The Rating Schedule Index
The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) uses the Schedule For Rating Disabilities in conjunction with the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual to determine what disability evaluation to award Veterans depending upon the severity of their disability and any other applicable policies and regulations.
DO NOT misuse the schedule! To misrepresent the severity of your condition is a CRIME!
DO NOT treat the schedule as a check list of things to say or do!
Please use the schedule more as a means to understand what the VA is looking for. So you have a better understanding of how to explain your impairment or to simply learn how your condition is rated.
Due to the sheer size of the schedule, this page has been broken up into major section and then broken down further into the various sub-sections.
Alternatively, if you would like to search the rating schedule by condition name click HERE to view the Master Condition List; which links conditions directly to how it is rated in the schedule.
Advanced users can also search by VA Diagnostic Codes by clicking HERE.
Rating Schedule Major Sections
Major Section |
Description |
The Cardiovascular System | Heart, blood, vein, and artery issues |
Conditions that the VA will NOT Rate | Things the VA will not service connect/rate |
Dental and Oral | Jaw, jaw joint, palates, and teeth |
The Digestive System | Abdomen & peritoneum, cancers & tumors, esophagus, gallbladder, hepatitis, hernias, and intestines |
The Endocrine System | Adrenal conditions, cancers & tumors, diabetes, parathyroid conditions, pituitary conditions, pluriglandular syndrome, and thyroid conditions |
The Female Reproductive System | Breasts, cancers & tumors, endometriosis, fallopian tubes, fistulas, ovaries, uterus, vagina, vulva, and cervix |
The Genitourinary System | Cancers & tumors, renal conditions, penis & testis, tuberculosis, urinary conditions |
The Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems | Blood and Breasts (integrated with other systems) |
Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders | Self explanatory |
Mental Disorders | Anxiety, eating disorders, MDD, MST, PTSD, etc. |
The Musculoskeletal System | Bones, tendons, joints, cancers & tumors, and muscle issues |
The Nervous System | Nerves of the body. Also contains traumatic brain injuries (TBI) |
Nutritional Deficiencies | Bacterial infections, cancers & tumors, fungal infections, lung diseases, nose & sinuses, sleep apnea, throat, and tuberculosis, etc. |
The Respiratory System | Bacterial infections, cancers & tumors, fungal infections, lung diseases, nose & sinuses, sleep apnea, throat, and tuberculosis, etc. |
The Senses |
Your traditional five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. |
The Skin | Acne & chloracne, cancers & tumors, pores & hair, psoriasis, dermatitis & eczema, hives, keratin diseases, lupus, scars, skin discoloration, and skin infections, etc. |
Historical Rating Schedules
Date of Version (202X) | Date of Version (201X) | Date of Version (200X) | Date of Version (199X) |
- | July 1, 2019 | July 1, 2009 | July 1, 1999 |
- | July 1, 2018 | July 1, 2008 | July 1, 1998 |
- | July 1, 2017 | July 1, 2007 | July 1, 1997 |
- | July 1, 2016 | July 1, 2006 | - |
- | July 1, 2015 | July 1, 2005 | - |
- | July 1, 2014 | July 1, 2004 | - |
July 1, 2023 | July 1, 2013 | July 1, 2003 | - |
July 1, 2022 | July 1, 2012 | July 1, 2002 | - |
July 1, 2021 | July 1, 2011 | July 1, 2001 | - |
July 1, 2020 | July 1, 2010 | July 1, 2000 | - |
Extra Scheduler
In exceptional or unusual circumstances in which the Veteran has factors such as marked interference with employment or frequent periods of hospitalization, the VA Director of Compensation Service may grant a rating that is higher than what is provided for in the rating schedule. Do know, these cases are exceptionally rare!
Hospitalizations (Temporary 100% Rating) (38 CFR 4.29)
Veterans who are hospitalized at a VA hospital or at an approved hospital for 22 or more continuous days due to a service-connected condition will be paid at the 100% rate, going back to the day that they were admitted to the hospital.
This 100% rating will be paid to the end of the month that the Veteran was discharged in*.
*Unless the hospitalization lasted at least 6 months due to a Mental disorder. In such case, the Veteran will continue to receive the 100% rating for 6 months, at which point the Veteran will receive a Reevaluation to determine their current level of disability.
The following situations do NOT entitle the Veteran to temporary 100%:
Treatment while a resident in a State Veterans’ home;
UNLESS actually hospitalized at a medical facility at the home.
