Requests AKA Tracked Items

In order for the VA to properly rate a claim it is important that the VA obtain certain pieces of evidence. Be it requesting the evidence from the Veteran, another federal agency, or a private medical facility.

The following table is a list of requests the VA can make.


  • Some 'requests' are not actually requests, but are notices to claimants OR internal claim status trackers - To assist the VA in developing the claim.

  • Some requests display additional details on that may provide more information about the specific request than is displayed in the VA App.

Request Table


  • Claimant = Person who is claiming a benefit.

  • Federal = Another federal entity to include the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

  • Internal = Within the Veterans Benefit Administration (VBA): Used to track internal processes of a claim within the VBA.

  • Private = A VA contractor or private medical doctor/clinic.

Request To Whom Explanation
<VA Medical Facility> Federal Request for VAMC records. This request is auto-generated, and may appear even if you have never used a VAMC.
1151 development to VAMC Federal Asking for details on a 1151 claim.
1151 - need date, location, description of incident Claimant Asking for details on a 1151 claim.
21-4142 Claimant
21-4142 incomplete - need provider address Claimant
21-4142/21-4142a Claimant
21-4142a Claimant
21-8049 For Net Worth Claimant
3.105(e) reduction Claimant
30 day interest income Claimant
5103 Notice Response Claimant Legal notice to claimant of required information and evidence.
60 day interest income Claimant
90 days service, medical and income Claimant
90 days, Cert of travel time Claimant
A&A form for SMP Claimant A&A = Aid and Attendance. SMP = Special Monthly Pension.
A/A or HB - med evid for pension Claimant A/A or HB.
Accidental injury - 21-4176 needed Claimant
Accrued Claimant
Accrued Substitution - VA TRMT Location known, no dates Claimant
Accrued wages from last employer Claimant
Address of cust of child not in household needed Claimant
Address of dependent needed Claimant
ADMINCOD Internal A Character of Discharge determination has been made. This decision is now awaiting approval/rejection.
Admin Decision Internal A Character of Discharge determination has been made.
Adopted child possible - evidence needed Claimant
Adopted child possible - evidence needed (CPD) Claimant
Agent Orange Claimant
All Death Benefits Claimant
Amended Death Certificate Claimant
Amount and % of Support to Child Claimant
AO - Blue Water Notice Claimant
AO - Current disability, nexus, Vietnam svc Claimant
AO - Explain how exposed to herbicides Claimant
AO - Exposure General Notice Claimant
AO - Notice - free protocol exam for AO exposure Claimant
AO - Tell us if VA treatment provided Claimant
AO Nehmer - After Final Regulation Claimant
AO Nehmer - Prior to Final Regulation Claimant
AO Nehmer - VAE from Veteran Claimant
AO-med evid of disab fm herbicide needed Claimant
AO-not a recognized condition Claimant
AO-submit evidence of Vietnam service Claimant
AO-Tell us specific disability fm herbicides Claimant
Appeal Election Form Claimant
Application has mark only - witness(es) needed Claimant
Application not signed - signature needed Claimant
Apportionment - notice to claimant Claimant
Apportionment - notice to veteran Claimant
ASB - tell us where, when, how exposed Claimant ASB = Asbestos.
ASB-medical evid of disease (biopsy) needed Claimant
ASB-tell us specific disability fm asbestos exposure Claimant
Asset and Property Transfers Claimant
Attorney Fee Claimant
Audit Request Internal VA has started a financial audit.
Auto Allowance Claimant
Automated 5103 Notice Response Claimant Legal notice to claimant of required information and evidence.
Awaiting RAD: Service Sep Verif Needed Claimant RAD = Last day of active duty service.
Awaiting PACT Act Implementation Internal Was used to mark a claim that contained a condition that could have been impacted by the PACT Act, but the VA could not decide the issue till January 1, 2023.
Awaiting STR Auto Receipt Federal
Awaiting Upload of Hearing Transcript Internal
Award letter - SSA - latest needed Claimant
Award letter - SSA - original needed Claimant
BDD - Additional Contentions Submitted Claimant
BDD - General Claimant
BDD - Less Than 90 Days Claimant
BDD Claim Docs Sent for Scanning Internal Documents are being scanned by VA staff.
Buddy mentioned - No complete address Claimant
Buddy statement contributing to Veteran's death Claimant
Buddy Statement Requested Claimant
Burial Trust for Last Expenses Claimant
Certification/Return to BVA Federal
Change Correction Verification Claimant
