Survivor Benefits
This page is for benefits for surviving spouses, children, and parents. For death benefits click HERE.
While these benefits won't help Veterans, they do help those who survive them. This is one of the reasons why it is important that we Veterans are aware of our own benefits, and also that our dependents are made aware of their own benefits.
Please include your dependents in this process of learning!
If you are looking up this information because you are considering harming yourself, KNOW that your FAMILY would MUCH rather have you with them than any of these benefits!
If you need someone to talk to you can:
Click HERE to chat online;
Dial 988 then Press 1; or
Text 838255
Benefit Summary
Benefit | Category | Spouse | Child | Parent |
National Cemetery Burial | Death | Yes | Yes | No |
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) | Health Care | Yes | Yes | No |
Continuance of Claim/Appeal | Monetary | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC) | Monetary | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) | Education | Yes | Yes | No |
Free Tuition | Education | Yes | Yes | No |
Educational and Career Counseling (Chapter 36) | Education/Career | Yes | Yes | No |
Federal Civil Service Preference | Employment | Yes | No | Yes |
Life Insurance | Monetary | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Nomination of Children to a Service Academy | Education | No | Yes | No |
Survivor Benefit Plan/Reserve Component (SBP)/(RCSBP) | Monetary | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Survivors Pension | Monetary | Yes | Yes | No |
VA Home Loan | Housing | Yes | No | No |
The spouse or surviving spouse of an Eligible Veteran is eligible for interment in a national cemetery even if that Veteran is NOT buried or memorialized in a national cemetery. In addition, the spouse or surviving spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States whose remains are unavailable for burial is also eligible for burial.
The surviving spouse of an eligible Veteran whose died on or after January 1, 2000, and later remarries a non-Veteran IS eligible for burial in a national cemetery, based on his or her prior marriage to the eligible Veteran.
Minor children
For purpose of burial in a national cemetery, a minor child is a child who is unmarried and:
Who is under 21 years of age; or
Who is under 23 years of age and pursuing a full-time course of instruction at an approved educational institution.
Unmarried adult children
Adult children who are unmarried and:
Became permanently physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support BEFORE reaching 21 years of age; or
Became permanently physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-support BEFORE reaching 23 years of age and pursuing a full-time course of instruction at an approved educational institution.
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA)
Click HERE for information on CHAMPVA.
Continuance of Claim (Accrued Benefits)
If the Veteran at the time of their death had a pending VA disability claim/appeal OR had yet to initiate an appeal of a claim decision, the Veteran's surviving spouse, children, or dependent parents may continue the claim/appeal or file an appeal in the Veteran's place!
New claims CANNOT be filed! Appeals ARE okay!
Time Limits
Pending disability claim/appeal
An eligible dependent must act within one year of the Veteran's death.
Initiate appeal of a claim decision
An eligible dependent must act within one year of the claim's decision.
Regardless of which eligible dependent takes over the claim, the disbursement will be made in the following order:
Beneficiary Priority | Amount Paid |
Spouse | Full |
Children | Equal shares |
Parents | Equal shares |
Sole parent | Full |
In the event any dependent of higher order refuses to accept the money. The money will NOT pass down to the lower tiers.
In the event any equal tier dependent refuses to accept the money. The money will NOT be returned to the pool to give the remaining dependents a larger share.
How to File
While you can file yourself, it is strongly recommended to utilize a VSO to help with this process.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)
If you’re the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a Servicemember who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who:
Died from a service-connected illness or injury;
This DOES include unclaimed complications/aggravations of service-connected condition.
Died from something that is related to service but was never formally granted service-connection during their lifetime;
Died due to VA medical treatment (click HERE for details);
Died due to participation in a VA work program such as Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E); or
Didn’t die from a service-connected illness or injury, BUT was rated as 100% due to service-connected disabilit(ities) for a certain period of time.
If eligibility was due to a rating of 100%, they must have had this rating:
For at least 10 years before their death;
Since their release from Active Duty and for at least 5 years immediately before their death; or
For at least 1 year before their death if they were a Former prisoner of war who died after September 30, 1999.
You may be able to get a tax-free monetary benefit:
Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU/IU) DOES count as being rated 100%!
