Rating Schedule for Infectious Diseases & Immune Disorders

Diseases you can catch from wildlife as well as from other humans. Plus disorders that compromise the immune system.

The vast majority of these conditions are rated at 100% while the condition is active; Active for VA purposes would be the condition is detectable via appropriate diagnostic testing.


  • For some strange reason, not every condition in this schedule is given a specific duration before a mandatory Revaluation must take place. HOWEVER, you should expect the VA to set a reevaluation up within 6 months or a year of when the condition was last established as active.

Infectious Diseases

6300 Cholera (Asiatic Cholera) & Vibriosis (Non-Cholera)

Infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6301 Black Fever (Dumdum Fever, Kala Azar, Visceral Leishmaniasis)

Parasitic disease.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% For 6 months after treatment stops.
100% While active.

6302 Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)

Infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. It mainly affects the skin, eyes, nose and peripheral nerves.

Has an established incubation period of 5 or more years.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% For 6 months after treatment stops.
100% While active.

Common Residuals

6304 Malaria

Parasitic disease that infects red blood cells.


?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6305 Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis, Filariasis)

Parasitic disease that infects the lymphatic system, including the lymph nodes.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6306 Bartonellosis

Disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Bartonella.

Can cause many other diseases such as:

  • Bacillary angiomatosis

  • Carrion’s disease

  • Cat scratch fever (Lymphoreticulosis)

  • Chronic bacteremia

  • chronic lymphadenopathy

  • Trench fever

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6307 Plague

A rare but serious bacterial infection.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

Common Residuals

6308 Relapsing Fever

Recurring fever disease caused by several species of the bacteria Spirochete borrelia that are transmitted by lice or ticks.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6309 Rheumatic Fever

A disease that can result from inadequately treated strep throat or scarlet fever

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

Common Residual

6310 Syphilis & Other Treponema Infections

A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact.

Commonly rated under the following schedules:

Otherwise the condition is rated based upon residuals.

Common Residuals:

6312 Nontuberculosis Mycobacterium Infection

A bacterium within the same family that causes tuberculosis. But this bacterium itself does not cause TB.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6317 Typhus & Anaplasma Infections

Diseases caused by the bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia, or Orientia

This includes diseases such as:

  • African tick-borne fever

  • Anaplasmosis

  • Bush typhus

  • Ehrlichia

  • Ehrlichiosis

  • Rickettsial

  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever

  • Scrub Typhus

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6318 Whitmore's Disease (Melioidosis)

Disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6319 Lyme Disease (Borreliosis)

Disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6325 Hyperinfection Syndrome & Disseminated Strongyloidiasis

When your immune system is unable to fight back parasitic invasions effectively.


  • The immune system itself is NOT compromised by the parasites themselves.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6326 Snail Fever (Bilharzia, Schistosomiasis)

Disease caused by parasitic flatworms called schistosome.

0% While active; then rated on residuals.

6329 Hemorrhagic Fevers, including Dengue, Yellow Fever, and others

Any of a group of infectious diseases that interfere with the blood's ability to clot.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6330 Campylobacter Jejuni Infection

Disease caused by bacteria of the genus Campylobacter.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6331 Q Fever (Coxiella Burnetii Infection, Query Fever)

An infection caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6333 Nontyphoid Salmonella Infections

Nontyphoidal salmonellae are gram-negative bacteria.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

Common Residual

6334 Shigella Infections (Shigellosis)

Caused by Shigella bacteria.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

Common Residuals

6335 West Nile Virus Infection

West Nile virus (WNV) is the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the continental United States.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6320 All Other Parasitic Diseases

Catchall for any unnamed parasitic diseases.

?% While inactive - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

Common Residual

Tuberculosis (TB, Consumption)

Disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

There are essentially two forms of TB:

  • Affect lungs (pulmonary)

  • Affect other organs (non-pulmonary)


  • There are two schedules to rate pulmonary TB. The difference being those rated before or after August 19, 1968. However, the old schedule will NOT be referenced as any Veterans who were rated under that old schedule will have had their ratings considered Protected long ago.

6311 Miliary Tuberculosis

Form of TB that starts in the lungs and then spreads to other organs.


  • If the Veteran has active/inactive TB in the lungs and/or other organs. The Veteran can be rated immediately based upon their secondary symptoms without having to wait for the temporary 100% rating to end.


  • This is NOT a misspelling of ‘military’.

?% After temp 100% ends - rated based on any residuals.
100% While active.

6732 Tuberculous Pleurisy (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)

Swelling of the lungs due to liquid build up between the layers of the lining of the lungs with hard growths on the lining of the lungs.

?% Residuals are rated under the most appropriate schedule(s).
100% For 1 year after treatments stop.
100% When active.

6730 All Other Active Pulmonary Tuberculoses


  • Active pulmonary tuberculosis will be considered Permanently and totally disabling for Non-service-connected pension purposes in one of the following circumstances:

    • Associated with active tuberculosis involving other than the respiratory system;

    • With severe associated symptoms or with extensive cavity formation;

    • Reactivated cases;

    • With advancement of lesions on successive examinations or while under treatment; or

    • Without retrogression of lesions or other evidence of material improvement at the end of 6 months hospitalization or without change of diagnosis from “active” at the end of 12 months hospitalization. Material improvement means lessening or absence of clinical symptoms, and X-ray findings of a stationary or retrogressive lesion.