Char of discharge w/mental cond - need med rcds since sep Claimant
Character of discharge - due process Claimant
Child income exclusion - 21P-0571 needed Claimant
Chron Assignment History Claimant Chronological.
Civilian Education Training Claimant
CL - Proof of Non-Presumptive Disability Claimant CL = Camp Lejeuene.
CL - Requesting Service Claimant
Claim based on nursing home residency Claimant
Claim based on other agency disability grant Claimant
Claim for a Specific Evaluation Claimant
Claim For Increase Claimant
Claim pending at death - potential accrued (21-601) Claimant
Claim under appeal and change in law Claimant
Claimant - date of current marriage needed Claimant
Claimant - date of divorce needed Claimant
Claimant - location of current marriage needed Claimant
Claimant - location of divorce needed Claimant
Claimant - previous marriage termination type needed Claimant
Claimant - proof of all terminated marriages Claimant
Claimant - proof of one terminated marriage Claimant
Claimant marital history inconsistent - need 21-686c Claimant
Claimant marital history inconsistent - need proof Claimant
Clarification of Claimed Issue Claimant Claimed condition was too vague. IE Claimed tendonitis without specifying the location or claiming foot issue without specifying which foot.
Clarify money expected from injury or death Claimant
CLCW SME Assignment Needed Internal Claim awaiting assignment to subject matter expert (SME).
Clinical records active duty inpatient Claimant
CO Opinion Request Internal Central Office (CO).
Combat not verified Claimant
Commander Signature Needed Claimant
Commendatory Items Claimant
Common Law - 21-4170 fm spouse needed Claimant
Common Law - 21-4171s fm 2 others Claimant
Common Law - 21-4170 fm claimant needed Claimant
Common Law - 21P-4171 one to two people Claimant
Common Law - birth cert of children of marriage needed Claimant
Compensation due to 1151 Claimant 1151 claim.
Compensation rating adjustment Claimant
Compensation Service Case Review Internal A Regional Office (RO) OR Power of Attorney (POA)/VSO has identified a possible issue and is seeking resolution through the Central Office (CO). ALTERNATIVELY, the claim has a condition that requires CO to process.
Competency - proposal to claimant Claimant
Competency - proposal to veteran Claimant
Complete IDES Referral Federal
Concerns Associated with Pandemic Internal Unable to schedule exams due to claimant's pandemic concerns.
Confirm PTSD stressor, to MC Historical Ctr Federal
Confirm PTSD stressor, to Mil Pers Command Federal
Confirm PTSD stressor, to USMC Quantico Federal
Confirm Southwest Asia Claimant
Confirm veteran had 90 days-Furnish travel time if not Claimant
Confirmation of benefit Claimant
Conscientious objector Claimant
Continuous cohab unknown - verify lived together Claimant
Continuous cohabitation Claimant
Cost of funeral home services Claimant
Cost of funeral or plot services for last expense Claimant
Cost of living adjustment Claimant
Cost of moving body Claimant
Cost of plot and opening/closing charges Claimant
Date of birth or age at time of entrance on active duty Claimant
DBQ A&A Worksheet - VA Form 21-2680 Federal
DBQ AUDIO Ear (including Vestibular and Infectious) Federal
DBQ AUDIO Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Federal
DBQ CARDIO Arteries & Veins (vascular) Federal
DBQ CARDIO Heart Federal
DBQ CARDIO Hypertension Federal
DBQ Cold injury residuals Federal
DBQ DENTAL Oral and Dental Federal
DBQ DENTAL Temporomandibular Disorders Federal
DBQ DERM Scars Federal
DBQ DERM Skin Diseases Federal
DBQ ENDO Diabetes mellitus Federal
DBQ ENDO Endocrine (Other than Thyroid, Parathyroid or Diabetes Mellitus) Federal
DBQ ENDO Thyroid & parathyroid Federal
DBQ ENT Loss of Sense of Smell & or Taste Federal
DBQ ENT Sinusitis, Rhinitis, and Other Conditions of the Nose, Throat, Larynx and Pharynx Federal
DBQ Former POW Protocol Federal
DBQ General Medical Compensation Federal
DBQ General Medical - Separation Health Assessment Federal
DBQ General Medical Gulf War (including burn pits) Federal
DBQ GI Esophagus Federal
DBQ GI Gallbladder & pancreas Federal
DBQ GI Intestines (infectious) Federal
DBQ GI Intestinal (other than surgical or infectious) Federal
DBQ GI Intestinal (surgical) Federal
DBQ GI Liver Conditions Federal
DBQ GI Peritoneal adhesion Federal
DBQ GI Rectum and Anus Federal
DBQ GI Stomach & duodenum Federal
DBQ GU Kidney Federal
DBQ GU Male Reproductive Organ Federal
DBQ GU Prostate cancer Federal
DBQ GU Urinary Tract Federal
DBQ GYN Breast Federal
DBQ GYN Gynecological Conditions Federal
DBQ HEM Hematologic and Lymphatic Conditions including Leukemia Federal
DBQ INFECT HIV related illness Federal
