Visitor Engagement Reporting Application (VERA)

A service that allows you to speak to someone at your local Regional Office (RO) about your claim and much more. These people are generally more experienced than those who answer the VA's 1-800 number.


  • Not to be confused with another VA system called "Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation" that also uses the term VERA.


Making an appointment is easy.

1. Go to the Website.

  • Click HERE to go to the VERA website.


  • If you are a VBA employee or otherwise have a restricted claim file click HERE to make an appointment.

2. In-person or Virtual

Make your selection:

  • In-person - meet up face to face at your RO.

  • Virtual - receive a phone call.


  • Virtual does NOT mean a virtual teleconference; the VA representative will call the number you enter in the personal information page.

3. Select your RO.

  • If you selected In-Person, you enter your zip code and selecting the office you wish to communicate with.

  • If you selected virtual, you select the state that the RO is in.


  • You ARE NOW restricted to selecting your nearest RO.

  • While there are some non-US and US territories listed in the dropdown for virtual appointments, they do not return any valid office.

  • There are two international Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) offices that provide BDD services for servicemembers their regions. These only seem to be selectable using the link below as they are not listed in the selectors.

4. Personal Information

Enter your information. If you selected virtual in step 2, make sure to provide a valid phone number as this is the number that the representative will be calling.


  • For the phone number, the form will only accept a 10 digit number without dashes or parentheses. For example: 2065552345 will work, but 12065552345 and (206)555-2345 will not.

5. Select Topic(s)

Appointments you can make:

6. Select Day

  • You can select a day up to two weeks into the future.

7. Select Time

  • You can select timeslots from 0800 to 1500, spaced out in 30 minute slots.

8. Review

  • Make sure all your information is correct and click "Next".

Appointment Confirmation

Assuming you provided an email in the personal information section, you should receive an email with the appointment information shortly after submitting it.

This email will also contain a link to cancel or reschedule the appointment if needed.

After the Appointment

Expect a correspondence claim to be opened/closed. This is simply a letter being sent to you from the VA because you used VERA.

You may also receive a survey link.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • The program/website is being run by a contractor.

    • Sometimes the staff get behind and may call still call you later in the day. If they never get to you, make another appointment.

    • Whoever came up with the name is a dirty liar! Virtual meetings are actually phone calls! They will call you.

    • You can try making another appointment and hope you get someone more helpful.

    • No, they do not have more access. However, they do generally have more knowledge.

    • Yes, just select a random RO for a virtual appointment. You will need to have a US phone number! There are services such as Google Voice that you can use.

    • Close out your web browser and try and make another appointment at a different regional office again.