?% Residuals are rated under the most appropriate schedule(s).
100% For 1 year after treatments stop.
100% When active.

6731 Inactive Pulmonary Tuberculosis


Tuberculosis Affecting Other Organs (Nonpulmonary)

?% Residuals are rated under the most appropriate schedule(s).
100% For 1 year after treatments stop.
100% When active.

Immune Disorders

Infectious conditions that can affect the immune system.

6350 Lupus (Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE))

An inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own healthy tissues.


  • This schedule is for lupus that attacks tissues within the body NOT the Skin!


  • You CANNOT get separate ratings for lupus that affects the Skin and for lupus that affects tissues within the body. If the Veteran suffers from both, they will get the higher of the two ratings.

  • If the Veteran can get a higher rating based upon residual symptoms of conditions that develop secondary to the lupus. The Veteran CANNOT get a rating for lupus.

10% 1-2 severe episodes a year; OR symptomatic during the past 2 years.
60% 2-3 severe episodes a year that last a week or longer each episode.
100% Frequent severe episodes that significantly limit healthy functioning of the body.

6351 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) & AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

Virus that attacks the body's immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS.


  • If there is evidence indicating that the HIV/AIDS was the result of intravenous drug abuse. The VA must then make a willful misconduct/line-of-duty (LOD) administrative decision prior to rating, to determine if the Veteran is eligible for service-connection.


0% No symptoms, with or without the presence of a disease in the lymph nodes or with a reduced T4 cell count.
10% Occasional HIV-related symptoms; T4 cell count between 200-500; use of approved medication(s); or with evidence of depression or memory loss with employment limitations.
30%* Frequent HIV-related symptoms, occasional diarrhea, and use of approved medication(s).
60%** Significant HIV-related symptoms, frequent diarrhea, and weight loss.
100% AIDS with frequent opportunistic infections (see the list below) or with secondary diseases afflicting MULTIPLE body systems; OR HIV-related illness with debility and continual weight loss.

*Minimum rating for someone with a T4 cell count of less than 200.

**Minimum rating for someone with AIDS-related opportunistic disease/infection or tumor(s).


  • If the Veteran has a T4 count below the threshold for a medical diagnosis of AIDS BUT has a diagnosis of one or more of the following diseases they are considered to have a diagnosis of AIDS, for VA purposes!

List of AIDS-related opportunistic Diseases/Infections

  • Candidiasis of the bronchi, trachea, esophagus, or lungs
  • Invasive cervical cancer
  • Coccidioidomycosis
  • Cryptococcosis
  • Cryptosporidiosis
  • Cytomegalovirus (particularly CMV retinitis)
  • HIV-related encephalopathy
  • Herpes simplex-chronic ulcers for greater than one month, or bronchitis, pneumonia, of the esophagitis 
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Isosporiasis (chronic intestinal)
  • Kaposi's sarcoma
  • Lymphoma
  • Mycobacterium avium complex
  • Pneumocystis jirovecii (carinii) pneumonia
  • Pneumonia, recurrent
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 
  • Salmonella septicemia, recurrent 
  • Toxoplasmosis of the brain
  • Tuberculosis
  • Wasting syndrome due to HIV

6354 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease (SEID))

A disorder characterized by extreme fatigue or tiredness that doesn't go away with rest and can't be explained by an underlying medical condition.


  • For this schedule, incapacitation exists only when a licensed physician prescribes bed rest and treatment.

  • This is a syndrome that can only be diagnosed via a process of elimination, as there are many different conditions that have symptoms of significant fatigue. For a proper diagnosis FOR VA PURPOSES the condition persist for at least 6 months; AND

  • There MUST be at least 6 of the following symptoms present:

    • Body aches;

    • Cognitive problems (concentration issues, forgetfulness, confusion);

    • Debilitating fatigue lasting 24 hours or more after exercise;

    • Fever;

    • Headaches;

    • Joint pain;

    • Muscle aches;

    • Sore throat;

    • Tender lymph nodes; or

    • Weakness.

10% Symptoms come and go but there are periods of incapacitation lasting at least one week in total over a year; OR symptoms are controlled by continuous medication.
20% Symptoms are nearly constant and restrict routine daily activities by less than 25% of the pre-illness level; OR symptoms come and go, resulting in periods of incapacitation lasting at least 2 weeks in total over a year.
40% Symptoms are nearly constant and restrict routine daily activities from 50-75% of the pre-illness level; OR symptoms come and go, resulting in periods of incapacitation lasting at least 4 weeks in total over a year.
60% Symptoms are nearly constant and restrict routine daily activities to less than 50% of the pre-illness level; OR symptoms come and go, resulting in periods of incapacitation lasting at least 6 weeks in total over a year.
100% Symptoms are nearly constant and so severe as to restrict routine daily activities almost completely and which may occasionally prevent self-care.

Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQs)

To get an idea of how a C&P exam will be conducted it is recommended that the Veteran look at the applicable DBQ.

Veterans may ask a physician to complete a DBQ on their behalf to submit with their claim. For more information on DBQs click HERE.

Having Trouble Finding Your Condition?

  • Click HERE to view the Master Condition List.

> Conditions that the VA will NOT Rate
> Dental and Oral > Digestive System
> Endocrine System > Female Reproductive System
> Genitourinary System
> Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders > Mental Disorders
> Nutritional Deficiencies > Respiratory System
> Skin