DBQ INFECT Infectious Disease (Other than HIV-related illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Tuberculosis) Federal
DBQ INFECT Nutritional Deficiencies Federal
DBQ INFECT Persian Gulf Afghanistan Infectious Diseases Federal
DBQ INFECT Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Other Autoimmune Diseases Federal
DBQ Medical Opinion Federal
DBQ MUSC Amputations Federal
DBQ MUSC Ankle Federal
DBQ MUSC Arthritis Federal
DBQ MUSC Back (thoracolumbar spine) Federal
DBQ MUSC Bones (legacy) Federal
DBQ MUSC Elbow & forearm Federal
DBQ MUSC Foot Conditions including Flatfoot (Pes Planus) Federal
DBQ MUSC Hand and Finger Federal
DBQ MUSC Hip & Thigh Federal
DBQ MUSC Knee & Lower Leg Federal
DBQ MUSC Muscle injuries Federal
DBQ MUSC Neck (Cervical Spine) Federal
DBQ MUSC Osteomyelitis Federal
DBQ MUSC Shoulder and or Arm Federal
DBQ MUSC Wrist Federal
DBQ NEURO ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Federal
DBQ NEURO Central Nervous System and Neuromuscular Diseases Federal
DBQ NEURO Cranial Nerve Conditions Federal
DBQ NEURO Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Federal
DBQ NEURO Fibromyalgia Federal
DBQ NEURO Headaches (including migraines) Federal
DBQ NEURO Initial Evaluation of TBI Federal
DBQ NEURO Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Federal
DBQ NEURO Narcolepsy Federal
DBQ NEURO Parkinson's Disease Federal
DBQ NEURO Peripheral Nerves Federal
DBQ NEURO Review Evaluation of TBI Federal
DBQ NEURO Seizure disorders (Epilepsy) Federal
DBQ OPHTH Eye Conditions Federal
DBQ PSYCH Eating disorders Federal
DBQ PSYCH Mental disorders Federal
DBQ PSYCH PTSD Initial Federal
DBQ PSYCH PTSD Review Federal
DBQ RESP Respiratory Conditions (Other than Tuberculosis and Sleep Apnea) Federal
DBQ RESP Sleep apnea Federal
DBQ RESP Tuberculosis Federal
DBQ RHEUM Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease/Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Federal
DBQ Social and Industrial Survey (legacy) Federal
DBQ SURG Hernias (Including Abdominal, Inguinal and Femoral) Federal
DD214 Claimant
Death Certificate Claimant
Death Certificate Missing Cause of Death Claimant
Death certification request Child Claimant
Death certification request Generic Claimant
Death Direct Deposit-EFT Solicitation Claimant
Death Expenses Prepaid Claimant
Death Pension Claimant
Deemed valid marriage Claimant
Deferred COLA Claimant
Delayed BDD Exam Requests Internal Internal or DoD issues are preventing the scheduling of exams.
Dental records Claimant
Dependant Support Elig Claimant
Dependent - date of birth needed Claimant
Dependent date of birth needed Claimant
Dependent location of birth needed Claimant
Dependent Social Security Number (SSN) needed Claimant
Dependent turns 18 Claimant
Dependent turns 23 Claimant
Derogatory Items Claimant
DIC Claimant DIC = Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.
DIC - basic entitlement evid request Claimant
DIC - disability onset many yrs after svc Claimant
DIC - Disability Not Specified Claimant
DIC 1151 Claimant 1151 claim.
DIC Active Duty for Training Claimant
DIC dep questionnaire not submitted Claimant
DIC Disability Not Decided-No SC Claimant
DIC Disability Not Decided-S/C Claimant
DIC Disability Not Specified-No SC Claimant
DIC Disability Previously Denied-No SC Claimant
DIC Inactive Duty for Training Claimant
Disability severance pay amount Claimant
Discharge from NH, remove A&A Claimant NH = Nursing Home.
Discharge Separation Retirement Claimant
Discharge upgrade information Claimant
Dividend and/or interest reported low - explain Claimant
Dividends and/or interest high - explain Claimant
DPRIS Records Federal
Drill Pay - due process Claimant
Drill Pay Proposal Claimant
Drill pay withholding begins Claimant
Drill pay withholding ends Claimant
Due Process Internal Proposed adverse decision cannot go into action till the due process time has passed.
Duplicate evidence returned to claimant Claimant
Earlier Effective Date EVR needed Claimant
Earlier Effective Date VA 21-0517-1 needed Claimant
Effective Date Claimant
EFT - Treasury Mandate Notification Claimant EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct deposit).
Election Claimant
Eligible complete separation Claimant
Embassy Referred Exams Federal For some overseas locations.
Employer (21-4192) OTHER Request sent to former employer.
Employment - describe current employment Claimant
Employment info needed - 21-4192 to veteran Claimant
Employment info needed - lost time from work Claimant
Enlistment Extensions Claimant
Entrance physical Claimant
Epilepsy - Claim for Increase Claimant
Epilepsy - Claim for Service Connection Claimant
Estate Document Development Claimant
Evidence needed to establish child, birth cert, etc. Claimant