Participating in a live-in/work-out program - used commonly to help transition people to community living; or are
Resident in a Domiciliary program.
UNLESS the level of care required is comparable to hospital care.
VHA’s Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program (MH RRTP) is a type of domiciliary care.
Depending upon the Veteran's other ratings they may become eligible for SMC S during their period of convalescence.
Filing for Temporary 100%
The Veteran can seek the aid of a VSO or file online on If you file yourself, you can file it as a new claim “temporary 100% due to hospitalization” and include evidence of the hospitalization or give the VA a VA Form 21-4142/21-4142a to obtain the records for you.
In order for the VA to grant the temporary 100% the medical evidence MUST state:
The condition(s) which were the cause of the hospitalization; and
The length of the hospitalization stay.
If the Veteran is hospitalized at a VA facility, the VA should handle the claim for the Veteran. In this case the Veteran should not need to file themselves.
Convalescent Rating (Temporary 100% Rating) (38 CFR 4.30)
If the Veteran meets at least ONE of the following eligibility requirements following their hospital discharge they will be entitled to a temporary single rating of 100%.
Unless the rating schedule specifies, the temporary ratings can range from 1 to 3 months. If a medical professional determines the Veteran needs additional time the Veteran may get file to get extensions up to a total of 6 months. Veterans who may require further extensions can get up to another 6 months if approved by the Veterans Service Center Manager.
The surgery or procedure MUST be done on something that is service-connected AND
Surgery requires at least 1 month of convalescence;
Surgery with severe postoperative residuals such as incompletely healed surgical wounds, stumps of recent amputations, therapeutic immobilization of one major joint or more, application of a body cast, the necessity for house confinement, or the necessity for continued use of a wheelchair or crutches (regular weight-bearing prohibited); OR
Immobilization by cast, without surgery, of one major joint or more.
After the convalescent period ends. The Veteran's disability will be Reevaluated. UNLESS, the schedule dictates a minimum rating the Veteran will get or the vet is already rated at 10%.
Depending upon the Veteran's other ratings they may become eligible for SMC S during their period of convalescence.
If the rating schedule specifies a Veteran will get say 6, 12, etc. months of temporary 100% rate, the Veteran will get an additional month of 100%. So the Veteran will in effect have 7, 13, etc. months of temporary 100%.
If the Veteran retroactively becomes service-connected for something that made them eligible for a convalescent rating, they can file to get back pay - SO LONG AS the effective day is before or during the Veteran's convalescent time period.
If the Veteran needs an extension of their temp 100% due to their condition taking longer to recover, the Veteran can request an extension of up to 3 months by providing the VA medical evidence from their doctor demonstrating the need.
Filing for Temporary 100%
The Veteran can seek the aid of a VSO or file online on If you file yourself, you can file it as a new claim “temporary 100% due to convalescence” and include evidence of the convalescence or give the VA a VA Form 21-4142/21-4142a to obtain the records for you.
In order for the VA to grant the temporary 100% the medical evidence MUST state:
The condition(s) which were the cause of the convalescence; and
The length of the convalescence.
Amputation Rule (38 CFR 4.68)
A Veteran CANNOT get a Combined VA rating higher for musculoskeletal conditions for a limb than if it was amputated. In the rare cases in which the amputation rule is applied, the conditions that ‘spill over’ the maximum combined evaluation will be disabled and will NOT be applied to your combined disability evaluation!
For example:
If a Veteran had their right dominant arm amputated above the elbow they would be awarded a rating of 80%.
A Veteran who had no amputation could NOT have a combined VA rating higher than 80% for musculoskeletal conditions that involve their dominant Elbow/forearm, Wrist, and/or Hand.
The amputation rule does NOT apply to evaluations of peripheral nerve disabilities of the extremities including, but not limited to: diabetic neuropathy, radiculopathy/sciatica due to a spinal disorder, or peripheral nerve injuries of non-musculoskeletal cause.
The amputation rule does NOT apply to bilateral evaluations assigned under single DCs found in 38 CFR 4.71a, such as those assigned for bilateral foot disabilities, EXCEPT when being compared to a bilateral amputation of the same extremities.
Pyramiding Rule (38 CFR 4.14)
The same disability/symptom CANNOT be rated twice.
An example would be a Veteran diagnosed with 2 ankle conditions that result in reduced range of motion. The Veteran could NOT get 2 separate ratings for each diagnosed condition based on the limitation of motion.
