Rating Schedule for the Digestive System
From the mouth to the anus, it’s a journey quite famous.
Functional gastrointestinal disorders to include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, indigestion, difficulty swallowing, or vomiting it exposed to Gulf environmental hazards and the condition is considered a MUCMI.
MUCMIs associated with undiagnosed gastrointestinal issues are evaluated under the IBS schedule or Gastrointestinal dysmotility syndrome; whichever provides the higher evaluation.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is NOT considered to be a functional disorder!
Veterans CANNOT get separate evaluations for 2 or more conditions evaluated under any the following diagnostic codes at the same time: 7301-7329, 7331, 7342, 7345-7350, 7352, 7355-7357.
In the event that you have multiple conditions that fall within the above pyramiding note and the conditions result in a greater degree of disability than the schedules of any one of conditions would rate; The rater can increase the evaluation to the next higher degree of severity under the schedule of one of those conditions. This way your conditions are more accurately considered and better reflect your total degree of disability. e.g. if the schedule for a condition would put you at 30% with the next highest rating being 60%. But your other pyramiding digestive conditions are so severe that the approximate disability is that of 60%. The rater can awarded a singular rating of 60% instead of the 30% you would have otherwise gotten.
These listed conditions are NOT all the conditions which are prohibited from being rated together!
If you were evaluated under the old general pyramiding notes (before May 19, 2024) and you have conditions which are now allowed to be rated separately, the VA WILL award separate evaluations if doing so would be a good thing for the Veteran!
You were rated for GERD with IBS at 30% with BOTH conditions having a severity worth a rating of 30% each (if they could have been rated separated under the old schedule). If you filed a claim for increase for IBS the VA would look at the IBS based upon the current schedule; if the IBS rated 0% on the current schedule, VA would leave things as they were - so long as you would still rate at least 30% under the old schedule (or had other Protections).
If the IBS instead rated 10% on the current schedule; the VA would keep the GERD at 30% and award a separate evaluation for the IBS at 10%!
Definitions for Weight Loss and Nutrition
The VA has the following definitions for this schedule:
Baseline weight:
The clinically documented average weight for the TWO-YEAR period BEFORE the onset of illness or, if relevant, the weight recorded at the Veteran's most recent discharge physical. If neither of these weights are available or currently relevant, then use IDEAL body weight as determined by either the Hamwi formula or Body Mass Index tables, whichever is most favorable to the Veteran.
Minor weight loss:
Involuntary weight loss between 10 and 20% of an individual's baseline weight sustained for 3 months with gastrointestinal-related symptoms, involving diminished quality of self-care or work tasks, or decreased food intake.
Substantial weight loss:
Involuntary loss greater than 20% of an individual's baseline weight sustained for three months with diminished quality of self-care or work tasks.
Inability to gain weight:
Substantial weight loss with the inability to regain it despite following appropriate therapy.
Deficiency resulting from insufficient intake of one or multiple essential nutrients, or the inability of the body to absorb, utilize, or retain such nutrients. Undernutrition is characterized by failure of the body to maintain normal organ functions and healthy tissues. Signs and symptoms may include: loss of subcutaneous tissue, edema, peripheral neuropathy, muscle wasting, weakness, abdominal distention, ascites, and Body Mass Index below normal range.
Nutritional Support: The following describe various nutritional support methods used to treat certain digestive conditions:
Total parenteral nutrition or hyperalimentation:
Special liquid mixture given into the blood through an intravenous catheter. The mixture contains proteins, carbohydrates (sugars), fats, vitamins, and minerals. Total parenteral nutrition bypasses the normal digestion in the stomach and bowel.
Assisted enteral nutrition:
Special liquid mixture (containing proteins, carbohydrates (sugar), fats, vitamins and minerals) to be delivered into the stomach or bowel through a flexible feeding tube.
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy:
Type of assisted enteral nutrition in which a flexible feeding tube is inserted through the abdominal wall and into the stomach.
Nasogastric or nasoenteral feeding tube:
Type of assisted parental nutrition in which a flexible feeding tube is inserted through the nose into the stomach or bowel.
The Mouth
7200 Soft Tissue Injury of the Mouth (Other than Tongue or Lips)
Rated as Disfigurement of the face, head, or neck, Painful/unstable scar(s), and/or Impairment of eating.
Conditions such as the Loss of teeth, Loss of the palate, and jaw are rated under the Dental schedule.
7201 Lips, Injuries of
Rated as Disfigurement of the face, head, or neck and/or Painful/unstable scar(s).
7202 Loss of Tongue, Whole or Part (True Aglossia)
Muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper body spasm regularly.
Prescription must be made by a medical provider.
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Can eat by mouth but swallowing is permanently impaired. |
60% | Can eat by mouth but swallowing is permanently impaired and requires a prescribed dietary change. |
100% | Cannot eat by mouth. |
Common Secondary Condition
Speech impairment rated as either:
6276 Loss of Sense of Taste (Ageusia)
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Completely lost. |
The Esophagus
Connects the mouth to the stomach.
7203 Difficulty Swallowing (Stricture of the Esophagus, Dysphagia)
When the esophagus narrows/tightens, making it hard to swallow.
