Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E) AKA Chapter 31 - Formerly Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Voc Rehab)
Is a VA program that helps Veterans, Servicemembers, and certain eligible dependents attain employment.
VR&E is primarily an employment program, NOT just a means to get a graduate level degree!
This program has 3 different eligibility groups.
To increase readability, only this section of the page will mention the different groups, with the following sections addressing ALL groups as ‘Veterans’; unless there is a difference.
Must meet ALL of the following requirements:
Have a service-connected disability of at least 10%
SERIOUS employment handicap
This term means a significant impairment of a veteran's ability to prepare for, obtain, or retain employment consistent with such veteran's abilities, aptitudes, and interests
Received anything other than a dishonorable character of discharge
Have a service-connected disabilities that Combine to at least 20%
Employment handicap
This term means an impairment of a veteran's ability to prepare for, obtain, or retain employment consistent with such veteran's abilities, aptitudes, and interests
Received anything other than a dishonorable character of discharge
Must meet ONE of the below criteria:
Have a 20% or higher pre-discharge disability rating (memorandum rating) and will soon leave the military
Are participating in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process or awaiting discharge due to a medical condition resulting from a serious injury or illness that occurred in the line of duty
For for information click HERE.
Certain children of Vietnam Veterans and Veterans with covered service in Korea
For eligibility requirements click HERE.
Duration of Program
VR&E may not exceed 48 months of use. UNLESS, special conditions are meet.
Click HERE for more information.
For Veterans who utilized their GI bill. The time spent using it NO LONGER counts against this 48 month limit!
Certain children of Vietnam Veterans and Veterans with covered service in Korea have a MAX eligibility of 24 months instead of 48 months.
There are a total of 5 tracks you can go down using VRE:
Rapid Access to Employment
Employment Through Long-Term Services
Independent Living
1. Reemployment
Assists Veterans in regaining employment with their former employer. This may be accomplished by providing the employer assistance/equipment in accommodating the Veteran.
This track may only be used if it is determined the Veteran's former job is still suitable considering their existing disabilities.
2. Rapid Access to Employment
For Veterans who already have the skills, experience, and education needed to gain employment in their desired field. But they may be having difficulties in finding employment for one reason or another.
Examples of some of the tools that will be made available include:
Assistance in job hunting
Career counseling
Interview prepping
Resume creation/modification
If the Veteran requires some short term certification training. It may be possible to obtain it via this track.
3. Self-Employment
Want to be your own boss? This track is all you.
Your counseling team will be there to assist you in developing a viable long term business plan.
Examples of some of the tools that will be made available include:
Analysis of your business concept
Training in small-business operations, marketing, and finances
Tuition assistance to obtain needed certifications/licenses for the business
Financial assistance to cover applicable fees as well as related business startup costs
The VA MUST approve your business plan before they start offering you training/funding.
4. Employment Through Long-Term Services
For Veterans who need additional training or assistance to obtain and maintain long-term employment.
Examples of some of the tools that will be made available include:
Assistance in job hunting
Career guidance
Higher level education - includes both undergraduate and graduate level degrees
Job skill assessment
Job-market evaluation
Resume creation/modification
Apprenticeship, on-the-job training, and volunteer opportunities
Vocational Training
Again, VRE is primarily an employment program and NOT an educational program. As such, if you can reasonably obtain employment in your desired field with your current educational attainment. You may find it very difficult to get approved for something like a Masters degree.
5. Independent Living
For Veterans who's service-connected disabilities limit their ability to perform activities of daily living (like bathing, dressing, accessing the community, and interacting with others) and can’t return to work right away.
Veterans may use this track in conjunction with trying to obtain employment.
This track has advanced eligibility requirements:
Must have a serious employment handicap; AND
Disabilities prevent you from obtaining or returning to work; AND
You need services to live as independently as possible.
Examples of some of the tools that will be made available include:
Evaluation and counseling to identify your needs and goals
Referral to support resources
Evaluation to see if you're eligible for the VR&E home adaptation grant. This ~$90,0000 grant is part of your rehabilitation plan to improve accessibility features in your home.
Guidance to help you understand if you’re eligible for Other adaptive-housing programs.
How to apply
There are 2 ways to apply:
To apply online click HERE.
If you just have to support the post office you may complete a VA Form 28-1900 and mail the completed form to:
Department of Veterans Affairs VR&E Intake Center P.O. Box 5210 Janesville, WI 53547-5210
Other Benefits of VRE
To increase the odds of success, the VA offers additional benefits to those using the program.
Advanced Health Care Coverage
For the duration someone is involved in VR&E. They are entitled to dental care, so long as it is determined that having dental work is "necessary to develop, carry out and complete the rehabilitation plan".
Subsistence Allowance
Veterans doing tracks that have them doing some kind of educational or training program may be eligible for a monthly subsistence allowance. This allowance does vary based upon your rate of pursuit as well as type of program you are doing.
Veterans who have AT LEAST 1 DAY of Post 9/11 GI Bill will receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) at the E-5 with dependent rate for their location.
Veterans who have exhausted their Post 9/11 GI Bill or simply don't have it will be paid at the standard chapter 31 subsistence allowance rate.
The BAH amount is far more generous than the standard rate.
To see the current rates for both click HERE.
Even if you are less than half time you ARE entitled to your allowance; The amount paid may be prorated depending on your Work tolerance.
After graduation from an educational or training program you can be approved for up to an additional 2 MONTHS of subsistence allowance. Allowing you to seek employment and worry less about income.
Supplies that the Veteran needs to pursue their rehabilitation and achieve their goals will be given.
Supplies could include but are not limited to:
Musical instruments
Protective clothing
Other supplies and equipment which VA determines are necessary for the veteran's rehabilitation program.
For supplies needed, but not specifically required. The VA may approve the item: If they determine that the item, such as a calculator, while not required by the school for the pursuit of a particular school subject, is nevertheless necessary for the veteran to successfully pursue their program.
VA will generally only provide any nonconsumable supplies only once.
UNLESS, they are lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged beyond repair through no fault of the Veteran.
Adaptive Auto Allowance
Click HERE for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click HERE to find the contact information for your Case Manager's boss at your nearest Regional Office.
No, only if after you complete the program you are able to maintain gainful employment for at least 12 continuous months.
No, using VR&E will NOT trigger a reevaluation.