If Veteran’s death was caused by something previously denied and is now Presumptive or was simply never claimed you SHOULD still apply!
If the Veteran simply never filed for service-connection before, click HERE to learn about what evidence the VA needs to help establish service-connection for DIC purposes. Additionally, if applicable VA will consider non-presumptive Toxic exposures.
Even if the condition was previously denied and is NOT presumptive click HERE to learn about evidence you can submit to try and overturn that denial to establish DIC. Additionally, if applicable VA will now consider non-presumptive toxic exposures.
If DIC was previously denied based upon a condition the PACT ACT made presumptive, the effective date of the award will be back dated to when the prior application was received. (XII.i.3.A.2.c.)
If another law/regulation/policy made the condition presumptive then Liberalizing law CAN apply to the effective date of the grant of DIC.
You may be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) for surviving spouses if you meet the requirements listed below:
ONE of these must be true:
Married the Veteran or Servicemember before January 1, 1957;
Married the Veteran or Servicemember within 15 years of their discharge from the period of military service during which the qualifying illness or injury started or got worse;
Were married to the Veteran or Servicemember for at least 1 year; or
Had a child with the Veteran or Servicemember, aren’t currently remarried, and either lived with the Veteran or Servicemember without a break until their death or, if separated, weren’t at fault for the separation. Separation is thought of in a marital nature; you lived with the Veteran continuously until death if they were in a nursing home but you were not. Don't confuse physical separation for marital separation.
If you remarried on or after December 16, 2003, and you were 57 years of age or older at the time you remarried, you can still continue to receive DIC.
You may be able to get compensation as a surviving child if you meet ALL of the requirements listed below:
Aren’t married;
Aren’t included on the surviving spouse’s compensation; and
Are under the age of 18 (or under the age of 23 if attending school).
If you were adopted out of the Veteran’s or Servicemember’s family, but meet all other eligibility criteria, you still qualify for compensation.
You may be able to get compensation as a surviving parent if BOTH of the descriptions below are true:
You’re the biological, adoptive, or foster parent of the Veteran or Servicemember, and
Your income is below a certain amount (View the parents DIC rate table).
A foster parent is someone who served in the role of a parent to the Veteran or Servicemember before their last entry into active service.
If you’re the surviving spouse or child of a Servicemember who died while on active duty, your military casualty assistance officer will help you to complete an Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits by a Surviving Spouse or Child (VA Form 21P-534a). The officer will help you mail the form to the correct VA regional office.
If you’re the surviving spouse or child of a Veteran, fill out an Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits (VA Form 21P-534EZ).
Mail the form to the Pension Management Center (PMC) for your state.
If you’re a surviving parent, fill out an Application for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation by Parent(s) (VA Form 21P-535).
Mail the form to the Pension Management Center (PMC) for your state.
Getting Help
If you need help you can use a VSO or go to a VA regional office and get help from a VA employee.
Chapter 35 (Dependents’ Educational Assistance - DEA)
The Dependents’ Educational Assistance program provides education benefits for the spouse and dependent children (includes step and adopted) of a Veteran or Servicemember who meets one of the following criteria:
Veteran is Permanently and totally disabled from service-connected causes;
Died in service;
Died of service-connected causes; or
Is currently missing in action or captured in the line of duty.
This benefit may be used for pursuit of an undergraduate or graduate degree, courses leading to a certificate or diploma from business, technical or vocational schools, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs. Benefits for correspondence courses are available to spouses only.
The program provides up to 45 months of education or training for beneficiaries who used their Chapter 35 benefits before August 1, 2018 and 36 months of education or training for beneficiaries who use their Chapter 35 benefits on or after August 1, 2018.
EACH dependent gets their own individual entitlement of the benefit!
The benefit is paid directly to the dependent. To see the amount of their payment click HERE.
Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances.
Eligibility Requirements for Dependent Children and Spouses
The following requirements apply to children and spouses who meet AT LEAST 1 of the following criteria:
The event that made the child/spouse eligible for DEA benefits happened to the Veteran or servicemember on or after August 1, 2023, and
Turned 18 on or after August 1, 2023, or
Completed high school on or after August 1, 2023.