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Esophagitis, mechanical or chemical;
Esophagitis due to peptic stricture;
Esophagitis due to radiation therapy;
Drug induced or infectious esophagitis due to Candida, virus, or other organism;
Idiopathic eosinophilic, or lymphocytic esophagitis;
Mallory Weiss syndrome (bleeding at junction of esophagus and stomach due to tears) due to caustic ingestion of alkali or acid; and
ANY esophageal condition that requires treatment with sclerotherapy.
CANNOT be rated together with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
Condition MUST be documented by either:
Barium swallow;
Computerized tomography; or
Symptoms MUST be medically documented to be considered under this schedule.
Recurrent esophageal stricture is defined as the inability to maintain target esophageal diameter beyond 4 weeks after the target diameter has been achieved.
Refractory esophageal stricture is defined as the inability to achieve target esophageal diameter despite receiving no fewer than 5 dilatation sessions performed at 2-week intervals.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Without daily symptoms or requirement for daily medications. |
10% | Esophageal stricture(s) that requires DAILY medications to control difficulty swallowing. |
30% | Esophageal stricture(s) that cause difficulty swallowing that REQUIRE dilation no more than 2 times a year. |
50% | Recurrent or refractory esophageal stricture(s) causing difficulty swallowing which REQUIRE at least one of the following: (1) dilatation 3 or more times per year, (2) dilatation using steroids at least once per year or (3) esophageal stent. |
80% | Recurrent or refractory esophageal stricture(s) causing difficulty swallowing with at least one of the symptoms present: (1) accidental breathing in of food and/or fluid into the lungs, (2) undernutrition, or (3) substantial weight loss as defined by AND treatment with either surgical correction or percutaneous esophago gastrointestinal tube (PEG tube). |
7204 Esophageal Motility Disorder (Achalasia, Spasms of the Esophagus, Cardiospasm)
When muscles in the lower esophagus cannot move food down into the stomach.
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Achalasia (cardiospasm);
Corkscrew esophagus;
Diffuse esophageal spasm (DES);
Esophageal rings (including Schatzki rings);
Esophagus webs;
Mucosal webs or folds;
Nutcracker esophagus;
Other motor disorders of the esophagus; and
Impairment of the esophagus caused by systemic conditions such as myasthenia gravis, scleroderma, and other neurologic conditions.
Rated as Difficulty swallowing.
7205 Diverticulum of the Esophagus
Bubble or pocket of stretched tissue that pushes through the muscle wall of the esophagus.
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Epiphrenic (distal esophagus);
Mid esophageal diverticulum; and
Pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum (Zenker's diverticulum).
Rated as Difficulty swallowing.
7206 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
When your stomach contents leak out and burn your food pipe.
CANNOT be rated together with Difficulty swallowing.
Condition MUST be documented by either:
Barium swallow;
Computerized tomography; or
Symptoms MUST be medically documented to be considered under this schedule.
Recurrent esophageal stricture is defined as the inability to maintain target esophageal diameter beyond 4 weeks after the target diameter has been achieved.
Refractory esophageal stricture is defined as the inability to achieve target esophageal diameter despite receiving no fewer than 5 dilatation sessions performed at 2-week intervals.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Without daily symptoms or requirement for daily medications. |
10% | Esophageal stricture(s) that requires DAILY medications to control difficulty swallowing. |
30% | Esophageal stricture(s) that cause difficulty swallowing that REQUIRE dilation no more than 2 times a year. |
50% | Recurrent or refractory esophageal stricture(s) causing difficulty swallowing which REQUIRE at least one of the following: (1) dilatation 3 or more times per year, (2) dilatation using steroids at least once per year or (3) esophageal stent. |
80% | Recurrent or refractory esophageal stricture(s) causing difficulty swallowing with at least one of the symptoms present: (1) accidental breathing in of food and/or fluid into the lungs, (2) undernutrition, or (3) substantial weight loss as defined by AND treatment with either surgical correction or percutaneous esophago gastrointestinal tube (PEG tube). |
7207 Barrett's Esophagus
Precancerous condition due to changes in the cellular structure of your food tube lining, usually due to repeated damage.
If difficulty of swallowing is present then this condition is rated as Difficulty swallowing instead of this schedule.
MUST be diagnosed by pathologic testing
If this condition is fixed via surgery, radiofrequency ablation, or other treatment, the esophagus residuals are rated as Difficulty swallowing.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Cells show small signs of precancerous changes (low grade dysplasia). |
30% | Cells show extensive signs of precancerous changes (high grade dysplasia). |
The Stomach
Holds your food, as it breaks down.
7307 Chronic Gastritis
Continual swelling of the stomach/glands.
This diagnostic code applies to:
Drug-induced gastritis;
Helicobacter pylori infection;
Portal-hypertensive gastropathy with varix-related complications; and
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Rated as Peptic ulcer disease.
7309 Stenosis of the Stomach
When the stomach becomes abnormally narrowed.
Rated as Chronic complications of upper gastrointestinal surgery or Peptic ulcer disease; whichever is the predominant disability.
7310 Injury of the Stomach
Any residual symptoms are rated as Peritoneal adhesions.