Evidence not acceptable, birth certificate needed Claimant
Evidence of adoption needed Claimant
EVR - Family or Individual Income Dev -period(s) Claimant EVR = Eligibility Verification Report.
EVR Not Returned- no UMES provided Claimant UMES = Unreimbursed Medical Expenses.
EVR Not Returned- UMES provided Claimant
EVR- over 800 increase in meds, 8416 needed Claimant
Exam Request - [Claimed condition] Private This is the actual request for a specific exam. It will remain open till the VA receives the exam report.
Exam Request - Processing Private It is 'no longer needed' when generated.
Exam Request – VBA Contractor Request for Clarification OTHER Request to VBA.
Exam Request – VHA Request for Clarification OTHER Request to VBA.
Exam Review - Not Performed Internal VBA is waiting on records before any determinations as to if any exams are warranted.
Exam Review - Partially Complete Internal VBA is waiting on records before remaining determinations as to if any/further exams are warranted.
Exam Rework - [Claimed condition] Private VA identified an issue with the exam report.
Exposure Mustard gas/Lewisite Federal
Exposure to asbestos Claimant
Exposure to herbicides Claimant
Exposure to radiation (AF) Federal
Exposure to radiation (Army) Federal
Exposure to radiation (CG) Federal
Exposure to radiation (MC) Federal
Exposure to radiation (Navy) Federal
Extraschedular Memo Review by Comp Service Required Federal
Facts and circumstances Claimant
Family income for two specific periods needed Claimant
Farm income Claimant
Farm Sale Questions Claimant
Final Attempt Letter Claimant
FINAL NOTIFICATION - DEVELOPMENT LETTER Claimant Usually indicates VA is unable to obtain certain records.
Financial Institution for current mailing address OTHER Sent to bank.
Fire related service - NAF13055 needed Claimant
Follow-up Notice - VA is contacting provider for med rcds Claimant
Form Incomplete Claimant
Form incomplete - items checked in red needed Claimant
Formal Hearing Requested Internal For tracking hearing stemming from Proposals to reduce.
FPOW - Research at CO Claimant
Furnish active duty dates, Southwest Asia on or after 8/2/90 Federal
Furnish any documents of Japan assignment (8/6/45 to 7/1/46) Federal
Furnish any documents showing exposure to herbicides Federal
Furnish any records of exposure to Mustard gas/Lewisite Federal
Furnish complete Service Medical Records (STRs) Federal
Furnish dates & terms of svc, extensions, time lost Federal
Furnish dates of service in Vietnam Federal
Furnish DD1141/Records of exposure to radiation (AF) Federal
Furnish DD1141/Records of exposure to radiation (Army) Federal
Furnish DD1141/Records of exposure to radiation (CG) Federal
Furnish DD1141/Records of exposure to radiation (MC) Federal
Furnish DD1141/Records of exposure to radiation (Navy) Federal
Furnish dental records Federal
Furnish details of Philippine military service Claimant
Furnish entire military personnel file-personal trauma PTSD Federal
Furnish entrance physical - check microfiche Federal
Furnish facts & circumstances of discharge (all rcds) Federal
Furnish Line of Duty for accident Claimant
Furnish pages fm military personnel file for PTSD claim Federal
Furnish place of service in Mexico from 5/9/1916 to 4/5/1917 Federal
Furnish place of service in Russia from 4/6/1917 to 4/1/1920 Federal
Furnish POW dates and camps of confinement Federal
Furnish records of asb exposure in svc or jobs vet performed Federal
Furnish results of pre-induction blood screening for HIV Federal
Furnish separation/retirement physical-check microfiche Federal
Furnish service personnel records to confirm radiation risk Federal
GW - Earliest manifestations/evid of illness Claimant GW = Gulf War.
GW-evidence of SW Asia service needed Claimant
GW-notice - information center (toll-free helpline) Claimant
GW-registry exam? Claimant
GW-tell us specific disability fm GW Claimant
HAIMS STR Follow-up Federal When the VA is still waiting for DoD to provide STRs.
HAIMS STR Request Federal When the VA is waiting for DoD to provide STRs.
Helpless - child mbr household before 18 needed Claimant
Helpless - med evid and age disabled needed Claimant
Helpless Child Claimant
Hepatitis C Claimant
Hepatitis C Questionnaire Claimant
Hepatitis questionnaire Claimant
Highest pay grade held Claimant
History of prior marriages of claimant needed Claimant
History of prior marriages of spouse needed Claimant
HLR - Informal Conference Internal When the VA plans on calling the Veteran.
Hospital reduction of A/A Claimant
Housing benefit Claimant
IC in lieu of DRO hearing Internal IC = Informal Conference
In DOM or NH, reduce IMP PENS Claimant
Incarceration Claimant
