Rating Schedule for the Female Reproductive System
Breasts, cancers & tumors, endometriosis, fallopian tubes, fistulas, ovaries, uterus, vagina, vulva, and the cervix.
Natural menopause, primary amenorrhea, pregnancy, and childbirth are NOT disabilities for VA disability purposes.
Also do NOT Claim things which went away after the birth such as:
Back pain;
Edema in the legs;
Gestational diabetes;
Shortness of breath; and
Urinary tract infections.
Chronic residuals of medical or surgical complications of pregnancy CAN be disabilities for VA disability purposes!
Removal or Loss of Use of Reproductive Organs
7617 Complete Removal of the Uterus AND both Ovaries
Veteran is entitled to SMC K.
Rating |
Description |
50% |
After 100% ends. |
100% | For 3 months after removal. |
7618 Removal of the Uterus
Veteran is entitled to SMC K.
Rating |
Description |
30% |
After 100% ends. |
100% | For 3 months after removal. |
7632 Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD)
The inability to get or stay aroused during sex. Also described as the physical inability of a woman to accomplish or maintain an ample lubrication-swelling reaction during sexual intercourse.
Veteran is entitled to SMC K.
This condition MUST be diagnosed by a qualified medical professional. A mental health professional is NOT qualified! While there can be a mental component involved in this condition, it is ultimately a physiological NOT psychiatric condition.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Condition exists. |
7621 Displacement of Pelvic Organs
Complete or incomplete pelvic organ prolapse* (made of out place) due to injury, disease, or surgical complications of pregnancy.
Pelvic organs include:
Small intestines;
Uterus; and
*This also includes uterine or vaginal vault prolapses (tears and bulges into the uterus or vagina). Such as:
Perineal deficiency;
Rectocele; and
If the displacement causes Secondary conditions involving the Digestive, Genitourinary, and/or Skin symptoms:
Those secondaries WILL each get their own individual ratings.
If the displacement is caused by removal of reproductive organs, the VA CANNOT grant a separate evaluation for the displacement of any remaining pelvic organs.
The granting of the previously mentioned secondary conditions ARE allowed though.
Rating |
Description |
10% | No matter how many organs are affected. |
Abnormal Passageways (Fistulas)
When two things connect that should not.
7624 Rectovaginal Fistula
Rating |
Description |
0% | No vaginal fecal leakage. |
10% | Leakage less than once a week. |
30% | Leakage 1-3 times per week requiring wearing of pad. |
60% | Leakage 4 or more times per week, but less than daily, requiring wearing of pad. |
100% | Leakage at least once a day requiring wearing of pad. |
7625 Urethrovaginal Fistula
Rating |
Description |
20% |
Requiring the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed less than 2 times per day. |
40% | Requiring the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed 2-4 times per day. |
60% | Requiring the use of an appliance or the wearing of absorbent materials which must be changed more than 4 times per day. |
100% | Multiple urethrovaginal fistulae. |
7629 Endometriosis
When the cells that line the uterus grow in other places in the body.
The diagnosis MUST be confirmed via a laparoscopy test.
Laparoscopy testing MUST be done BEFORE filing a claim, the VA will NOT have an examiner conduct the testing on you!
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Pelvic pain, heavy, or irregular bleeding requiring continuous treatment for control. |
30% | Pelvic pain or heavy or irregular bleeding NOT controlled by treatment. |
50% | Lesions involving bowel or bladder, pelvic pain, heavy or irregular bleeding NOT controlled by treatment, AND bowel or bladder symptoms. |
7610/7615 Diseases, Injuries, and Adhesions
The following body parts are all rated identically:
Fallopian tube (includes pelvic inflammatory disease (PID));
Vulva or clitoris (includes Vulvovaginitis).
The Veteran CAN receive an individual rating for each body part.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Symptoms do NOT require continuous treatment. |
10% | Symptoms require continuous treatment. |
30% | Symptoms NOT controlled by continuous treatment. |
Disorders of Menstruation
Also fall under this schedule and include:
Secondary amenorrhea; and
Secondary dysmenorrhea.
