Special Monthly Compensation (SMC)

In certain circumstances the VA will pay compensation to Veterans with certain needs or disabilities at a rate higher than 100%. This is called Special Monthly Compensation (SMC).


  • Upper levels of SMC can get VERY COMPLICATED, especially with regard to Pyramiding issues. As such, if you feel your level of SMC is incorrect you should file a Higher Level Review.

    • Upper level SMC would be considered levels above L through T (but not S).


SMC is something that is generally automatically awarded and is not something you need to file for, when the VA has evidence you meet the requirement(s).

However, SMC K, Aid and Attendance SMC L, SMC R, SMC T, and Housebound (factually) are things you generally do need to file for so VA can get the evidence required to support a grant.

  • SMC K has no special forms or processes, simply file it as you would any VA claim.

  • For information on how to apply for Aid and Attendance and Housebound click HERE.

  • Applying for SMC is NOT automatically considered to be a claim for increase; HOWEVER, the VA CAN treat it as such!

SMC Pay Rates

Check the following link to see the Latest rates.


  • SMC is generally NOT paid in addition to the Veteran's rate.

    • The EXCEPTIONS to this are SMC-K and SMC-Q. (SMC-Q is an obsolete rate that has not been used since 1968.)

  • When hospitalized at government expense - SMCs pay rates above SMC L (besides S) are STOPPED!

SMC K (Amputation/Loss of use of Body Part(s) or Function(s))

SMC K is awarded to Veterans who have experienced loss of use or amputations of specific body parts/functions.


  • If you had an elective vasectomy, you are NOT eligible for SMC K. UNLESS, you are service connected for Erectile dysfunction or other loss of use/amputation of reproductive organ(s) then you ARE entitled to SMC K!

  • If you had an elective hysterectomy, you are NOT eligible for SMC K. UNLESS, you are service connected for Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) or other loss of use/amputation of reproductive organ(s) then you ARE entitled to SMC K!

  • SMC-K is paid on top of your disability compensation. EXCEPT in cases of SMC O, Q, R, and T.

    • In those cases, SMC K is NOT paid out.

  • You can receive up to 3 SMC K awards.


  • A single award of SMC K is given for EACH limb that is lost or cannot function.

    • You CANNOT get the same award more than once per same limb (arm or leg). So you are only going to get a single SMC K for losing your left leg below the knee for instance.

  • A single award of SMC K is given for loss of use of a reproductive organ, no matter how many bits n' bobs are lost or not functional. To include grants of erectile dysfunction or female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD).

  • If the loss of use of a condition(s) is used as the basis of a grant of a higher SMC, the grant for SMC K will end! HOWEVER, if hospitalized at government expense, the SMC K(s) will be paid for the duration of the hospitalization.


  • If the Veteran has loss of use/amputation of 3 limbs the Veteran IS ALLOWED a grant of SMC K (for 1 of the limbs) in addition to their upper level SMC.

SMC K Only Applies to the Following:

  • Complete immobility of a joint;

  • Complete paralysis of a limb;

  • Loss of sight of an eye (only seeing light);

  • Loss, or loss of use, of a hand or foot;

  • Loss, or loss of use, of a reproductive organ (Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD), loss of libido, loss of sexual drive, etc.);

  • Complete loss, or loss of use, of both Buttocks;

  • Deafness of both ears (no air and bone conduction);

  • Inability to communicate by speech (Complete organic aphonia); and

  • Loss of 25% or more of tissue from a single breast, or both breasts, from mastectomy or radiation treatment (FEMALES ONLY).

SMC L (Aid and Attendance)

SMC L is awarded to Veterans who meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • Anatomical loss or loss of use of both feet;

  • Anatomical loss or loss of use of one hand and one foot;

  • Loss of sight or blindness in BOTH eyes;

  • Permanently bedridden; or

  • Need daily help with basic needs (like eating, dressing, and bathing).

A Veteran may also qualify if:

  • The Veteran's disability (mental or physical) requires that another person regularly helps to keep them from harming themselves or others.



This is a more severe version of SMC L, with anatomical losses extending to the elbow and/or knee.

Also, see Special case 1.


SMC M is awarded to Veterans who meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • The anatomical loss or loss of use of:

    • Both hands;

    • Both legs at the region of the knee;

    • One arm at the region of the elbow with one leg at the region of the knee.

  • Blindness in both eyes having only light perception; or

  • Blindness in both eyes resulting in the need for regular aid and attendance.


See special Cases 1 and 2.


SMC N is awarded to Veterans who meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • The anatomical loss or loss of use of both arms at the region of the elbow;

  • The anatomical loss of both legs so near the hip that it prevents the use of a prosthetic appliance;

  • The anatomical loss of one arm so near the shoulder that it prevents the use of a prosthetic appliance along with the anatomical loss of one leg so near the hip that it prevents the use of a prosthetic appliance; or

  • The anatomical loss of both eyes or blindness in both eyes to include loss of light perception.


See special Cases 1 and 2.


SMC O is awarded to Veterans who meet ONE of the following criteria:

  • The anatomical loss of both arms so near the shoulder that it prevents the use of a prosthetic appliance;

  • Bilateral deafness rated at least 60 percent disabling along with service-connected blindness with visual acuity of 20/200 or less of both eyes;

  • Complete deafness in one ear or bilateral deafness rated at least 40% disabling along with service-connected blindness in both eyes to include loss of light perception;

  • Paraplegia – paralysis of both lower extremities along with bowel and bladder incontinence; or

  • Helplessness due to a combination of anatomical loss or loss of use or two extremities with deafness and blindness or a combination of multiple injuries causing severe and total disability.

SMC P (Half Step Increases)

This SMC 'level' isn't technically a level of pay. If the Veteran meets ONE of the following criteria, their SMC level will increase by 1/2.