Income and asset statement - 21P-0969 needed Claimant
Income/Net Worth appear qualifying Claimant
Incompetency - Brady Bill Notice Claimant
Incompetency Alleged - Dr. Statement Needed Claimant
Incompetency, alleged - develop to claimant Claimant
Incompetency, alleged - develop to vet Claimant
Incompetent - $10,535 estate Claimant
Incomplete FDC Claimant
Informal Claim Claimant
Informal Hearing Requested Internal Veteran has requested an Informal conference.
Inpatient dependent medical records Claimant
Insurance - 21-8049 needed Claimant
Insurance designation of beneficiary Claimant
Interest asset, no income discrepancy Claimant
Interest income reported same Claimant
Interest income, no asset Claimant
IT Ticket-Exam Control Issue Internal Your claim is bugged and requires IT.
IU Claimant
JSRRC Coordinator Review Federal Joint Services Records Research Center (JSRRC) The people who verify PTSD stressors. This item denotes claims that are being reviewed for quality control before being forwarded to JSRRC for verification of stressors.
Just Debts Claimant
Last expenses to reduce inc. Claimant
Latest home address Claimant
Legacy Appeals Board Full Grant/Partial Grant - RFD Internal
Liberalizing Law Claimant
Liberalizing Law SMP Claimant
Line of duty Claimant
Line of Duty determination from claimant Claimant
Loan Tuition Assist Elig Claimant
Lump Sum Death Payment Claimant
Marriage - other or unknown type - explain and provide documentation Claimant
Marriage - other type - explain Claimant
Marriage certificate Claimant
Marriage certificate or other proof of marriage needed Claimant
Marriage reported - 21-686c needed Claimant
Marriage terminated - date of loss needed Claimant
Married child - proof of termination needed Claimant
Med expenses pd last yr - 21-8416 needed Claimant
Med expenses pd prior unk - request VAF 21-8416 Claimant
Medicaid NH, reduce IMP PENS Claimant
Medical evidence for housebound Claimant
Medical evidence for pension Claimant
Medical evidence from private provider Private
Medical Physical Exam Findings Claimant
Medical/physical evaluation board proceedings Claimant
Merchant Marine & Seamen - Army Transport Service Claimant
Merchant Marine & Seamen - Coast Guard Claimant
Merchant Marine & Seamen - General Notice Claimant
Merchant Marine & Seamen - Naval Transportation Service Claimant
Mexico as place of service Claimant
MG - to AMRMC to verify testing participant Federal
MG - to NRL to verify testing participant Federal
MG - to USACBDA to verify testing participant Federal
MG - circumstances of exposure Claimant
MG-medical evidence Claimant
MG-name of disability Claimant
MG-navy 1942-45 Claimant
MG-not a recognized condition Claimant
MIL-Info Re Vet in Uniformed Svcs Hosp (21-8359) Claimant
Military Retired Pay Information Federal
Military retired pay - describe if receiving Claimant
Military retiree outpatient records Claimant
Misc Admin Doc Claimant
Misuse Debt Memo Revision Required Internal VA employee needs to do a rewrite.
Morning reports Claimant
MST-Restricted Report Claimant
MST-Unrestricted Report Claimant
Multiple periods of service - proof required Claimant
Name of dental disability needed Claimant
Name of disability needed Claimant
ND Additional Action Required Internal Negligence Determination (ND).
ND Draft and Approval Internal
ND Notification Internal
ND Reissuance of Funds Internal
Need proof of service Claimant
Need VAF 21P-0969 Claimant Income and Asset Statement in Support of Claim for Pension or Parents' Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC).
Nehmer Payee Development Claimant
Net Worth - 21-8049 needed Claimant
Net Worth Increase - Explanation needed Claimant
Net Worth/dividends/interest inconsistent - verify Claimant
New & material evidence needed - denied SC death previously Claimant
New & Relevant Evidence Claimant
New & Relevant evidence needed - denied SC previously Claimant
New & Relevant evidence needed - denied SC previously (PTSD) Claimant
New and Material Evidence Claimant
NG1 – National Guard Records Request Federal
No income listed Claimant
No longer P&T Claimant
No net worth listed Claimant
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Claimant
Not in Custody Child Reported on EVR Claimant
Not in household, adopted child, explain Claimant
Not living together - separation facts needed Claimant
Not ready for decision Internal She wasn't ready.
Notice - income reporting responsibilities Claimant
Notice - VA contract exam is being scheduled for you Claimant
Notice - VA contract exam is being scheduled for you (QTC) Claimant
Notice - VA is contacting provider for med rcds Claimant
Notice - VA is requesting STRs from the RMC Claimant
Notice invalid signature Claimant