Direct or Aggravated service-connection CANNOT be granted for these disorders of menstruation!
Cervical Dysplasia (Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN))
Cervical dysplasia/CIN is NOT a disease or injury. It is a cellular abnormality of the cervix found by Papanicolaou (Pap) smear testing that generally resolves without treatment or residuals.
HOWEVER, if the condition is chronic or severe AND there are chronic residuals from treatment then it CAN be service-connected and ratings awarded based on any residuals.
This would look something like: residual (residual condition) of cervical dysplasia.
If there is a medical opinion that your in-service cervical dysplasia went on to cause your Cervical cancer. Then that cancer can be service-connected!
Cancer and Tumors of the Reproductive System
7627 Cancer (Malignant Tumor)
If exposed to Burn pits.
If diagnosed with ovary cancer and exposed to Ionizing radiation.
Separate 100% evaluations for active gynecological and breasts cancers IS allowed.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
Rated based on residuals. |
100% | While cancer is active and 6 months after. |
7628 Tumors (Benign Tumor)
Tumors are in and of themselves a non-compensational (0% rating).
However, if the tumor or its removal causes Secondary conditions those can be rated.
Such as Lymphedema or Scaring.
The Breasts
This section applies to BOTH male and female Veterans.
Fibrocystic Breast Disease
This condition itself CANNOT be service-connected unless:
Persistent lumps or thickening requiring surgical removal, or
Fibrocystic breast changes with associated atypical hyperplasia.
If the first case is meet then you will be rated under Scars and if applicable, Breast surgery.
If the second case is meet then you will be rated under Breast cancer.
Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)
Can be caused by weight gain or hormonal changes.
This condition may be rated under the the following schedules:
If rated under the breast removal schedule, the MAX rating is 0%!
7626 Breast Surgery/Removal
Surgical removal of one or both breasts.
Wide local excision (including partial mastectomy, lumpectomy, tylectomy, segmentectomy, and quadrantectomy) means removal of a portion of the breast tissue.
Simple (or total) mastectomy means removal of all of the breast tissue, nipple, and a small portion of the overlying skin, but lymph nodes and muscles are left intact.
Modified radical mastectomy means removal of the entire breast and axillary lymph nodes (in continuity with the breast). Pectoral muscles are left intact.
Radical mastectomy means removal of the entire breast, underlying pectoral muscles, and regional lymph nodes up to the coracoclavicular ligament.
If a breast reduction is done purely for cosmetic purposes then the Veteran CANNOT get service-connection. However, if a reduction is done to lessen say back or neck pain (during service) it can be service-connected!
*Female Veterans may be entitled to SMC K.
You CAN get a rating under this schedule as well as a rating for any Scars!
One Breast Rating | Both Breasts Rating | Description |
0% | 0% | Wide local excision without significant alteration of size or form. |
30%* | 50%* | Simple mastectomy or wide local excision WITH significant alteration of size or form. |
40%* | 60%* | Modified radical mastectomy. |
50%* | 80%* | Radical mastectomy. |
7630 Cancer (Malignant Tumor)
If exposed to Burn pits; or
If exposed to Ionizing radiation.
Separate 100% evaluations for active gynecological and breasts cancers IS allowed.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
Rated based on residuals. |
100% | While cancer is active and 6 months after. |
7631 Tumors (Benign Tumor)
Tumors are in and of themselves a non-compensational (0% rating).
However, if the tumor or its removal causes Secondary conditions those can be rated.
Such as Muscle loss, Nerve damage, or Scaring.
Having Trouble Finding Your Condition?
Click HERE to view the Master Condition List.
38 CFR § 4.116 Schedule of ratings—gynecological conditions and disorders of the breast
M21-1, Part IV, Subpart i, Chapter 2, Section E - Examinations in Special Situations
M21-1, Part V, Subpart iii, Chapter 8, Section A - Disabilities of the Gynecological System
M21-1, Part V, Subpart iii, Chapter 8, Section B - Disabilities of the Breast