Eligibility Requirements for Dependent Spouses (Historical)
The following requirements apply to spouses who meet ALL of the following criteria:
The event that made the spouse eligible for DEA benefits happened to the Veteran or service member BEFORE August 1, 2023;
Turned 18 BEFORE August 1, 2023; and
Completed high school BEFORE August 1, 2023.
If you are a spouse, benefits generally end 10 years from the date VA finds you eligible or from the date of death of the Veteran due to a service-connected condition.
However, if you are a surviving spouse of a Servicemember who died on active duty OR the Veteran was rated permanently and totally disabled, with an effective date that’s within 3 years after their discharge from active duty; your benefits end 20 years from the date of death/effective date of permanent and total.
If you remarry before age 57 your eligibility ends on the date of remarriage (in the case of death of a Servicemember).
If you divorce the Veteran your benefits end on the date of divorce.
Eligibility Requirements for Dependent Children (Historical)
The following requirements apply to children who meet ALL of the following criteria:
The event that made the child eligible for DEA benefits happened to the Veteran or servicemember BEFORE August 1, 2023;
Turned 18 BEFORE August 1, 2023; and
Completed high school BEFORE August 1, 2023.
Children must be between the ages of 18 - 26 to get this benefit. In certain cases, it is possible to begin before age 18 and to continue after age 26. Getting married does NOT end your eligibility.
The child CANNOT use this benefit while on Active Duty. The VA can extend the child's period of eligibility by the number of months and days equal to the time spent on active duty. However, this extension CANNOT go past their 31st birthday.
Special Circumstance: Dual Eligibility
In the event a dependent is eligible for Chapter 35 under both parents, they may draw Chapter 35 benefits from BOTH parents at the SAME time!
You are still subject to the maximum terms of this benefit (36 or 45 months). Meaning, if your maximum benefit is 36 months and you used 32 months from your father's Chapter 35 already. Your using your mother's source of entitlement does NOT give you another 36 months, you could only get 4 months of double payments.
To provide another example: If you have eligibility based on both parents and have NOT started to use the benefit. You are able to draw DOUBLE Chapter 35 stipends at the same time for a total of your maximum benefit (36 or 45 months)!
Click HERE to apply online.
Once approved you will be given a Certificate of Eligibility (COE).
Take your COE to your institution's School's Certifying Official (SCO), they will have you complete additional paperwork and send everything to the VA.
Free Tuition
Depending upon the state you or your children live in or want to go to school in, they may be entitled to free tuition. For more information click HERE.
Educational and Career Counseling (VA Chapter 36)
Chapter 36 is a program that helps dependents find employment.
Online - Click HERE.
What it offers:
Exploring your abilities and interests to help you choose a career;
Mapping out a path to employment; and
Planning on the best ways to use your VA benefits.
Be the dependent of a Veteran, and
Be eligible for any VA education benefit.
Federal Civil Service Preference
Derived Preference is a method where you, as the spouse, widow/widower, or parent of a Veteran may be eligible to claim Veteran’s preference when the Veteran is unable to use it. You will be given XP Preference (10 points) in appointment if you meet the eligibility criteria.
The Veteran needs to be unable to qualify for a federal position along the general lines of his or her usual occupation because of a service-connected disability. This criteria is meet when:
Veteran is unemployed AND is rated at 100% or as Unemployable;
Veteran has retired, been separated, or resigned from a civil service position on the basis of a disability that is service-connected; or
Veteran has passed away AND:
Served during a war or during the period April 28, 1952, through July 1, 1955, or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign medal has been authorized.
Both a parent and a spouse (including widow or widower) may be entitled to preference on the basis of the same Veteran's service if each meets the requirements applicable to a parent and a spouse, respectively.
Not every federal job accepts preference depending on the hiring authority the job position is open under.
As a spouse you are eligible so long as you remain married.
Widows remain eligible so long as you have not remarried, or any remarriage was annulled.
Getting the Preference
Complete and upload Standard Form (SF-15) with your application to a federal job.
