Mental Health (Chapter 17)

If you developed specific mental health conditions within a time frame. The VA will grant Health care under Chapter 17. Specifically, if the VA is unable to provide service-connection for whatever reason.



Eligibility is based upon two factors:

  1. Period of service (other than dishonorable); and

  2. When the mental health condition developed.


  • The Persian Gulf War era is STILL ongoing!

Period of Service When Mental Health Condition Developed Presumptive Condition
World War II Before July 26, 1949 or within 2 years of separation Psychosis
Korean War Before February 1, 1957 or within 2 years of separation Psychosis
Vietnam Era Before May 8, 1977 or within 2 years of separation Psychosis
Persian Gulf War Before February 28, 1993 or within 2 years of separation Any mental health