7308 Removal of Stomach, Full/Partial (Gastrectomy)
Rated as Chronic complications of upper gastrointestinal surgery.
7348 Removal of the Vegus Nerve, Partial or Full (Vagotomy)
To get a rating under this schedule, the surgery MUST have been performed in addition with either a gastroenterostomy OR a pyloroplasty!
Rate post-operative residuals not addressed by this diagnostic code under Chronic complications of upper gastrointestinal surgery.
If secondary service-connection is granted for Peptic ulcer disease due to the vagotomy; the MINIMUM evaluation for the ulcer is 20%!
Rating |
Description |
20% |
Incomplete vagotomy. |
30% | With symptoms AND confirmed diagnosis gastritis, or with confirmed persisting diarrhea. |
40% | Difficulty swallowing or continuing gastric retention. |
The Pancreas
Pulls double duty as a gland that is involved in both the Endocrine system and the digestive system.
For the digestive system, the pancreas makes important enzymes that help the small intestines absorb nutrients.
7347 Pancreas Inflammation (Pancreatitis)
Abdominal pain MUST be confirmed by diagnostic studies to show the pain is due to the pancreatitis condition.
Rating |
Description |
30% |
At least 1 episode a year of abdominal or mid-back pain that REQUIRES ongoing outpatient medical treatment for pain, digestive problems, or management of related complications including but not limited to cyst, pseudocyst, intestinal obstruction, or ascites. |
60% | 3 or more episodes of abdominal or mid-back pain per year and at least 1 episode a year requiring hospitalization for management either of complications related to abdominal pain or complications of tube enteral feeding. |
100% | Daily episodes of abdominal or mid-back pain that REQUIRE 3 or more hospitalizations a year; AND pain management by a physician; AND maldigestion and malabsorption requiring dietary restriction and pancreatic enzyme supplementation. |
Common Secondary Condition
7352 Pancreas Transplant
You CANNOT get the minimum evaluation in addition to separate evaluation(s) for residual digestive symptom(s); you will get whichever is higher. Be it the minimum evaluation OR the residual digestive symptom(s).
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Minimum evaluation after getting transplant. |
100% | For duration of hospitalization for the transplant. 100% continues for 1 year after release from hospital. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
7357 Removal of Part/All of the Pancreas (Pancreatecomy)
Can alternatively be rated based on residuals:
Pancreatitis; whichever is the predominant disability.
You CANNOT get the minimum evaluation in addition to separate evaluation(s) for residual symptom(s); you will get whichever is higher. Be it the minimum evaluation OR the residual digestive symptom(s).
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Minimum evaluation. |
The Gallbladder
Collects bile produced by the liver and passes it to the stomach when digesting food. The bile specifically helps in the digesting of fats.
7314 Chronic Gallbladder Inflammation (Chronic Cholecystitis, Chronic Biliary Tract Disease)
Usually due to gallstones (cholelithiasis).
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Biliary structures;
Bile duct injury;
Choledochal cyst; and
Spinchter of Oddi dysfunction.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is rated as Chronic Liver Disease (Without Cirrhosis).
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
10% | 1 or 2 clinically documented attacks of right upper quadrant pain WITH nausea AND vomiting in the past 12 months. |
30% | 3 or more clinically documented attacks of right upper quadrant pain WITH nausea AND vomiting in the past 12 months; or requiring dilatation of biliary tract strictures at least once during the past 12 months. |
7315 Chronic Gallstones (Chronic Cholelithiasis)
When the gallbladder continually produces gallstones.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the condition rates at least 10%.
Rated as Chronic gallbladder inflammation.
7317 Injury to the Gallbladder
Rated as Peritoneal adhesions, Chronic cholecystitis, or Removal of the gallbladder, depending on the predominant disability.
When rating gallbladder injuries analogous to Peritoneum adhesions, a finding of adhesions is NOT necessary.
7318 Removal of the Gallbladder (Cholecystectomy)
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
10% | Intermittent abdominal pain; AND diarrhea characterized by 1 to 2 watery bowel movements per day. |
30% | Recurrent abdominal pain (post-prandial or nocturnal); AND chronic diarrhea characterized by 3 or more watery bowel movements per day. |
The Liver
Regulates metabolism, clears out old red blood cells, produces hormones and filters toxins out of the body. It also produces bile for the gallbladder.
7312 Cirrhosis of the Liver (Hepatic Cirrhosis, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, and the Cirrhotic Phase of Sclerosing Cholangitis)
Late-stage liver disease.
In order to get a rating under this schedule the diagnosis MUST be confirmed by biopsy, biochemical studies, or imaging; WITH abnormal liver function tests
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
10% | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score greater than 6 but less than 1O; or symptom(s) of weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, or sense of unease. |
30% | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score of 10 or 11; or portal high blood pressure and swelling in the spleen or ascites (fluid in the abdomen) WITH symptom(s) of weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, or sense of unease. |
60% | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score greater than 11 but less than 15; or daily fatigue and at least 1 episode in the last year of either (1) variceal hemorrhage, (2) portal gastropathy, or (3) hepatic encephalopathy. |
100% | Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score greater than or equal to 15; or with continuous daily debilitating symptoms, generalized weakness AND at least 1 of the following: (1) ascites (fluid in the abdomen), (2) a history of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, (3) hepatic encephalopathy, (4) variceal hemorrhage, (5) coagulopathy, (6) portal gastropathy, (7) hepatopulmonary or hepatorenal syndrome. |
7345 Chronic Liver Disease (Without Cirrhosis)
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency;
Autoimmune hepatitis;
Chronic active hepatitis;
Drug-induced hepatitis;
Hepatitis B (HBV);
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH);
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC);
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC); and
Wilson's disease
However, this does NOT include Hepatitis C; which has its own diagnostic code.
