Tropical Diseases

What happens in the jungle, does not always stay in the jungle.


  • Veteran served at least 90 days continuous days on Active Duty, which included service in a tropical location.

    • If you have to ask if you have tropical service, you do not.


The Veteran must have developed these diseases within one year of separation OR at a time when standard and accepted treatises indicate that the incubation period commenced during active service, unless shown by clear and unmistakable evidence not to have been of service origin. ADDITIONALLY, the diseases MUST have had a severity of at least 10% during that year or incubation period.

Established Incubation Periods

Here are some medically established incubation periods for several diseases:

Tropical Disease Incubation Period
Dracontiasis 14 months
Filariasis 8 to 12 months
Leishmaniasis, including Kala-azar 12 months
Leishmaniasis, Old World 18 months
Loiasis 3 years

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Sometimes the VBA makes a mistake or they are missing evidence that would indicate you are an eligible Veteran with a diagnosed condition. If this happens, it is strongly recommended that you seek out the assistance of a VSO to help you file an Appeal.


    • If there is documentation that during service the Veteran's exposure was due to their own willful misconduct or that after the Veteran's separation there was a supervening condition or event that was more than likely the etiology of the disease, the Veteran may be denied service-connection.