States Offering Free Tuition to Veterans and Their Dependents
Here is a list of States that have recognized the sacrifices of Veterans and their families, by providing Veterans and/or their dependents free college tuition. Unless otherwise stated assume that the free tuition applies only to Public schools.
As always, please be sure to check the references for full details and any applicable restrictions. Often States require the Veteran and/or their dependents be residents of the State for X years to be eligible.
This list is for State's offering FREE (entire) tuition, not States that may offer partial grants or scholarships.
For Veterans who have been rated Permanent & Total, each of of your dependents (spouse and children 18-26 years old) are eligible for Dependents’ Educational Assistance (DEA). This is a monthly stipend benefit of ~$1,200 if they are full time.
Benefits specific to National Guard members and their dependents are NOT included in this list.
Last updated December 2024.
'PT' = Permanent & Total
'100%' = Combined Total Rating of 100%
'TDIU' = Total Disability Individual Unemployability
'≥X' = Combined Total Rating greater or equal to X%
'KIA' = Killed in Action
'SD' = Veteran died from a Service-Connected disability
'NSD' = Veteran died from a Non or Service-Connected disability
'POW' = Former Prisoner of War
'PH' = Purple Heart
'MH' = Congressional Medal of Honor
'Vet' = Honorarily discharged Veteran. Periods of service may apply
'-' = Not Applicable
State | Veteran | Spouse | Children | Details | Reference |
Alabama | PH | ≥40%, KIA, SD, POW | ≥40%, KIA, SD, POW | Dependents: Up to 10 semesters of schooling (undergrad). PH: Undergrad program. | Alabama G. I. Program PH |
Alaska | - | KIA | KIA | Undergrad degree. | AK Stat § 14.43.085 |
Arizona | (PH ≥50%) | KIA | KIA | Must have been a member of the AZNG when PH was recieved. | KIA/PH |
Arkansas | - | KIA, POW, PT | KIA, POW, PT | Undergrad degree. | Military Dependents Scholarship |
California | MH | 100%, KIA, SD, POW | ≥0, KIA, SD, POW, MH | Has several 'Plans'. | CalVet |
Colorado | - | - | - | - | - |
Connecticut | Vet | - | POW | For State Regional Community/Technical Colleges and State Universities. | CT Gen Stat § 10a-77 |
Delaware | - | - | KIA, POW, SD | 4 years of study. | Title 14, Ch 34, Sec 3451-3455 |
Florida | MH, PH, * | POW, PT, SD | POW, PT, SD | Dependents: Must not already have a baccalaureate degree. | Dependents MH, PH, * |
Georgia | - | - | - | - | - |
Hawaii | - | - | - | - | - |
Idaho | - | - | - | - | - |
Illinois | Vet | POW, PT, SD | POW, PT, SD | Dependents: Up to 120 credit hours. | IL |
Indiana | PH | - | ≥0%, SD, PH | Up to 124 semester credit-hours in undergrad, grad, or professional level. | ≥0%, SD PH PH Vet |
Iowa | - | - | KIA | - | War Orphans |
Kansas | POW, Vet | KIA, POW, SD | KIA, POW, SD | 10 semesters of undergrad. | KS Vet |
Kentucky | - | KIA, SD, 100%, (NSD wartime service) | KIA, SD, 100%, (NSD wartime service) | Deceased Veteran must have been a Kentucky resident at the time of death. | Kentucky Tuition Waiver |
Louisiana | - | ≥90%, KIA, SD, TDIU | ≥90%, KIA, SD, TDIU | Four years of schooling to be completed in not more than five years. | RS 288-29 |
Maine | - | KIA, POW, PT, SD, (PT NSD) | KIA, POW, PT, SD, (PT NSD) | 120 credit hours for an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree program. | Title 37 |
Maryland | ≥30% | KIA, POW, (PT NSD) | KIA, PT, (PT NSD), SD, POW | ≥30%: If Veteran has exhausted or is no longer eligible for Federal Veterans’ educational benefits. | Conroy Memorial Scholarship |