If you are claiming Hepatitis B you MUST identify what risk factor(s) you had in service that could have resulted in you obtaining the condition!
If you have multiple risk factors that apply to you, then you should list them ALL!
If your ONLY risk factor is drug use in service then you CANNOT get service-connection!
Hepatitis B MUST be diagnosed via serologic testing.
Here are some examples of risk factors:
Risk Factors |
Location of Evidence |
Acupuncture | Referral from doctor or Buddy statement |
Blood transfusion (BEFORE 1975) | Hospital records |
Exposure to blood | Usually those with health care MOSs |
Hemodialysis (BEFORE 1992) | Hospital records |
High-risk sexual activity | Mentions in periodic health assessments or treatment for STDs |
Immunization with a jet air gun injector | Everyone who joined from the 1940s to 1990s |
Intranasal cocaine use |
Being enrolled in drug treatment programs |
Intravenous drug use | Being enrolled in drug treatment programs |
Organ transplant (BEFORE 1992) | Hospital records |
Piercings | Comparing entrance and exit physical exams |
Sharing toothbrushes/razors | Buddy statement |
Tattoos | Comparing entrance and exit physical exams |
For Veterans whose physicians recommend BOTH parenteral antiviral therapy AND parenteral immunomodulatory drugs, but such treatments are NOT safe for the Veteran, rate under the Cirrhosis of the liver schedule criteria.
If the Veteran was service-connected for hepatitis B AFTER October 31, 1990 and the grant was based on drug use - do NOT grant any increase claims for this condition! Further, if the condition is not protected by the 10 year rule propose severing service-connection!
In the case of hepatitis C conditions rated under this schedule:
Do NOT assign a 0 percent evaluation if there are ANY symptoms, even mild - assign a 20% rating!
Do NOT assign a 0 percent evaluation if there is evidence of liver damage shown on any liver function tests - assign a minimum 20% rating!
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
20% | At least 1 of the following: (1) intermittent fatigue, (2) malaise, (3) anorexia, (4) hepatomegaly, or (5) pruritus. |
40% |
Continuous medication WITH minor weight loss AND at least 2 of the following: (1) daily fatigue, (2) malaise, (3) anorexia, (4) hepatomegaly, (5) pruritus, or (6) arthralgia. |
60% | Continuous medication WITH substantial weight loss AND at least 2 of the following: (1) daily fatigue, (2) malaise, (3) anorexia, (4) hepatomegaly, (5) pruritus, or (6) arthralgia. |
100% | For the duration of use of BOTH parenteral antiviral therapy (direct antiviral agents), AND parenteral immunomodulatory therapy (interferon and other); CONTINUED for 6 months following end of treatment. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
7354 Hepatitis C (Hepatitis that is not A or B)
Infection in the liver.
If you are claiming Hepatitis C (HCV) you MUST identify what risk factor(s) you had in service that could have resulted in you obtaining the condition!
If you have multiple risk factors that apply to you, then you should list them ALL!
If your ONLY risk factor is drug use in service then you CANNOT get service connection!
Hepatitis C
MUST be diagnosed via serologic testing.
Here are some examples of risk factors:
Risk Factors |
Location of Evidence |
Acupuncture | Referral from doctor or Buddy statement |
Blood transfusion (BEFORE 1975) | Hospital records |
Exposure to blood | Usually those with health care MOSs |
Hemodialysis (BEFORE 1992) | Hospital records |
High-risk sexual activity | Mentions in periodic health assessments or treatment for STDs |
Immunization with a jet air gun injector | Everyone who joined from the 1940s to 1990s |
Intranasal cocaine use |
Being enrolled in drug treatment programs |
Intravenous drug use | Being enrolled in drug treatment programs |
Organ transplant (BEFORE 1992) | Hospital records |
Piercings | Comparing entrance and exit physical exams |
Sharing toothbrushes/razors | Buddy statement |
Tattoos | Comparing entrance and exit physical exams |
Rated under Chronic Liver Disease (Without Cirrhosis).
If the Veteran was service-connected AFTER October 31, 1990 and the grant was based on drug use - do NOT grant any increase claims for this condition! Further, if the condition is not protected by the 10 year rule propose severing service-connection!
7311 Injuries to the Liver
Common causes of liver injury include:
Drugs (Acetaminophen, isoniazid, phenytoin);
Physical trauma;
Toxic substances; and
Viral infections.
Rated under Peritoneal adhesions, Cirrhosis of the liver, and/or as Chronic liver disease without cirrhosis.
