is an error or injustice.

Extenuating Circumstances

If you meet any of the below cases you should submit evidence of such. This will increase your odds of a favorable outcome for those seeking to get an upgrade of their

Additional Reading

  • To see previous board decisions click HERE.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Simple administrative fixes can take 3-4 months.

    • Matters that involve upgrades or appeals can take upwards of a year or more.

    • Normally 2 to 3 months after the decision has been made.

    • Corrections should be filed within 3 years of separation. However, boards can waive this deadline in the interest of justice. It is recommended you provide justification as to why there was a delay, such as medical issues or you only recently realized the error.

    • Yes, you are allowed to hire a lawyer or simply have a VSO assist you.

    • No, and unlike benefits claims there is no law that establishes limits on fees.

    • No, you are only allowed to get money tied to any back pay. You cannot sue for any sort of damages.

    • No.