Massachusetts | Vet | - | - | Full or partial waiver of tuition. Determination is up to the individual instituitions. | Mass Full or partial |
Michigan | - | - | - | - | - |
Minnesota | - | KIA, SD | KIA, SD | Up to a bachelor's. | MVA |
Mississippi | - | - | - | - | - |
Missouri | - | ≥80%, KIA, SD | ≥80%, KIA, SD | Disabilities MUST stem from combat. | Wartime Vet |
Montana | Vet | - | KIA | Associate or initial bachelor's degree. | MT |
Nebraska | - | PT, SD, POW, (TDIU PT) | PT, SD, POW, (TDIU PT) | Undergrad. | NRS §80-411 |
Nevada | PH | KIA, POW | KIA, POW | Waiver of registration fees = free tuition. | NSHE |
New Hampshire | - | - | KIA, PT, SD | Child can also receive a $2,500 a year stipend. | NH Rev Stat § 187-A, NH Rev Stat § 188-F:15, NH Rev Stat § 193 |
New Jersey | - | - | POW | Undergrad. | NJ |
New Mexico | Vet | - | SD | Vet: Max rate of undergrad tuition. But can be used to partially cover grad tuition. | Vet SD |
New York | Vet, PT | PT, SD | PT, SD | Undergrad. | Vet MERIT |
North Carolina | - | - | KIA, PH, POW, NSD, ≥20%, PT Pension | See reference for the various 'Classes'. | NC Scholarship for Children of Wartime Veterans |
North Dakota | - | POW, SD, 100%, TDIU | KIA, POW, SD, 100%, TDIU | Up to bachelor's degree. | 15-10-18.3 |
Ohio | - | - | - | Children: ≥60%, KIA, POW, SD, PT Pension 79% off tuition and general fees (this % off varies by year). | Severely Disabled Veteran’s Scholarship |
Oklahoma | POW | - | KIA, POW | POW: Any state-supported technology career center. | KIA POW |
Oregon | - | SD, 100%, PH, (PH NSD) | SD, 100%, PH, (PH NSD) | Bachelor's or master's degree. | Oregon Veterans Dependent Tuition Program |
Pennsylvania | - | - | KIA | - | PHEAA |
Rhode Island | ≥10% | - | - | Does not cover fees. | RI Gen L § 30-30.1-1 |
South Carolina | - | - | KIA, MH, PH, POW, PT, SD | Veteran need reside in state for at least a year prior. | SECTION 59-111-20 |
South Dakota | ≥10%, Vet | POW | KIA, POW | Undergrad. | SD |
Tennessee | - | - | - | - | - |
Texas | Vet | KIA, PT, SD, TDIU, Vet | KIA, PT, SD, TDIU, Vet | Has various requirements. | TEC §54.341 (Hazlewood Act) |
Utah | PH | KIA | KIA | PH: Up to and including a master’s degree. | KIA PH |
Vermont | - | KIA | KIA | Up to 18 credit hours per semester, up to a maximum of 130 credits. | Vermont Armed Services Scholarship |
Virginia | - | ≥90%, KIA, POW | ≥90%, KIA, POW | 8 semesters or the equivalent of up to 4 academic years. | DEP |
Washington | Vet | 100%, KIA, POW, SD | 100%, KIA, POW | Dependents: 200 quarter undergrad credits or equivalent semester credits. Waivers for graduate credits are encouraged but not required. | WVA |
West Virginia | PH, MH | KIA, SD | KIA, SD | Dependents: May also receive $2,000 a year stipend. | Dependents PH, MH |
Wisconsin | Vet | ≥30%, KIA, SD | ≥30%, KIA, SD | Read Reference there are a few different scenarios and criteria. | Wisconsin Statues §36.27(3n) |
Wyoming | Combat Vet | KIA, POW, SD | KIA, POW, SD | 8 semesters within an 8-year period. | W.S. 19-14-106 |
*Other medals include:
Navy Cross / Air Force Cross / Distinguished Service Cross
Distinguished Service Medal with Combat “V Device”
Silver Star
Legion of Merit with Combat “V Device”
Distinguished Flying Cross
Bronze Star with Combat “V Device”
Federal District
District | Veteran | Spouse | Children | Details | Reference |
District of Columbia (DC) | - | - | - | - | - |