7350 Liver Abscess
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to abscesses caused by:
Amebic (e.g., E. hystolytica);
Fungal (e.g., C. albicans); and
Rating |
Description |
100% |
For 6 months after INITIAL diagnosis. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
7351 Liver Transplant
You CANNOT get the minimum evaluation in addition to separate evaluation(s) for residual digestive symptom(s); you will get whichever is higher. Be it the minimum evaluation OR the residual digestive symptom(s).
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Minimum evaluation after getting transplant. |
60% | Eligible and awaiting transplant surgery. |
100% | For duration of hospitalization for the transplant. 100% continues for 1 year after release from hospital. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
The Intestines
There are two - large intestine (colon) and small intestine. The small intestine comes off the stomach where it then connects to the large intestines. The large intestines then empty out through your rectum.
7319 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS, Irritable Colon Syndrome, Spastic Colitis, Mucous Colitis, etc.)
An intestinal disorder that causes pain in the belly, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
Symptoms include:
Irregular bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea)
Stomach pain
If exposed to Gulf environmental hazards; or
POW for at least 30 days AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation at any time.
Gulf War medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illness associated undiagnosed gastrointestinal issues are evaluated under this schedule or Gastrointestinal dysmotility syndrome; whichever provides the higher evaluation.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Abdominal pain related to pooping at least once during the last 3 months; AND 2 or moreand/or (6) reported distension. |
20% | Abdominal pain related to pooping at least 3 days per month during the last 3 months; AND 2 or moreand/or (6) reported distension. |
30% | Abdominal pain related to pooping at least 1 day per week during the last 3 months; AND 2 or more of the following: (1) change in stool frequency, (2) change in stool form, (3) altered stool passage (straining and/or urgency), (4) mucorrhea, (5) abdominal bloating, and/or (6) reported distension. |
7323 Ulcerative Colitis (UC, Colitis Ulcerosa, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IBD)
Causes inflammation and ulcers (sores) in your digestive tract.
Rated as Crohn's disease.
7325 Chronic Enteritis
Constant swelling of the small intestine.
Symptoms include:
Stomach pain
Rated as Irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease or undifferentiated form of inflammatory bowel disease; whichever is the predominant disability.
7326 Crohn's Disease or Undifferentiated Form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Constant swelling and irritation of the digestive track. May involve small bowel (ileitis), large bowel (colitis), or inflammation of any component of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus.
Condition MUST be diagnosed by endoscopy or radiologic studies.
Following colectomy/colostomy with persistent or recurrent symptoms, condition will be rated under this schedule or Removal of part/all the large intestine; whichever provides the highest rating.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Minimal to mild symptomatic inflammatory bowel disease that is managed with oral or topical agents (other than immunosuppressants or other biologic agents); AND is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain with 3 or less daily episodes of diarrhea and NO signs of systemic toxicity. |
30% | Mild to moderate inflammatory bowel disease that is managed with oral and topical agents (other than immunosuppressants or other biologic agents); AND is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain with 3 or less daily episodes of diarrhea and minimal signs of toxicity such as fever, tachycardia, or anemia. |
60% | Moderate inflammatory bowel disease that is managed on an outpatient basis with immunosuppressants or other biologic agents; AND is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain, 4 to 5 daily episodes of diarrhea; AND intermittent signs of toxicity such as fever, tachycardia, or anemia. |
100% | Severe inflammatory bowel disease that is unresponsive to treatment; AND requires hospitalization at least once per year; AND results in either an inability to work or is characterized by recurrent abdominal pain associated with at least 2 of the following: (1) 6 or more episodes per day of diarrhea, (2) 6 or more episodes per day of rectal bleeding, (3) recurrent episodes of rectal incontinence, and/or (4) recurrent abdominal distention. |
7327 Diverticular Disease (Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis)
A condition in which small, bulging pouches develop in the digestive tract.
Symptoms include:
High white blood cell count
Stomach pain
Following colectomy/colostomy with persistent or recurrent symptoms, condition will be rated under this schedule or Removal of part/all the large intestine; whichever provides the highest rating.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms or symptoms are managed by diet AND medication. |
20% | Requiring hospitalization for abdominal distress, fever, AND leukocytosis (elevated white blood cells) 1 or more times in the past 12 months. |
30% | Requiring hospitalization for abdominal distress, fever, AND leukocytosis (elevated white blood cells) 1 or more times in the past 12 months; WITH at least 1 of the following: (1) hemorrhage, (2) obstruction, (3) abscess, (4) peritonitis, or (5) perforation. |
7355 Celiac Disease
Intolerance of gluten.
MUST be diagnosed by serum antibody test or endoscopy WITH biopsy.
Condition will be rated under this schedule or Removal of part/all the small intestine; whichever provides the highest rating.
