States Offering Free Tuition to Veterans and Their Dependents

Here is a list of States that have recognized the sacrifices of Veterans and their families, by providing Veterans and/or their dependents free college tuition. Unless otherwise stated assume that the free tuition applies only to Public schools.


  • As always, please be sure to check the references for full details and any applicable restrictions. Often States require the Veteran and/or their dependents be residents of the State for X years to be eligible.


  • This list is for State's offering FREE (entire) tuition, not States that may offer partial grants or scholarships.

  • For Veterans who have been rated Permanent & Total, each of of your dependents (spouse and children 18-26 years old) are eligible for Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA). This is a monthly stipend benefit of ~$1,200 if they are full time.

  • Benefits specific to National Guard members and their dependents are NOT included in this list.

  • Last updated December 2024.


 'PT' = Permanent & Total
 '100%' = Combined Total Rating of 100%
 'TDIU' = Total Disability Individual Unemployability
 '≥X' = Combined Total Rating greater or equal to X%
 'KIA' = Killed in Action
 'SD' = Veteran died from a Service-Connected disability
 'NSD' = Veteran died from a Non or Service-Connected disability
 'POW' = Former Prisoner of War
 'PH' = Purple Heart
 'MH' = Congressional Medal of Honor
 'Vet' = Honorarily discharged Veteran. Periods of service may apply
 '-' = Not Applicable