Common Pyramiding Errors
Newer raters are known to sometimes improperly rate disabilities. As such, sometimes they will rate something separately that they shouldn't. The following are common pyramiding errors. If you have active ratings for any of the following two disabilities. You should contact a VSO BEFORE you file any new claims or increases, as the VA may identify the error(s) and fix them - which could result in you ending up with a lower rating than when you started!
Median nerve & Ulnar nerve (same arm)
*Unless the examiner can differentiate the symptoms of both; then the rater needs to give the Veteran a separate rating for each.
Time Based Protections
Veterans who have held their ratings for the following number of continuous years have the following legal protections. However, if there was fraud involved then there are NO protections given! Errors on the part of the VA are NOT fraud.
The date of time based protections start from the effective date of the grant, NOT the date of the rating decision!
5 Years - Reductions (38 CFR 3.344)
A Veteran's rating generally cannot be reduced based upon a single C&P exam that shows the Veteran's disability has improved. This is because CONTINUOUS improvement MUST be shown when the evaluation has been held for at least 5 continuous years.
In MOST cases it will take another exam showing the condition is still improved before the Veteran WILL receive a Proposal for reduction (if the reduction reduces your Combined evaluation; otherwise the condition will be reduced without notice).
Practical example to be reduced based on ONE EXAM:
The condition is rated on lab results like Kidney or Lung function and the VA happens to have lab results that show improvement… whelp if you filed an increase for that condition for some reason - you should EXPECT a reduction/proposal based if the VA does another lab test because of your claim and it confirms the improvement!
This protection does NOT reset after 5 years! Meaning if you had an exam showing improvement on year 6 and then another exam shows improvement at year 16, the VA CAN still come for blood!
Ratings for diseases subject to temporary or episodic improvement, e.g., Manic depressive or Other psychotic reaction, Epilepsy, Psychoneurotic reaction, Arteriosclerotic heart disease, Bronchial asthma, Gastric or duodenal ulcer, many Skin diseases, etc., will NOT be reduced based off of ONE examination showing improvement (EXCEPT when all the evidence of record clearly shows that sustained improvement has been shown).
Ratings for conditions which become comparatively symptom free (findings absent) after prolonged rest, e.g. residuals of Phlebitis, arteriosclerotic heart disease, etc., will NOT be reduced on examinations reflecting the improvement is due to bed rest.
RATER COMMENT: Yeah… so… if you did not claim an increase for something unrelated to your claim and there is evidence of improvement - We ain’t gonna go out of our ways to reduce you for that unclaimed/unrelated condition.
10 Years - Service-Connection (38 CFR 3.957)
A Veteran's service-connection for a disability CANNOT be severed, barring fraud or if it is clearly shown from military records that the Veteran did not have the required service or character of discharge.
The Veteran's erroneously service-connected condition is eligible for increases, if an increase is warranted.
If the Veteran's erroneously service-connected condition causes other disabilities, they can be service-connected on a secondary basis.
In the event the VA clearly and erroneously grants service-connection for a disability involving a specific location (left vs. right and/or upper vs. lower); the VA CAN reassign the location of the grant, even after 10 years. In the event such change results in a reduced evaluation, VA MUST provide due process and propose the change.
20 Years - Total Protection (38 CFR 3.951)
A Veteran's entitlement to a benefit/rating CANNOT be severed/reduced, barring fraud!
In the event the VA clearly and erroneously grants service-connection for a disability involving a specific location (left vs. right and/or upper vs. lower); the VA CAN reassign the location of the grant, even after 20 years. In the event such change results in a reduced evaluation, VA MUST provide due process and propose the change.
Example Involving Increase
Condition | Rating % | Date | 5 years (Y/N) | 10 Years (Y/N) | 20 years (Y/N) | Explanation |
Condition A | 10% | 1/2000 | N | N | N | Initial rating. |
Condition A | 10% | 1/2005 | Y | N | N | 5 years later. |
Condition A | 30% | 1/2010 | N* | Y* | N | Increased to 30%. |
Condition A | 30% | 1/2015 | Y | Y | N | 30% has been held for 5 years. |
Condition A | 30% | 1/2020 | Y | Y | N** | 20 years have passed since initial rating. |
Condition A | 30% | 1/2030 | Y | Y | Y | 30% rating has been held for 20 years total. |
*Condition A has been held for 10 years, no matter the rating percentage. However, the 5 year protection ONLY applies to the 10% rating and NOT the newly increased rating of 30%.