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Malabsorption syndrome WITH chronic diarrhea managed by medically-prescribed dietary intervention such as prescribed gluten-free diet. |
50% | Malabsorption syndrome WITH chronic diarrhea managed by medically-prescribed dietary intervention such as prescribed gluten-free diet, WITH nutritional deficiencies due to lactase and pancreatic insufficiency; AND with systemic manifestations including, but not limited to, weakness and fatigue, dermatitis, lymph node enlargement, hypocalcemia, low vitamin levels, or atrophy of the inner intestinal lining shown on biopsy. |
80% | Malabsorption syndrome WITH weakness which interferes with activities of daily living; AND weight loss resulting in wasting and nutritional deficiencies; AND with systemic manifestations including but not limited to, weakness and fatigue, dermatitis, lymph node enlargement, hypocalcemia, low vitamin levels; AND anemia related to malabsorption; AND episodes of abdominal pain and diarrhea due to lactase deficiency or pancreatic insufficiency. |
7356 Gastrointestinal Dysmotility Syndrome
When the muscles of your intestines have difficulties working correctly.
Gulf War medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illness associated undiagnosed gastrointestinal issues are evaluated under this schedule or Irritable bowel syndrome; whichever provides the higher evaluation.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Intermittent abdominal pain WITH epigastric fullness associated WITH bloating. |
30% | With symptoms of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) or symptoms of intestinal motility disorder, including but not limited to, abdominal pain, bloating, feeling of epigastric fullness, dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, regurgitation, constipation, and diarrhea, managed by ambulatory care; AND requiring prescribed dietary management or manipulation. |
50% | Intermittent tube feeding for nutritional support; WITH repeated emergency treatment for episodes of intestinal obstruction or regurgitation due to poor gastric emptying, abdominal pain, recurrent nausea, or recurrent vomiting. |
80% | Complete dependence on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or continuous tube feeding for nutritional support. |
7330 External Fistula of the Large or Small Intestine (Gastrointestinal Fistula, GIF, Intestinal fistulous Disease)
An abnormal passageway from the intestine to the outside of the body.
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
External fistulas that have developed as a consequence of abdominal trauma, surgery, radiation, malignancy, infection, or ischemia.
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Occastional fecal discharge with persistent drainage for more than 3 months in the past 12 months. |
60% | Requiring enteral nutritional support along with at least 1 of the following: (1) daily discharge equivalent to 3 or less ostomy bags (sized 130 cc), (2) requiring fewer than 10 pad changes a day, or (3) a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 16 to 18 inclusive and persistent drainage (any amount) for more than 2 months in the past 12 months. |
100% | Requiring total parenteral nutrition (TPN); or enteral nutritional support along with at least 1 of the following: (1) daily discharge equivalent to 4 or more ostomy bags (sized 130 cc), (2) requiring 10 or more pad changes per day, or (3) both a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 16 and persistent drainage (any amount) for more than 1 month during the past 12 months. |
7328 Removal of Part/All the Small Intestine (Resection of the Small Intestine)
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Mesenteric ischemic thrombosis;
Post-bariatric surgery complications;
Short bowel syndrome.
If short bowel syndrome results in high output syndrome, to include high-output stoma, consider assigning a higher evaluation under Removal of part/all the large intestine.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
20% | 4 or more episodes of diarrhea per day. |
40% | 4 or more episodes of diarrhea per day resulting in undernutrition AND anemia; AND requiring prescribed oral dietary supplementation and continuous medication. |
60% | Undernutrition AND anemia; AND requiring prescribed oral dietary supplementation, continuous medication AND intermittent total parenteral nutrition (TPN). |
80% | Undernutrition AND anemia; AND requiring total parenteral nutrition (TPN). |
7329 Removal of Part/All the Large Intestine (Resection of the Large Intestine, Colectomy)
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Partial removal WITH reanastomosis (reconnection of the intestinal tube). |
20% | Partial removal WITH reanastomosis (reconnection of the intestinal tube), loss of ileocecal valve, AND recurrent episodes of diarrhea more than 3 times per day. |
40% | Partial removal WITH permanent colostomy or ileostomy WITHOUT high-output syndrome. |
60% | Complete removal. |
100% | Complete removal WITH formation of ileostomy (opening in the belly), high-output syndrome, AND more than 2 episodes of dehydration requiring intravenous hydration in the past 12 months. |
Rectum and Anus
Rectum, the end of the large intestine.
Anus, the end of the road.
7332 Incontinence, Complete or Partial loss (Poor Sphincter Control, Impairment of Sphincter Control)
When the gates cannot quite hold back the...
The inability to hold or release poop at an appropriate time AND place.
CAN be rated separately from other digestive issues. BARRING other rectum/anus conditions with overlapping symptoms.
If there is ANY loss of sphincter control AND the Veteran has Both legs amputated or completely paralyed the rating will be 100%.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No current symptoms. |
10% | Characterized by incontinence or retention that is FULLY responsive to a physician-prescribed bowel program AND requires medication or special diet; or incontinence to solids and/or liquids at least once every 6 months, which requires wearing a pad at least once every 6 months. |
30% | Characterized by incontinence or retention that is FULLY responsive to a physician-prescribed bowel program AND requires digital stimulation, medication (beyond laxative use), AND special diet; or incontinence to solids and/or liquids 2 or more times per month, which requires wearing a pad 2 or more times per month. |
60% | Characterized by incontinence or retention that is partially responsive to a physician-prescribed bowel program AND requires either surgery or digital stimulation, medication (beyond laxative use), AND special diet; or incontinence to solids and/or liquids 2 or more times per week, which requires wearing a pad 2 or more times per week. |
100% | COMPLETE loss of sphincter control characterized by incontinence or retention that is NOT responsive to a physician-prescribed bowel program AND requires either surgery or digital stimulation, medication (beyond laxative use), AND special diet; or incontinence to solids and/or liquids 2 or more times per day, which requires changing a pad 2 or more times per day. |
7333 Anal Stenosis (Stricture of the Rectum or Anus)
When scar tissue narrows the openings of the rectum or anus.