NPRC Auto Request Failed, Action Needed Internal VA needs to follow up on record request.
NSC Live Pension Claimant
Number of children in and out of household needed Claimant
Number of children in awd vs number reported Claimant
Number of days of travel time Claimant
Nursing home patient - need 21-8416 Claimant
Nursing home patient - need statement fm official Claimant
O38 Verifying Service of Affiants - Buddy Records Federal
O39 TDY Orders Federal
Officer Appt Termination Claimant
Orders Endorsements Claimant
Other Request [VA fill in the blank] OTHER When the VA employee can't find something on this list that meets their needs. Can be Internal but is generally used for Private or Claimant requests.
Other unearned income Claimant
Outpatient dependent medical records Claimant
P&F Service Misuse Debt Revision Review Internal
Paragraph 29 Claimant
Paragraph 30 Claimant
Parent - remove fm award, triennial not recd Claimant
Parental relationship with child clarified Claimant
Parental relationship with child needed (CPD) Claimant
Parental relationship with child needed or clarification Claimant
Parents' DIC/SMP Claimant
PEB for severance pay disability Claimant
Pending CLCW Contract SME Opinion Federal
Pending CLCW VHA SME Opinion Federal
Pension - Initial Year Entitlement Claimant
Performance Reports Claimant
Personal History Bio Claimant
Personnel rcds-personal trauma Claimant
Photographs Claimant
Physical Claims File Requested Internal To obtain archived claims files kept at remote locations that were never digitized.
PIES Request for C01-V Clinical Records Federal
PIES Request for C02-V Military Retiree Outpatient Federal
PIES Request for C03-V Inpatient Dependent Medical Records Federal
PIES Request for C04-V Outpatient Dependent Medical Records Federal
PIES Request for M05-V Medical/Dental and SGOS (Fire-related) Federal
PIES Request for M06-V SGO Records Only Federal
PIES Request for O20-V Morning Reports Only Federal
PIES Request for O38-V Requesting Affiants (Buddy) Information Federal
PIES Request for O50 Federal
PIES Request for S02-V Follow-Up for Clinical Records Federal
PMC - Lost EVR Development Claimant
PMR Pending – [Doctor/PHP Name] Private Private medical record request.
POW - Statement from veteran and others needed Claimant
POW - witness of disab in service needed Claimant
POW information Federal
Pre-Discharge Claimant
Pre-ind HIV blood screening Claimant
Presumptive SC - med evid within time limit needed Claimant
Previous VA forms 3101 Claimant
Previously denied - Change in Law Claimant
Primary residence information Claimant
Prison Development - 21-4193 Needed OTHER Request to prison.
Private provider charges for records Claimant
Private provider requires spec. release Claimant
Private Treatment Records 15 Day Notification - Claimant Claimant
Private Treatment Records 15 Day Notification - Provider Private
Private Treatment Records 15 Day Notification - VBMS Claimant
Promotion Adv Reduction Claimant
Proof of service (DD214, etc.) Claimant
Proposal to Reduce - Failure to Submit Dep Questionnaire Claimant
Proposal to Reduce - School Child Verification Claimant
Proposal to Reduce - Failure to Report for Exam Claimant
Proposal to Reduce Service Connected Compensation - due process Claimant
Proposed Incompetency - due process Claimant
Provider Proof Development Claimant
Proxy Marriage - marriage certificate Claimant
Proxy Marriage - proof of authorized agent Claimant
PTSD - Follow Up for Stressor Details Claimant
PTSD - Need stressor details/med evidcombat-related incdnt Claimant
PTSD - Need stressor details/med evid of stressful incdnt Claimant
PTSD - Need stressor details/med evid personal trauma incdnt Claimant
PTSD - obtain Investigative Reports Federal
PTSD - request address of Vet Center attended Claimant
PTSD diagnosed, confirm stressor, to MC Federal
PTSD- fear w/hostile mil/terrorist (original) Claimant
PTSD- fear w/hostile mil/terrorist (reopened) Claimant
PTSD Notice - free treatment for PTSD personal assault Claimant
PTSD Notice - info re PTSD Women Vet Coord Claimant
PTSD Notice - info re VHA PTSD Women Vet Coord Claimant
PTSD stressor 1 Claimant
PTSD stressor 2 Claimant
PTSD stressor 3 Claimant
PTSD-Stressor detail/med evid - fear w/hostile mil/terrorist Claimant
Public Record - request for certified copy OTHER Non-federal.
Public Record - request for copy OTHER Non-federal.
Quals Licenses Certs Claimant
RADIATION - medical evid of disease needed Claimant
Radiation Exposure - furnish occupational info fm Air Force Federal
Radiation Exposure - furnish occupational info fm Army Federal
Radiation Exposure - furnish occupational info fm CG Federal
Radiation Exposure - furnish occupational info fm MC Federal