Parent of a Disabled or Deceased Veteran
To be eligible the parent must be:
Married to someone who is themselves permanently and totally disabled (determination does NOT need to be made by the VA); or
Married by legally separated from your spouse.
Life Insurance
Click HERE for information.
Nomination of Children to a Service Academy
If the Veteran is rated 100%/TDIU OR died due to a service-connected disability their children can be nominated to the following service academies:
Survivor Benefit Plan/Reserve Component Benefit Plan (SBP)/(RCSBP)
The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) allows a military retiree to ensure, after death, a continuous lifetime annuity (monthly pay) for their dependents. The annuity is based on a percentage of retired pay and IS an inflation-adjusted!
Premiums for SBP coverage are taken from pre-tax retiree pay; which saves you money (vs. paying from post-tax). The average premium are well below the cost for a conventional insurance policy so for most retirees, SBP is a good choice.
The maximum SBP annuity payment for a spouse is 55% of the member's retired pay (or in the case of a member who retires under REDUX, the retired pay the member would have received if under the high-three retirement system). However, a smaller amount may be elected.
Eligible children may also be SBP beneficiaries, either alone or added to spouse coverage. In the latter case, the children receive benefits only if the spouse dies or otherwise becomes ineligible to receive the annuity. Eligible children equally divide a benefit that is 55% of the member's elected base amount. Child coverage is relatively inexpensive because children get benefits only while they are considered eligible dependents.
Coverage is also available for a former spouse or, if the retiree has no spouse or children, for an "insurable interest" (such as a business partner or parent).
Survivors Pension
A VA Survivors Pension offers Monthly payments to qualified surviving spouses and unmarried dependent children of wartime Veterans who meet certain income and net worth limits set by Congress.
Surviving Spouse
Must not remarry after the Veteran’s death, and the Veteran didn’t receive a dishonorable discharge and their service met at least one of the requirements listed below:
Entered Active Duty on or before September 7, 1980, and served at least 90 days on active military service, with at least 1 day during a covered wartime period;
Entered Active Duty after September 7, 1980, and served at least 24 months or the full period for which they were called or ordered to Active Duty (with some exceptions), with at least 1 day during a covered wartime period; or
Was an officer and started on Active Duty after October 16, 1981, and hadn’t previously served on Active Duty for at least 24 months.
And this must be true for the spouse:
Your yearly family income and net worth meets certain limits set by Congress. Your net worth for VA purposes is the value of everything you own (except your house, your car, and most home furnishings), plus the value of any financial holdings (IRAs, checking/savings accounts) minus your Continuing Medical Expenses (CMEs) on an annualized basis. This adjusted number must be less than the Federal-level Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) for Medicaid.
Wartime Periods
World War I (April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918)
World War II (December 7, 1941, to December 31, 1946)
Korean conflict (June 27, 1950, to January 31, 1955)
Vietnam War era (February 1, 1955, to May 7, 1975, for Veterans who served 'boots on the ground' in the Republic of Vietnam during that period, or August 5, 1964, to May 7, 1975, for Veterans who served outside of the Republic of Vietnam.)
Gulf War (August 2, 1990, through a future date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation)
Be unmarried and meet at least one of the requirements listed below:
You’re under age 18;
You’re under age 23 and attending a VA-approved school; or
You’re unable to care for yourself (permanently incapable of self-support) due to a disability that happened BEFORE age 18.
Fill out an Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits (VA Form 21-534EZ).
Upload form HERE.
VA Home Loan
Click HERE for more information.
38 CFR § 3.1010 - Substitution under 38 U.S.C. 5121A following death of a claimant
38 CFR § 3.1702 - Persons who may receive burial benefits; priority of payments
38 CFR Subpart C - Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 35
M21-1, Part II, Subpart iii, Chapter 1, Section A - Applications for Benefits
M21-1, Part XI, Subpart ii, Chapter 1 - Referral for Consideration of Survivor's Benefits
M21-1, Part XI, Subpart ii, Chapter 3, Section B - Substitution in Case of Death of Claimant
M21-1, Part XI, Subpart ii, Chapter 3, Section D - Rating Accrued Claims
M21-1, Part XII, Subpart i, Chapter 4, Section C - Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Offsets