  • The anatomical loss or loss of use of a leg at or below the knee along with the anatomical loss or loss of use of the other leg at a level above the knee;

  • The anatomical loss or loss of use of a leg below the knee along with the anatomical loss or loss of use of an arm above the elbow;

  • The anatomical loss or loss of use of one leg above the knee and the anatomical loss or loss of use of a hand; or

  • Blindness in both eyes meeting the requirements outlined in SMC L, M or N levels.


  • This does NOT apply to SMC K, S, O, Q, R, or T.


If the Veteran is awarded SMC L AND meets one of the above criteria then their SMC level is increased a half step (so from SMC L to L½).

SMC Q (No Longer Awarded)

This SMC rate is no longer awarded.

SMC Q was a special monthly rate payable for arrested tuberculosis and was only payable if service-connection was established before August 19, 1968.

It established a minimum payment of $67 for anyone who meet the above criteria. However, once the compensation for the 10% rate exceeded $67 most folks entitled to SMC Q established entitlement to at least a 10% combined evaluation and their Q award was discontinued.

SMC R (Special Aid and Attendance)

SMC R is awarded to Veterans who are eligible for SMC under Level O, or under Levels N ½ and K together


Require the help of another person every day to perform the majority of a Veteran's day to day living tasks.

Such as:

  • Cleaning and grooming;

  • Dressing and undressing;

  • Eating;

  • Using the restroom;

  • Adjusting prosthetic or orthopedic appliances frequently; or

  • The Veteran's disability (mental or physical) requires that another person regularly helps to keep them from harming themselves or others.


The Veteran is bedridden.


In order to qualify for R2 the Veteran MUST:

  • Require the help of a skilled personal caregiver every day to perform the majority of a Veteran's day to day living tasks; AND

  • In the absence of such care, the Veteran WOULD require hospitalization, nursing home care, or other residential institutional care.

Evidence which shows this may take the form of:

  • Conditions justifying the need for this level of care;

  • Nature, extent, and frequency of the services provided; and

  • Nature and extent of the supervision being provided, if the services are actually provided by a nonprofessional.

SMC S (Housebound)/(Statutory Housebound)

SMC S is awarded to Veterans who are permanently housebound in-fact or meet the ‘statutory requirements’.

Housebound (In-Fact)

This requirement is met when the veteran is substantially confined as a direct result of service-connected disabilities to his or her dwelling and the immediate premises or, if institutionalized, to the ward or clinical areas, and it is reasonably certain that the disability or disabilities and resultant confinement will continue throughout his or her lifetime.


  • Policy-wise the Veteran should have service-connected disabilities that Combine to at least 100%.

  • The Veteran leaving for medical appointments or occasional trips such as to places of worship are NOT considered to be reasons to deny housebound.

Statutory Housebound

SMC S (statutory housebound) is awarded to Veterans who have a SINGLE 100% rating and a separate single 60% rating OR multiple ratings that combine VA Math to at least 60%. IE two 40%, or eight 10%, etc.


  • A grant of TDIU, can count as a singular 100% rating. HOWEVER, if the grant of TDIU is based off of multiple conditions, then TDIU CANNOT be used in place of a single 100% rating!

    • TDIU granted off of a lump conditions (PTSD with TBI rated at 70%) is considered a singular condition. However the same is NOT true if the PTSD and TBI are separately rated conditions (PTSD rated at 70% and TBI rated at 40%).

  • Awards of temporary 100% due to Convalescence leave or Hospitalization for a service-connected condition DO count for purposes of establishing a single 100% rating! After the temp 100% ends, entitlement to SMC S will be discontinued if the Veteran no longer meets the criteria for housebound or statutory housebound.


SMC T is awarded to Veterans who suffer from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), specifically. A Veteran who has a TBI and is in need of regular aid and attendance for the residuals of TBI.

This includes Veterans who need to be in a residential care program or hospitalized due to the residuals of their TBI.


  • The need for aid and attendance needs to be identified as being due ONLY to TBI/residuals of TBI! If multiple conditions exist which contribute to the need for aid and attendance the rater will need to weigh the medical evidence to determine if the need would exist if only the TBI/TBI residuals existed.

  • The TBI condition and/or TBI residuals MUST Combine to 100%.


  • The rate for (T) is paid at the same as the rate for (R-2).

Special Cases

These cases ONLY apply to Veterans who rate between SMC L-N½. However, it CANNOT make a SMC go above SMC O.


  • The special cases 1 and 2 CANNOT be applied at the same time! The Veteran will simply get the the SMC increase of one.

Special Case 1

If the Veteran has a separate individual or VA combined 50% rating(s) that was NOT considered in an SMC, then the veteran will have their SMC rate raised ½ level.


  • The condition(s) which make up the 50% condition MUST be Static and have no future reevaluations.

Special Case 2

If the Veteran has a separate individual 100% rating that was NOT considered in an SMC, then the veteran will have their SMC rate increased one SMC level.


Special Case 3

If the Veteran has a separate service-connected conditions that qualify for SMC ratings under two (or more) different levels between L and N ½, then the veteran will be given SMC N.

Special Case 4

If the Veteran has loss of or loss of use of 3 limbs then they will have their SMC rate raised one SMC level.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not necessarily. In order to qualify for certain ratings such as deformity, yes. However, generally the examiner will just ask you questions such as how ED/FSAD has affected you and if medication has helped you.

  • You will be paid the higher SMC. The exception to this is SMC-K.

  • Upon logging into Ebenefits:

    • Click Additional Benefits - Located in the box labeled 'Things you can view here:'

    • Click the [+] box located to the left of the text that says 'Special Monthly Compensation Benefits'.