Rating Schedule for the Arteries & Veins
For the things that hold the wet red stuff.
7101 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension, Isolated Systolic Hypertension, Hypertensive Vascular Disease)
Blood pressure readings are composed of two components; the top number (systolic) and bottom number (diastolic).
In order to be properly diagnosed with hypertension the Veteran must have blood pressure readings taken two or more times on at least three different days.
Veterans who have Hypertensive heart disease CAN receive a separate rating for hypertension.
Veterans who have hypertension due to aortic insufficiency or Hyperthyroidism will NOT receive a separate rating for hypertension.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity was at least 10% within that time;
If exposed to Agent Orange; or
If you were a POW and the severity was at least 10% at some point.
Hypertension developing in a Veteran who has a service-connected Amputation of one leg at or above the knee OR service-connected amputations of both legs at or above the ankles are entitled to quasi presumptive service-connection.
Rating |
Description |
10% | Diastolic pressure predominantly 100 or more; OR systolic pressure predominantly 160 or more; OR a HISTORY of diastolic pressure predominantly 100 or more AND requires continuous medication for control. |
20% | Diastolic pressure predominantly 110 or more; OR systolic pressure predominantly 200 or more. |
40% | Diastolic pressure predominantly 120 or more. |
60% | Diastolic pressure predominantly 130 or more. |
Quasi Secondary Presumptives
This condition has quasi presumptive secondary conditions click HERE to learn more.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
Rated based on residuals; Commonly under Peripheral arterial disease. |
100% | 6 months following release from hospital. |
100% | If 5cm or larger in diameter; OR if symptomatic (causes pain or hemorrhaging); OR requires surgery. |
7111 Other Large Artery Aneurysm
Any other large artery that is not the aortic.
If the Veteran has multiple limbs that are affected, EACH limb will receive their own individual ratings.
Rating |
Description |
?% | Residuals rated under Peripheral arterial disease. |
100% | 6 months following release from hospital. |
100% | Suffering from symptoms; OR from time a physician recommends surgery. |
7112 Small Artery Aneurysm
If there are symptoms then they will be rated on how they affect the Veteran. For example, if it causes pain that results in Limitation of motion. The Veteran will be rated under the applicable rating schedule for the limitation of motion.
Rating |
Description |
0% | No symptoms. |
Blood Flow/Blockage Issues
7114 Peripheral Vascular Disease (Arteriosclerosis Obliterans)
When the arteries in the body become blocked; resulting in reduced blood flow.
This schedule utilizes the Ankle/bracial index. Which helps determine the amount of blood flow that is reaching the limbs.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation within that time.
If the Veteran has multiple limbs that are affected, EACH limb will receive their own separate evaluations.
Rating |
Description |
20% | Ankle/brachial index of 0.67-0.79; OR ankle pressure of 84-99 mm Hg; OR toe pressure of 50-59 mm Hg; OR transcutaneous oxygen tension of 50-59 mm Hg. |
40% | Ankle/brachial index of 0.54-0.66; OR ankle pressure of 66-83 mm Hg; OR toe pressure of 40-49 mm Hg; OR transcutaneous oxygen tension of 40-49 mm Hg. |
60% | Ankle/brachial index between 0.40-0.53; OR ankle pressure of 50-65 mm Hg; OR toe pressure of 30-39 mm Hg; OR transcutaneous oxygen tension of 30-39 mm Hg. |
100% | Ankle/brachial index of 0.40 or less; OR ankle pressure less than 50 mm Hg; OR toe pressure less than 30 mm Hg; OR transcutaneous oxygen tension less than 30 mm Hg. |
7115 Buerger's Disease (Thrombo-angiitis Obliterans)
When the blood vessels in the hands or feet become blocked. Resulting in reduced blood flow.
If a LEG is affected by this disease then it will be rated under the Peripheral vascular disease schedule.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation within that time.
If the Veteran has multiple limbs that are affected, EACH limb will receive their own separate evaluations.
Rating |
Description |
20% |
Reduced pulse in arm. |
40% | There are skin changes (thin skin, absence of hair, dystrophic nails), numbness, and feeling of pins and needles at the fingertips, and reduced pulse in arm. |
60% | Persistent coldness in the arm, skin changes, pain in hand when in use, and reduced pulse in arm. |
100% | Deep ischemic ulcers and death of finger tissues, with persistent coldness in the arm, skin changes, pain in hand when in use, and reduced pulse in arm. |
7124 Raynaud's Disease (Primary Raynaud's)
Smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin constrict excessively in response to cold or stress, limiting blood supply to the affected area(s).
This condition is NOT the result of an associated medical condition.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation within that time.
Characteristic attacks consist of:
Color changes in the fingers or toes
Pain and 'feeling of pins and needles' in extremities
Attacks can be triggered by exposure to cold or by emotional upsets
Attacks can last a few minutes to a few hours
These ratings are for the disease as a whole, regardless of the number of extremities involved or whether the nose and ears are involved.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Characteristic attacks without skin changes (such as tight, cracked, or shiny skin, as well as nail changes/deformities). |
10% | Characteristic attacks WITH skin changes (such as tight, cracked, or shiny skin, as well as nail changes/deformities). |
7117 Raynaud’s Syndrome (Raynaud's Phenomenon)
Smaller arteries that supply blood to the skin constrict excessively in response to cold or stress, limiting blood supply to the affected area(s).
This form of Raynaud's is caused by an underlying problem. Although secondary Raynaud's is less common than the primary form, it tends to be more serious.
Characteristic attacks consist of:
Color changes in the fingers or toes
Pain and 'feeling of pins and needles' in extremities
Attacks can be triggered by exposure to cold or by emotional upsets
Attacks can last a few minutes to a few hours
These ratings are for the disease as a whole, regardless of the number of extremities involved or whether the nose and ears are involved.