State Veteran Spouse Children Details Reference
Alabama PH ≥40%, KIA, SD, POW ≥40%, KIA, SD, POW Dependents: Up to 10 semesters of schooling (undergrad). PH: Undergrad program. Alabama G. I. Program PH
Alaska - KIA KIA Undergrad degree. AK Stat § 14.43.085
Arizona (PH ≥50%) KIA KIA Must have been a member of the AZNG when PH was recieved. KIA/PH
Arkansas - KIA, POW, PT KIA, POW, PT Undergrad degree. Military Dependents Scholarship
California MH 100%, KIA, SD, POW ≥0, KIA, SD, POW, MH Has several 'Plans'. CalVet
Colorado - - - - -
Connecticut Vet - POW For State Regional Community/Technical Colleges and State Universities. CT Gen Stat § 10a-77
Delaware - - KIA, POW, SD 4 years of study. Title 14, Ch 34, Sec 3451-3455
Florida MH, PH, * POW, PT, SD POW, PT, SD Dependents: Must not already have a baccalaureate degree. Dependents MH, PH, *
Georgia - - - - -
Hawaii - - - - -
Idaho - - - - -
Illinois Vet POW, PT, SD POW, PT, SD Dependents: Up to 120 credit hours. IL
Indiana PH - ≥0%, SD, PH Up to 124 semester credit-hours in undergrad, grad, or professional level. ≥0%, SD PH PH Vet
Iowa - - KIA - War Orphans
Kansas POW, Vet KIA, POW, SD KIA, POW, SD 10 semesters of undergrad. KS Vet
Kentucky - KIA, SD, 100%, (NSD wartime service) KIA, SD, 100%, (NSD wartime service) Deceased Veteran must have been a Kentucky resident at the time of death. Kentucky Tuition Waiver
Louisiana - ≥90%, KIA, SD, TDIU ≥90%, KIA, SD, TDIU Four years of schooling to be completed in not more than five years. RS 288-29
Maine - KIA, POW, PT, SD, (PT NSD) KIA, POW, PT, SD, (PT NSD) 120 credit hours for an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree program. Title 37
Maryland ≥30% KIA, POW, (PT NSD) KIA, PT, (PT NSD), SD, POW ≥30%: If Veteran has exhausted or is no longer eligible for Federal Veterans’ educational benefits. Conroy Memorial Scholarship
Massachusetts Vet - - Full or partial waiver of tuition. Determination is up to the individual instituitions. Mass Full or partial
Michigan - - - - -
Minnesota - KIA, SD KIA, SD Up to a bachelor's. MVA
Mississippi - - - - -
Missouri - ≥80%, KIA, SD ≥80%, KIA, SD Disabilities MUST stem from combat. Wartime Vet
Montana Vet - KIA Associate or initial bachelor's degree. MT
Nebraska - PT, SD, POW, (TDIU PT) PT, SD, POW, (TDIU PT) Undergrad. NRS §80-411
Nevada PH KIA, POW KIA, POW Waiver of registration fees = free tuition. NSHE
New Hampshire - - KIA, PT, SD Child can also receive a $2,500 a year stipend. NH Rev Stat § 187-A, NH Rev Stat § 188-F:15, NH Rev Stat § 193
New Jersey - - POW Undergrad. NJ
New Mexico Vet - SD Vet: Max rate of undergrad tuition. But can be used to partially cover grad tuition. Vet SD
New York Vet, PT PT, SD PT, SD Undergrad. Vet MERIT
North Carolina - - KIA, PH, POW, NSD, ≥20%, PT Pension See reference for the various 'Classes'. NC Scholarship for Children of Wartime Veterans
North Dakota - POW, SD, 100%, TDIU KIA, POW, SD, 100%, TDIU Up to bachelor's degree. 15-10-18.3
Ohio - - - Children: ≥60%, KIA, POW, SD, PT Pension 79% off tuition and general fees (this % off varies by year). Severely Disabled Veteran’s Scholarship
Oklahoma POW - KIA, POW POW: Any state-supported technology career center. KIA POW
Oregon - SD, 100%, PH, (PH NSD) SD, 100%, PH, (PH NSD) Bachelor's or master's degree. Oregon Veterans Dependent Tuition Program
Pennsylvania - - KIA - PHEAA
Rhode Island ≥10% - - Does not cover fees. RI Gen L § 30-30.1-1
South Carolina - - KIA, MH, PH, POW, PT, SD Veteran need reside in state for at least a year prior. SECTION 59-111-20
South Dakota ≥10%, Vet POW KIA, POW Undergrad. SD
Tennessee - - - - -
Texas Vet KIA, PT, SD, TDIU, Vet KIA, PT, SD, TDIU, Vet Has various requirements. TEC §54.341 (Hazlewood Act)
Utah PH KIA KIA PH: Up to and including a master’s degree. KIA PH
Vermont - KIA KIA Up to 18 credit hours per semester, up to a maximum of 130 credits. Vermont Armed Services Scholarship
Virginia - ≥90%, KIA, POW ≥90%, KIA, POW 8 semesters or the equivalent of up to 4 academic years. DEP
Washington Vet 100%, KIA, POW, SD 100%, KIA, POW Dependents: 200 quarter undergrad credits or equivalent semester credits. Waivers for graduate credits are encouraged but not required. WVA
West Virginia PH, MH KIA, SD KIA, SD Dependents: May also receive $2,000 a year stipend. Dependents PH, MH
Wisconsin Vet ≥30%, KIA, SD ≥30%, KIA, SD Read Reference there are a few different scenarios and criteria. Wisconsin Statues §36.27(3n)
Wyoming Combat Vet KIA, POW, SD KIA, POW, SD 8 semesters within an 8-year period. W.S. 19-14-106

*Other medals include:

  • Navy Cross / Air Force Cross / Distinguished Service Cross

  • Distinguished Service Medal with Combat “V Device”

  • Silver Star

  • Legion of Merit with Combat “V Device”

  • Distinguished Flying Cross

  • Bronze Star with Combat “V Device”

Federal District

District Veteran Spouse Children Details Reference
District of Columbia (DC) - - - - -

US Territories

Territory Veteran Spouse Children Details Reference
Guam - - - - -
Northern Mariana Islands - - - - -
Puerto Rico Vet KIA KIA Dependents of non-KIA pay 50% . 29, § 737
Virgin Islands Vet - - Free tuition is offered for attendance at the University of the Virgin Islands. USVI

Additional Resource

  • Here is a link to a scholarship finding tool developed by TAPS.