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Anismus (functional constipation); and
Dyssynergic defecation (levator ani).
CAN be rated separately from other digestive issues. BARRING other rectum/anus conditions with overlapping symptoms.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Reduction of anal opening, managed by dietary intervention. |
30% | Reduction of anal opening by less than 50%, WITH straining during defecation. |
50% | Reduction of anal opening by 50% or more, WITH pain AND straining during defecation. |
100% | Inability to open the anus to poop solid feces. |
7334 Prolapse of the Rectum
When the rectum slips out of place.
If impairment of bowel control is the predominant disability, then condition will be rated under diagnostic code Incontinence instead.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Prolapse will come and go randomly but is NOT repairable. |
30% | Manually reducible prolapse that only occurs during times during bowel movements, exertion, or while doing the Valsalva maneuver. |
50% | Manually reducible prolapse that occurs during times other than during bowel movements, exertion, or while doing the Valsalva maneuver. |
100% |
For 2 months following repair of prolapse. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
100% | Persistent prolapse that does NOT reduce. |
7335 Anal Fistula (Anorectal Abscess, Anorectal Fistula, Fistula-in-Ano)
Abnormal passageway connecting the anus to other internal parts of the body or outside the body
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Drainage AND pain. |
20% | 2 or more simultaneous fistulas WITH drainage AND pain. |
40% | Drainage AND pain, WITH abscess. |
60% | More than 2 constant or near-constant fistulas WITH abscesses, drainage, AND pain, which do NOT respond well to medical AND surgical treatment. |
7336 Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Swollen veins inside or outside, near the anus.
AFTER service-connection has been granted, assume that ANY future re-occurrence is related to service. UNLESS, there is clear and unmistakable evidence that the Veteran was originally granted service-connection in error.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids WITH 2 or less episodes per year of thrombosis (blood clot within blood vessels that limits the flow of blood); or external hemorrhoids with 3 or more episodes per year of thrombosis. |
20% | Persistent bleeding AND anemia; or continuously prolapsed internal hemorrhoids WITH 3 or more episodes per year of thrombosis. |
Abdomen and Peritoneum
Abdomen, the large cavity in which all the organs sit.
Peritoneum, the tissue that lines the abdomen just under the skin.
7301 Peritoneum Adhesions
When scar tissue causes the surface of the peritoneum to stick to the surface of other organs. This can cause those organs to twist/bend out out shape and reduce their ability to function.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No Symptoms. |
10% | Persisting or returns after surgery, trauma, inflammatory disease process (such as chronic cholecystitis, Crohn's disease, or infection), as determined by a healthcare provider; AND at least 1 of the following symptoms: (1) abdominal pain, (2) nausea, (3) vomiting, (4) colic, (5) constipation, or (6) diarrhea. |
30% | Persisting or returns after surgery, trauma, inflammatory disease process (such as chronic cholecystitis, Crohn's disease, or infection), as determined by a healthcare provider; AND medically-directed dietary modification other than total parenteral nutrition (TPN); AND at least 1 of the following: (1) abdominal pain, (2) nausea, (3) vomiting, (4) colic, (5) constipation, or (6) diarrhea. |
50% | Persisting or returns after surgery, trauma, inflammatory disease process (such as chronic cholecystitis, Crohn's disease, or infection), as determined by a healthcare provider; AND clinical evidence of recurrent obstruction requiring hospitalization at least once a year; AND medically-directed dietary modification other than total parenteral nutrition (TPN); AND at least 1 of the following: (1) abdominal pain, (2) nausea, (3) vomiting, (4) colic, (5) constipation, or (6) diarrhea. |
80% | Persistent partial bowel obstruction that is either inoperable AND refractory to treatment, or requires total parenteral nutrition (TPN) for obstructive symptoms. |
7303 Chronic Complications of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
This diagnostic code includes operations performed on the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, and small intestine, including bariatric surgery.
If the surgery was the REMOVAL of a part of the small you will be rated under Removal of part/all the small intestine NOT this schedule.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No Symptoms. |
10% | Nausea or vomiting managed by ongoing medical treatment. |
30% | 2 or more of the following symptoms: (1) vomiting 2 or more times per week or vomiting despite medical treatment; (2) discomfort or pain within 1 hour of eating AND requiring ongoing oral dietary modification; (3) 3 to 5 watery bowel movements per day every day. |
50% | ANY 1 of the following symptoms: (1) daily vomiting despite oral dietary modification or medication; (2) 6 or more watery bowel movements per day every day, or explosive bowel movements that are difficult to predict or control; (3) post-prandial (meal-induced) light-headedness (syncope) with sweating AND the need for medications to specifically treat complications of upper gastrointestinal surgery such as dumping syndrome or delayed gastric emptying. |
80% | Requiring continuous total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or tube feeding for a period longer than 30 consecutive days in the last 6 months. |
Common Secondary Conditions
Pancreatic surgery often result in a vitamin or mineral deficiency (e.g., B12, iron, calcium, or fat-soluble vitamins). Which can lead to:
Avitaminosis Vitamin A, B, C or D deficiencies;
Keratitis or keratomalacia due to Vitamin A deficiency;
Neuropathy due to Vitamin E deficiency; and
Prolonged clotting due to Vitamin K deficiency.