**Only the 10% rating has the 20 year protection, as it has been held for 20 years.
Other Protections
Protections that are not based on age of award.
In the event that a Veteran has a non-service-connected OR service-connected amputation that removes something that was service-connected, the Veteran's rating will continue in force and NOT be reduced or removed.
Changes in the Schedule
In the event that the rating schedule changes, the Veteran will be grandfathered under the older schedule.
Do know that in the event it is found that the Veteran has improved under their grandfathered schedule AND the new schedule, the Veteran will then have their evaluation reduced/Proposed to be reduced and rated per the current rating schedule (assuming they do NOT have a protected evaluation).
If over the life of a claim the schedule changes, the Veteran's condition will be evaluated based upon the schedule in force on the Effective date of the grant. IF the new schedule is better then a Staged evaluation will be given, from the date of the schedule change.
Aged over 55
This is a common misconception as it is NOT actually a form of rating protection!
What being aged over 55 or more does do is:
The VA will not establish regularly scheduled reexaminations - in most cases. Effectively, making the condition static.
However, some conditions do require regularly scheduled reexaminations such as:
Cancers; and
Infectious diseases such as Tuberculous.
So, if the Veteran decides to file a claim on a Secondary basis. The VA could possibly reevaluate the primary condition, and if appropriate - reduce the rating of the primary condition!
Incarcerated Veterans
Veterans who are incarcerated in a Federal, State or local penal institution in excess of 60 days for conviction of a felony will have their disability compensation reduced.
Reduced Pay
Incarcerated Veterans have their disability pay reduced!
Rated 20% or higher
Veteran will be paid according to 38 USC § 1114(a). At the time of this writing this is $123.
Rated 10%/paid at 10%
Veteran will be paid HALF the rate of 10%.
Any Special Monthly Compensations (SMC) will NOT be paid.
If the Veteran's spouse/dependents rely on the Veteran's disability compensation, they may appeal to have all or part of the money that was reduced from the Veteran's compensation paid to themselves. This appeal will be based upon a demonstrated need.
If the Veteran receives any SMCs they will not be paid.
If the Veteran's conviction is overturned on appeal, the Veteran's disability pay minus any apportioned money will be returned to the Veteran.
Frequently Asked Questions
For existing evaluations:
The Veteran will be grandfathered under the older schedule and nothing will automatically happen.
If the new schedule just so happens to be better, the Veteran would need to file for an increase.
If the Veteran files for an increase, they will be evaluated based upon the NEW schedule.
In the event it is found that the Veteran has improved under both the new AND the grandfathered schedule, the Veteran will then have their rating reduced and rated per the current rating schedule (if their evaluation is not Protected).
For ongoing claims/appeals during a new schedule becoming active:
The VA will look at both schedules and will use the most favorable one for the Veteran.
Do know that if the new schedule is used, the effective date can be NO earlier than the day the new schedule became active.
No, a Veteran does not need to seek treatment through the VA or otherwise to maintain their ratings. (Some Veterans get confused about this, because Social Security does have this requirement.)
In MOST cases, unless you file a new claim for increase, the VA will NOT just come looking at your previously rated conditions!
CONTINUOUS Medication Usage:
If the schedule specifically mentions medication usage - the Veteran will be rated as stated. This generally results in the Veteran getting a higher rating.
If the schedule does NOT mention medication usage - so long as the Veteran continues to take their medication they should NOT be reduced! (Jones V. Shinseki (2012))
Non-Continuous Medication Usage:
The Veteran will be rated upon where their symptoms settle at.
Other Treatments/Surgeries
Once treatment ends, the Veteran will be rated* upon where their symptoms settle at.
If after surgery you qualify for a Convalescent rating of temporary 100%, the Veteran will be Reevaluated (unless the schedules lists a minimum evaluation).
*If and when the Veteran has a reevaluation.
38 CFR § 3.665 - Incarcerated beneficiaries and fugitive felons - compensation
38 USC § 1155. Authority for schedule for rating disabilities
M21-1, Part V, Subpart iii, Chapter 1, Section F - Other Musculoskeletal Considerations
M21-1, V.iv.1.E.3.d. Revising Erroneous Anatomical Qualifiers
M21-1, Part VIII, Subpart iv, Chapter 8, Section B - Hospitalization Ratings Under 38 CFR 4.29
M21-1, Part VIII, Subpart iv, Chapter 8, Section C - Convalescent Ratings Under 38 CFR 4.30