Your chompers, masticators, teeth, the ole chewers. While dental care may not be taken as seriously as other health care matters. They do play a very important part in your overall health!

The VA offers select Veterans free dental care as well as a paid option for those who are not eligible for free dental care.

FREE Dental Care

Select Veterans are eligible for free dental care though the VA.


Qualifing Criteria Eligibility Class
Have a service-connected compensable* dental disability or condition Any needed dental care. I
Apply for dental care within 180 days of discharge or release from a period of active duty (under conditions other than dishonorable) One-time dental care if your DD 214, “Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty,” does not indicate that a complete dental examination and all appropriate dental treatment had been rendered prior to discharge.** II
Have a service-connected noncompensable*** dental condition or disability resulting from combat wounds or service trauma Any dental care necessary to provide and maintain a functioning bite. A Dental Trauma Rating (VA Form 10-564-D) or VA Regional Office Rating Decision letter (VA Form 10-7131) identifies the tooth/teeth that are trauma rated. IIA
Enrolled Veteran who is homeless and receiving care under VHA Directive 2007039 A one-time course of dental care that is determined medically necessary to relieve pain, assist you to gain employment or treat moderate, severe or complicated and severe gingival and periodontal conditions. IIB
Are a former Prisoner of War Any needed dental care. IIC
Have a dental condition clinically determined by VA to be associated with and aggravating a service- connected medical condition Dental care to treat the oral conditions that are determined by a VA dental professional to have a direct and material detrimental effect to your service-connected medical condition(s). III
Have service-connected disabilities rated 100% disabling or are unemployable and paid at the 100% rate due to service-connected conditions Any needed dental care.@ IV
Actively engaged in Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Dental care to the extent necessary as determined by a VA dental professional to: V
  • Make possible your entrance into a rehabilitation program;

  • Achieve the goals of your vocational rehabilitation program;

  • Prevent interruption of your rehabilitation program;

  • Hasten the return to a rehabilitation program if you are in interrupted or leave status;

  • Hasten the return to a rehabilitation program of a Veteran if you are placed in discontinued status because of illness, injury or a dental condition; or

  • Secure and adjust to employment during the period of employment assistance, or enable you to achieve maximum independence in daily living.

*Being rated 10% or higher.

**Outpatient emergency dental care may be provided as a humanitarian service to individuals who do not have established dental eligibility. Dental treatment is limited to that necessary to address acute pain or a dental condition which is determined to be endangering life or health.

***Being rated 0%.

@Veterans paid at the 100% rate based on a Temporary rating, such as extended hospitalization for a service-connected disability, convalescence or pre-stabilization are NOT eligible for comprehensive outpatient dental services based on this temporary rating.


  • You CAN get treatment for missing teeth and cavities that occurred in service! For more information click HERE.

Other Eligibility

Veterans receiving hospital, nursing home or domiciliary care will be provided dental services that are professionally determined by a VA dentist, in consultation with the referring physician, to be essential to the management of the patient’s medical condition under active treatment.


  • For a list of dental conditions you can be service-connected for click HERE.

Accessing Dental Care through the VA

To access dental care through the VA you need to make an appointment with your Veterans Affairs medical Center's (VAMC) dental clinic.

Paying for Dental

VA Dental Insurance Program (VADIP) offers discounted private dental insurance for Veterans and family members who meet certain requirements.


Meet any of the following criteria:

  • Enrolled in VA health care, or

  • The current or surviving spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or servicemember, and you're enrolled in the CHAMPVA.


  • Insurance carriers may offer separate coverage options for dependents who aren't CHAMPVA beneficiaries.

  • If you're eligible for free VA dental care, you CAN buy a VADIP plan if you want dental insurance. Signing up for VADIP won’t affect your ability to get free VA dental care.

VADIP provides coverage throughout the United States and its territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.


VADIP plans cover many common dental procedures. These may include:

  • Dental surgery

  • Diagnostic services

  • Emergency dental care

  • Preventive dental care

  • Root canals and other services to manage oral health problems and restore function (called endodontic or restorative services)


The costs for your coverage will depend on the insurance company and plan you choose.

Based on your plan, you'll pay:

  • The full insurance premium for each individual on your plan, and

  • Any required copays when you get care.

Read coverage details and compare VADIP plans and premium rates from:

Enrolling in VADIP

Once you've chosen a Delta Dental or MetLife VADIP plan, you can enroll online at:

Delta Dental or MetLife

After you enroll, you can use your insurance provider's website to manage your plan and benefits online.