Radiation Exposure - furnish occupational info fm Navy Federal
Radiation Exposure - verify rad risk activity, no dose est Federal
Radiation Exposure - verify rad risk w/dose est Federal
Radiation risk activity Claimant
Radiation-medical evidence of disease needed Claimant
Radiation-tell us how you were exposed Claimant
Radiation-tell us specific disability fm exposure Claimant
Rating Extraschedular Memorandum Internal Creating a memo explaining the rationale for decision to grant an extraschedular rating.
Rating Schedule Criteria Claimant
Ready for decision Internal Claim has enough evidence to rate.
Ready for Pre-Discharge Center Review Internal Review of BDD/IDES claim decisions.
Reason for separation Claimant
Receipt of Income Information Feed from IRS Federal
Receipt of Income Information Feed from SSA Federal
Records Research Task Federal Generally to confirm PTSD stressor events.
Rental/Business Income Claimant
Request 686C Generic Claimant
Request confirmation of purpose of activation Claimant
Request copy of Vet Center records Federal
Request discharge document or completion of NAF 13075 Claimant
Request final hospitalization and autopsy findings Claimant
Request for 21 Day Certificate Federal
Request for Admission Report Federal
Request for Asset Information Federal
Request for Begin Date Care, Ch17 Rehab Prog Federal
Request for Competency Report Federal
Request for Hospital Summary Federal
Request for Inpatient Records Federal
Request for Outpatient Treatment Records Federal
Request for Special Report Federal
Request for VA Form 10-7132 Federal
Request for VA Form 21-651 Claimant
Request for VA Form 21-2680 Claimant
Request full period vet was called or ordered to active duty Federal
Request medical/dental & SGOs potential fire-related case Claimant
Request natl guard confirmation/activation purpse/disab stmt Claimant
Request report of accident investigation Federal
Request Service Treatment Records from Veteran Claimant
Request to Reschedule Exam OTHER Examiner to VA.
Request verification reservist's svc(trng/oper or supp) Claimant
Requested Claim Folder Internal To obtain archived claims files kept at remote locations that were never digitized.
Reserve or Guard - disab fm this duty needed Claimant
Reserve or Guard service claimed - unit info needed Claimant
Resolution of Pending Rating EP Internal Claim cannot be finished till sister claim/appeal is finished.
Restored DIC - evid request Claimant
Resubmit claim - VA lost claim document Claimant
Retirement or annuity pending - provide status Claimant
Return to Active Duty Proposal Claimant
Review Complex Exam Internal Claimed condition is fairly complex and requires an advanced medical opinion. This complex request MUST be completed by a rater.
RO Research Coordinator Review Internal Claim being forwarded to determine if the PTSD stressor needs to be sent to the Military Records Research Center (MRRC) to verify event(s).
Russia as place of service Claimant
RV1 – Reserve Records Request Federal
Sale of property/farm - terms of sale needed Claimant
SC Active Duty for Training Claimant
SC Burial Claimant
SC death - request med evid Claimant
SC Inactive Duty for Training Claimant
School - VA Form 21-674 needed Claimant
School attendance terminates for dependent Claimant
School Verification - Child Information Claimant
Second Signature Internal Proposed action(s) have been suggested by a new VA employee and they need to be reviewed by a senior VA employee before they are actioned. ALTERNATIVELY (1), if your claim will award back pay greater than $9,999 and in certain circumstances it needs to be approved by a more senior VA employee. ALTERNATIVELY (2), some administrative decisions require a senior VA employee to agree with the proposed decision.
Secondary Action Required Internal [NOTE: This tracked item is no longer in use]. Was a checkpoint - preventing a claim from automatically going to a rater. Is was also commonly used to indicate the VA is awaiting evidence before they can schedule an exam/send claim to a rater.
Secondary S/C Internal
Security Access Clearance Claimant
Send form - complete enclosed form Claimant
Sensitive Restricted Claimant
Separated - need monthly support amount Claimant
Separated - need separated spouse current address Claimant
Separated - need separation reason Claimant
Separation documents Claimant
Separation pay amount Claimant
Separation retirement physical Claimant
Service Claimant
Service Acknowledgement Agt Claimant
Service connected comp Claimant
Service connected comp AA or HB Claimant
Service in Vietnam Claimant
Service information from Reserve or Guard Unit Federal
Service Military Educ Training Claimant
