Housebound - Special Monthly Pension (SMP)

Veterans who are Housebound as a result of non-service related condition(s) they may qualify for an increased VA Pension benefit.

Veterans who are Housebound as a result of a service related condition(s), please see our article on Special Monthly Compenstation. Specifically, SMC-S (Housebound).


  • You qualify for VA Pension; AND

  • You spend most of your time in your home because of a permanent disability.


  1. Complete VA Form 21-2680.

  2. Once completed mail to the PMC located in your state.

Veterans should also include the following with their VA form:

  • Evidence, like a doctor’s report, that shows you need housebound care;

  • Details about what you normally do during the day; and

  • Details that help show what kind of illness, injury, or mental or physical disability affects your ability to leave your home.


  • Veterans who are in the care of a nursing home must also fill out and turn in a VA Form 21-0779.