A health insurance provider that can provide coverage for servicemembers and their families as well as certain Veterans and their families.

Active Duty (Terminal Leave)

While you are on terminal leave you still have health insurance under TRICARE Prime.


  • TRICARE can be a real pain in the butt when it comes to getting a referral during your terminal leave. As such, it is best to arrange any needed routine care and have a stock of medication BEFORE you start terminal leave!

Emergency Care

If you have a medical emergency GO TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL!!

Urgent Care

For a non-emergency illness or injury. You typically need urgent care to treat a condition that:

  • Doesn’t threaten life, limb or eyesight.

  • Needs attention before it becomes a serious risk to health.

Examples include things like a high fever or a sprained ankle.

Routine Care

You MUST get pre-authorization for routine care!

  • If your primary care manager (PCM) is located at a military facility (hospital or clinic) then you need to get pre-authorization from them.

  • If your PCM was a civilian then you need to get pre-authorization from the Defense Health Agency - Great Lakes at 1-888-647-6676.

Using Veteran Affairs (VA) Facilities

You NEED* to get pre-authorization to use VA facilities:

  • If your primary care manager (PCM) is located at a military facility (hospital or clinic) then you need to get pre-authorization from them.

  • If your PCM was a civilian then you need to get pre-authorization from the Defense Health Agency - Great Lakes at 1-888-647-6676.

*UNLESS the VA health care facility you are visiting has a VA/DoD sharing agreement; OR the treatment is needed for an emergency or urgent basis.

Using Military Hospitals and Clinics

If you happen to be near one, you can use it.


You MUST get prior authorization from International SOS to use foreign urgent care facilities that are located off base.

Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP)

A premium-FREE transitional health care benefit for BOTH the Veteran and their family.


  • You MUST notify TRICARE within 90 days of separation for Active Duty if you want to use this program! Failure to do so will make you ineligible!


You can choose one of the following TRICARE plans:


  • Both the Veteran and their eligible family members can utilize military hospitals and clinics.


  • Involuntarily separating from Active Duty with an Honorable Discharge.

  • Separating from regular active duty service and agree to become a member of the Selected Reserve of a Reserve Component. The Servicemember MUST become a Selected Reservist the day immediately following release from regular Active Duty service to qualify.

  • A National Guard or Reserve member separating from a period of more than 30 consecutive days of Active Duty.

  • Receiving a voluntary separation incentive (VSI).

  • Receiving voluntary separation pay (VSP) and aren't entitled to retired or retainer pay upon separation.

  • Separating from Active Duty following involuntary retention (stop-loss) in support of a contingency operation.

  • Separating from Active Duty following a voluntary agreement to stay on Active Duty for less than one year in support of a contingency operation.

  • Receiving a sole survivorship discharge.

Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP)

A health insurance plan that can be purchased for the Veteran and their family.


  • Coverage MUST be Purchased within 60 days of becoming eligible (TRICARE coverage ending). Unless you lost TRICARE Reserve Select coverage, then you only have 30 days!


  • Technically speaking CHCBP isn't a part of TRICARE, as it is run by Humana, but it is comparable to TRICARE.

Coverage and Eligibility

Depending upon why your TRICARE coverage ended, you will have different coverage lengths.


  • Character of discharge MUST be either Honorable or General.

  • The plan itself has the same coverage as TRICARE Select, and it DOES include prescriptions.

Categories Max Length of Coverage
Active Duty Servicemember 18 months
Dependent spouse or child 36 months
Full-time National Guard Member 18 months
Member covered by the Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) 18 months
Retired Reserve member covered by TRR 18 months
Selected Reserve member covered by TRS 18 months
Un-remarried former spouse 36 months

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS)

For those members of the Selected Reserve (and their families).

  • Click HERE for details.

National Guard/Reserve Members

For those NG and R's.

  • Click HERE for information.


For those who did their 20 years and got out, or for those who were Medically retired.

Retired Reserve

  • For information click HERE.


  • If you were medically retired from the National Guard or Reserves you rate under retired reserve.

Retired Active Duty

  • For information click HERE.