Service records from Merchant Marine Federal
Service records from NOAA Federal
Service records from Public Health Service Federal
Service records from Reserve/National Guard Federal
Service Status Change Revision Claimant
Service Verification Claimant
Severance of Ancillary Benefit Claimant
Severance pay vs. Disability severance pay Claimant
SGOs Claimant
Sick, workers, or unemployment comp Claimant
SMP Claimant Special Monthly Pension
Social Security is verified Claimant
Special Monthly Pension Claimant
Special Operations Unit Claimant
Spouse - date of divorce needed Claimant
Spouse - DOB needed Claimant
Spouse - location of divorce needed Claimant
Spouse - marital history inconsistent - need proof Claimant
Spouse - previous marriage termination type needed Claimant
Spouse - proof of all terminated marriages Claimant
Spouse - proof of one terminated marriage Claimant
Spouse - SSN needed Claimant
Spouse claimant biological relationship to child needed Claimant
Spouse or Claimant - proof of terminated marriage(s) Claimant
Spouse/ DIC NSC AA or HB Claimant
SSA for med evid used in disab dec Federal
SSA medical evidence requested Claimant
SSN needed Claimant
Stage 1 Development Internal No longer used.
Stage 2 Development Internal No longer used.
Stage 3 Development Internal No longer used.
Status Internal No longer used.
Stepchild - clarify % of support from claimant Claimant
Stepchild - proof of marriage to parent needed Claimant
Stepchild - relation to parent Claimant
STRs from service dept Claimant
STRs not at RMC - NPRC check for STRs required Claimant
STRs not at RMC, furnish complete STRs if at NPRC Federal
STRs not available - substitute documents needed Claimant
Submit buddy statement(s) Claimant
Supplemental Development Internal No longer used.
Support payments for child not in household needed Claimant
Svc rcd pages for PTSD Claimant
Svc Verification/ fire-related Claimant
Tribal Marriage - affidavit from official Claimant
Tribal Marriage - affidavit from spouse Claimant
Tribal Marriage - affidavit from vet Claimant
Tribal Marriage - affidavit from witness(es) Claimant
Tribal Marriage- affidavit all parties Claimant
Type and amount of net separation pay Claimant
UMES Vitamins and Supplements Claimant UMES = Unreimbursed Medical Expenses.
Unclaimed Remains Burial Claimant
Unemployability - 21-8940 needed and 4192(s) requested Claimant
Unemployability - self employed Claimant
Upload Failure Internal
VA Exam Endocrine Cushings Syndrome Federal
VA Exam Special Aid and Attendance or Housebound Federal
VA Form 21 4142 Not HIPAA Compliant Claimant
VA Form 21 8416 Incomplete Claimant
VA TRMT Dates known - location unknown Claimant
VA TRMT Indicated - No dates or location Claimant
VA TRMT Location known, no dates Claimant
VAF 21-0515-1, Improved Pension EVR Claimant VAF = VA Form.
VAF 21-4142 for vet’s treatment records/autopsy for death claims Claimant
VBMS EFT - Treasury Mandate Notification Claimant EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer (Direct deposit).
Verification of military benefit type and amount Claimant
Verification of receipt of purple heart Claimant
Verification of separation pay Claimant
Verify disability severance pay Claimant
Verify military benefits Claimant
Verify name of disability(ies) Claimant
Verify periods of service & name, SSN, SN Federal
Verify service/disability statement Claimant
Verify severance pay Claimant
Verify severance vs disab sev Claimant
Veteran claimant biological relationship to child needed Claimant
Veteran with children Claimant
Veteran with no children Claimant
VR&E Records Required Internal Required to help decide IU claims, if they exist.
VHA Outpatient Treatment Records (10-7131) Federal VA is requesting archived VAMC records.
Virtual Teleconference Internal An alternative to in-person formal hearings.
VSO Notice Claimant
Wages needed Claimant
Waiting for reply from claimant Claimant

Frequently Asked Questions

    • The language is... a bit confusing. What it is trying to state is the request itself has been made. It does NOT mean the contractor has completed the exam or that the exam itself has been cancelled.

    • For whatever reason the VA websites often fail to properly display information. You can contact the VA's 1-800 number or your VSO and ask them to tell you what the request is for.

      • Be advised that the person working the phones for the VA may not be familiar with the term "request". They may better understand the term "tracked item".

    • In essence, they are decisions that require higher than normal authorization. That said, there is no actual third signature request item in the system, so you would never see it as a requested item.