Ulcers are tears or breaks in tissue.
7304 Peptic Ulcer Disease (Stomach Ulcer, Gastric Ulcer)
Ulcer in the stomach.
If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation within that time; or
POW for at least 30 days AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation at any time.
If the ulcer is secondary to Removal of the Vegus Nerve, partial or full (Vagotomy), the minimum evaluation is 20%.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
History of peptic ulcer disease documented by endoscopy or diagnostic imaging studies. |
20% | Episodes of abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting, that: last for at least 3 days in a row; occur 3 times or less in the past 12 months; AND are managed by daily prescribed medication. |
40% | Episodes of abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting, that: last for at least 3 days in a row; occur 4 or more times in the past 12 months; AND are managed by daily prescribed medication. |
60% | Continuous abdominal pain with intermittent vomiting, recurrent hematemesis (vomiting blood) or melena (tarry stools); AND cases of anemia which require hospitalization at least once in the past 12 months. |
100% | Duration of 3 months following surgery for perforation or hemorrhage. Afterwards there will be a MANDATORY Reevaluation and the condition will be rated on residuals. |
An opening between the wall of an organ and the muscles of a cavity - that allows the organ to push through it.
7338 Hernia, including Femoral, Incisional, Inguinal, Umbilical, Ventral, and other (but not including Hiatal)
You CANNOT get multiple separate evaluations for hernias under this schedule.
Due to there being 2 inguinal canals, it is possible for them both to herniate. In the event both are herniated and they BOTH would get a rating of at least 10% then the rating gets the following special treatment:
The higher of the 2 ratings gets an additional 10% added to it and the Veteran gets 1 individual evaluation. For example: if the ratings were 30% and 30% the Veteran would get a singular 40% rating (from the 10% bonus).
This special treatment CANNOT be applied if a single 100% evaluation is warranted for one of the hernias.
If Service Treatment Records (STRs) note inguinal hernia, service-connection is warranted without a medical opinion. UNLESS, there is medical evidence dated before service or other sufficient medical evidence to determine that an Aggravation medical opinion is required. The return of the hernia during service is NOT alone enough evidence to indicate aggravation has occurred. You NEED that opinion!
Any one of the following activities of daily living are sufficient for evaluation: bathing, dressing, hygiene, and/or transfers.
Rating |
Description |
0% |
No symptoms. |
10% | Irreparable hernia present for 12 months or longer; WITH hernia size smaller than 3 cm. |
20% | Irreparable hernia WITH BOTH of the following present for 12 months or longer: 1. Size equal to 3cm but less than 15cm in one dimension; AND 2. Pain when performing at least 1 of the following activities: (1) bending over, (2) activities of daily living (ADLs), (3) walking, and/or (4) climbing stairs. |
30% | Irreparable hernia WITH BOTH of the following present for 12 months or longer: 1. Size equal to 3cm but less than 15cm in one dimension; AND 2. Pain when performing at least 2 of the following activities: (1) bending over, (2) activities of daily living (ADLs), (3) walking, and/or (4) climbing stairs. |
60% | Irreparable hernia WITH BOTH of the following present for 12 months or longer: 1. Size equal to 15cm or greater in one dimension; AND 2. Pain when performing at least 2 of the following activities: (1) bending over, (2) activities of daily living (ADLs), (3) walking, and/or (4) climbing stairs. |
100% | Irreparable hernia WITH BOTH of the following present for 12 months or longer: 1. Size equal to 15cm or greater in one dimension; AND 2. Pain when performing at least 2 of the following activities: (1) bending over, (2) activities of daily living (ADLs), (3) walking, and/or (4) climbing stairs. |
7346 Stomach Hernia (Hiatal Hernia and Paraesophageal Hernia)
Hernia in the diaphragm that allows the organs in the abdomen to move up into the chest cavity.
Rated as Difficulty swallowing.
Muscle Hernias
For information on muscle hernias click HERE.
Cancer and Tumors
7343 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms)
If exposed to Burn pits.
If diagnosed with liver cancer and exposed to Camp Lejeune.
If diagnosed with bile duct, colon, esophagus, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, salivary gland, small intestine, or stomach cancers and exposed to Ionizing radiation.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
Mild. |
100% | For 6 months after treatments stop and the cancer goes dormant. |
100% | While active. |
7344 Tumor (Benign Neoplasm)
This diagnostic code applies, but is NOT limited to:
Colon polyps;
Lipoma; and
Villous adenoma.
Has no rating in and of itself.
However, if the Veteran suffers residual symptoms due to the presence of the tumor(s) or any treatments used to deal with them. Those may be rated.
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