Rating |
Description |
10% | Characteristic attacks occurring 1-3 times a week. |
20% | Characteristic attacks occurring 4-6 times a week. |
40% | Characteristic attacks occurring daily. |
60% | With 2 or more ulcers forming on the fingers or toes and history of characteristic attacks. |
100% | With 2 or more ulcers forming on the fingers or toes, autoamputation of 1 or more fingers or toes, and a history of characteristic attacks. |
7119 Erythromelalgia
Condition characterized by episodes of pain, redness, and swelling in various parts of the body, particularly the hands and feet.
Characteristic attacks consist of:
Burning pain in the hands, feet, or both
Swelling and redness of the hands, feet, or both
These ratings are for the disease as a whole, regardless of the number of extremities involved or whether the nose and ears are involved.
Rating |
Description |
10% | Characteristic attacks do NOT occur daily but do occur at least 3 times a week and respond to treatment. |
30% | Characteristic attacks occur daily or more often AND respond to treatment. |
60% | Characteristic attacks occur more than once a day, lasting an average of more than 2 hours each, and respond poorly to treatment, but does NOT restrict most routine daily activities. |
100% | Characteristic attacks occur more than once a day, lasting an average of more than 2 hours each, and respond poorly to treatment, and do restrict most routine daily activities. |
Miscellaneous Vein Conditions
7120 Varicose Veins
Gnarled, enlarged veins, most commonly appearing in the legs and feet.
If the Veteran has multiple limbs that are affected, EACH limb will receive their own ratings which will also each receive the Bilateral factor, if applicable.
Rated under Circulatory disturbances.
7121 Circulatory Disturbances (Post-Phlebitic Syndrome, Post-Thrombotic Syndrome, Venous Diseases, Venous Insufficiency)
Lasting symptoms of various vein conditions.
If the Veteran has multiple limbs that are affected, EACH limb will receive their own ratings which will also each receive the Bilateral factor, if applicable.
Rating |
Description |
0% | Vein condition present, but there are no symptoms. |
10% | Occasional swelling, aching, or fatigue. Symptoms can be relieved by elevation of extremity or compression hosiery. |
20% | Persistent swelling, aching, or fatigue. Symptoms CANNOT be fully relieved by elevation of extremity, with or without skin discoloration or rashes. |
40% | Persistent swelling, aching, or fatigue, and skin discoloration or rashes, with or without intermittent open wounds. |
60% | Persistent swelling, aching, or fatigue, or hardened bump under the skin, skin discoloration or rashes, and persistent open wounds. |
100% | Massive swelling that makes the limb becoming stiff as a board, resulting in constant limb pain, even at rest. |
7118 Severe Allergic Swelling (Angioneurotic Edema, Angioedema, Anaphylaxis)
Swelling under the skin, triggered by an allergy to animal dander, pollen, drugs, venom, food, or medication.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Attacks do not affect the throat and they last between 1-7 days and occur 2-4 times a year. |
20% | Attacks do not affect the throat and they last between 1-7 days and occur 5-8 times a year; OR attacks affect the throat for any duration once or twice a year. |
40% | Attacks do not affect the throat and they last between 1-7 days or longer and occur more than 8 times a year; OR attacks affect the throat for any duration more than twice a year. |
7122 Overexposure to the Cold (Frostbite, Cold Injury Residuals)
When persistent cold causes permanent damage to the arteries, nerves, or veins.
If the Veteran has multiple body parts (hand, foot, nose, or ear) that are affected, EACH body part (BESIDES individual fingers and toes) will receive individual ratings.
Example: If 2 fingers are affected on the left hand at 10% and 20% severity and 1 finger on the right hand is at a 10% severity. Then for rating purposes the left hand would rate 20% and the right hand would rate 10%.
If the Veteran develops other conditions outside of the below rated symptoms, the Veteran CAN get separate ratings for them. This includes but is not limited to things such as:
If you were a POW interned in/during cold climate and the severity was at least 10% at some point.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Joint pain or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity. |
20% | Joint pain or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity PLUS 1 of the following: tissue loss, nail abnormalities, color changes, locally impaired sensation, excessive sweating, or X-ray abnormalities (osteoporosis, subarticular punched out lesions, or osteoarthritis), trophy or fibrosis of the affected musculature, flexion or extension deformity of distal joints, volar fat pad loss in fingers or toes, avascular necrosis of bone, chronic ulceration, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome. |
30% | Joint pain or other pain, numbness, or cold sensitivity PLUS 2 OR MORE of the following: tissue loss, nail abnormalities, color changes, locally impaired sensation, excessive sweating, X-ray abnormalities (osteoporosis, subarticular punched out lesions, or osteoarthritis), trophy or fibrosis of the affected musculature, flexion or extension deformity of distal joints, volar fat pad loss in fingers or toes, avascular necrosis of bone, chronic ulceration, carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome |
7113 Arteriovenous Fistula
When there is a opening that connects arteries and veins.
Rating |
Description |
20% | Edema or stasis dermatitis (upper limb). |
30% | Edema or stasis dermatitis (lower limb). |
40% | Edema, stasis dermatitis, and either ulceration or cellulitis (upper limb). |
50% | Edema, stasis dermatitis, and either ulceration or cellulitis (lower limb). |
60% | Enlarged heart, wide pulse pressure, with tachycardia. |
100% | High-output heart failure. |
7123 Cancer (Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Sarcoma of the Blood Vessels)
If exposed to Agent Orange.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
Rated on residuals. |
100% | For 6 months following the end of treatment and cancer goes inactive. |
100% | While active. |
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