Rating Schedule for the Hand

This schedule can get a little complicated. So please carefully examine the tables.


  • For the purposes of Range of Motion (ROM), the examiner/rater are REQUIRED to consider flair ups in your conditions. Meaning, if you do not happen to have an Examination on your worst day, the examiner is required to reasonably estimate your impairment on your worst day! The rater is required to use this estimate, unless your ROM is somehow noted as being worse during ROM testing during the exam. In any event, the rater is to use the most impaired ROM measurements noted by the examiner!


  • Veteran CANNOT be rated higher for disabilities of a hand that would Combine to be more than a Veteran who has had an amputation of their hand.

  • Which would be 70% for the dominant hand and 60% for the non-dominant hand.


  • If the Veteran is ambidextrous. Then whichever hand is affected will be considered dominant.

Amputation of Fingers

Please refer to the above image to get an understanding of the degrees of severity of partial amputations (A-D).


  • In the event the Veteran has amputations involving differing degrees of severity the AVERAGE will be used.

  • In the event the average ends in a tie, the Veteran will get the higher of the two.


  • When two or more fingers of the same hand are affected by any combination of amputation, ankylosis, or limitation of motion that is not otherwise specified in the rating schedule, the evaluation level assigned will be that which best represents the overall disability (i.e., amputation, unfavorable or favorable ankylosis, or limitation of motion), assigning the higher level of evaluation when the level of disability is equally balanced between one level and the next higher level.

5152/5156 Amputation of a Single Finger

When a Veteran has had a single finger (wholly or partially) amputated.

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky A B C D
0% 0% X X
0% 0% X X
10% 10% X X
20% 20% X X
0% 0% X X
0% 0% X X
10% 10% X X
20% 20% X X
10% 10% X X
10% 10% X X
10% 10% X X
20% 20% X X
10% 10% X X
10% 10% X X
20% 20% X X
30% 20% X X
20% 20% X X
30% 20% X X
40% 30% X X

5142/5151 Amputation of Two Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky A B C D
10% 10% X X X
20% 20% X X X
30% 20% X X X
40% 30% X X X
10% 10% X X X
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30% 20% X X X
40% 30% X X X
50% 40% X X X
60% 50% X X X

5132/5141 Amputation of Three Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky A B C D
20% 20% X X X X
30% 20% X X X X
40% 30% X X X X
50% 40% X X X X
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60% 50% X X X X
70% 60% X X X X

5127/5131 Amputation of Four Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

  • If one of the four fingers amputated is the thumb. The Veteran is entitled to Special Monthly Compensation.

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky A B C D
40% 30% X X X X X
50% 40% X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X
70% 60% X X X X X
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60% 50% X X X X X
70% 60% X X X X X
70% 60% X X X X X

5126 Amputation of Five Fingers


Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky A B C D
50% 40% X X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X X
70% 60% X X X X X X
70% 60% X X X X X X

5224/5227 Loss of Most Use of Fingers (Ankylosis)

When the finger joints cannot be moved for the most part (ankylosis). Loss of use also applies to partial amputation of fingers. In Veterans who have losses involving more than one finger (on a single hand).

There are two grades of loss of use Favorable and Unfavorable.

  • Favorable

    • Amputations: Up to, but not including the palm.

    • Lose of use: The second and third knuckles are stuck at 30°; OR the second or third knuckles are stuck but result with finger being within 2 inches or less of the palm when attempting to ball your fist; OR the thumb is within 2 inches or less from the palm.

  • Unfavorable

    • Amputations: Into the palm meat.

    • Lose of use: Anything not within the range of favorable.


  • When two or more fingers of the same hand are affected by any combination of amputation, ankylosis, or limitation of motion that is not otherwise specified in the rating schedule, the evaluation level assigned will be that which best represents the overall disability (i.e., amputation, unfavorable or favorable ankylosis, or limitation of motion), assigning the higher level of evaluation when the level of disability is equally balanced between one level and the next higher level.

Loss of Most Use of One Finger


  • Under this schedule, there is additional consideration given to fingers that have more than one joints frozen. Moving from fingertip to palm would have the joints counted as 1-3.


  • ? = wildcard, any other joints combinations not listed

  • '=' =, same rating if the finger is favorable or unfavorable

  • Dom = Dominant Rating

  • Non-Dom = Non-Dominant Rating

  • Fav = Favorable

  • UnF = Unfavorable

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint 3 Fav UnF
0% 0% X ? ? ? = =
0% 0% X X X X
10% 10% X X X X
0% 0% X ? ? ? = =
0% 0% X X X X
10% 10% X X X X
10% 10% X ? ? ? = =
10% 10% X X X X
10% 10% X X X X
10% 10% X ? ? ? = =
10% 10% X X X X
20% 20% X X X X
10% 10% X ? ? ? X
20% 20% X ? ? ? X
20% 20% X X X X
30% 20% X X X X

Loss of Most Use of Two Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky Favorable Unfavorable
10% 10% X X X
20% 20% X X X
10% 10% X X X
20% 20% X X X
10% 10% X X X
20% 20% X X X
20% 20% X X X
30% 20% X X X
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40% 30% X X X
30% 20% X X X
40% 30% X X X
30% 20% X X X
40% 30% X X X
30% 20% X X X
40% 30% X X X

Loss of Most Use of Three Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky Favorable Unfavorable
20% 20% X X X X
30% 20% X X X X
30% 20% X X X X
40% 30% X X X X
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30% 20% X X X X
50% 40% X X X X
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40% 30% X X X X
50% 40% X X X X
40% 30% X X X X
50% 40% X X X X
40% 30% X X X X
50% 40% X X X X

Loss of Most Use of Four Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky Favorable Unfavorable
40% 30% X X X X X
50% 40% X X X X X
50% 40% X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X
50% 40% X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X
50% 40% X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X

Loss of Most Use of Five Fingers


  • Fingers must be from the same hand. You CANNOT add fingers from your other hand!

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky Favorable Unfavorable
50% 40% X X X X X X
60% 50% X X X X X X

5125 Loss of Use of Whole Hand



  • If loss of use is caused by a nerve condition the Veteran will receive a single rating under this schedule or under the appropriate Nerve schedule; whichever gives the higher rating.

Both Hands Rating Dominant Hand Rating Non-Dominant Hand Rating
100% 70% 60%

Limitation of Range of Motion

The reduced ability to move.


  • When two or more fingers of the same hand are affected by any combination of amputation, ankylosis, or limitation of motion that is not otherwise specified in the rating schedule, the evaluation level assigned will be that which best represents the overall disability (i.e., amputation, unfavorable or favorable ankylosis, or limitation of motion), assigning the higher level of evaluation when the level of disability is equally balanced between one level and the next higher level.

5228 Thumb

The only motion the VA cares about with the thumb is how close the thumb can come to the fingers. Imagine you are trying to pin something between your thumb and fingers. Or that you are making a dog shadow puppet, and you want to close its mouth.

Can almost touch your fingers.
10% Can move to within 1-2 inches of your fingers.
20% Cannot move to within 2 inches of your fingers.

5229 Index or Middle Finger


  • You CAN get separate ratings per finger on each hand.

Fingertip can move to within an inch of the transverse crease of the palm.
10% Fingertip cannot move to within an inch of the transverse crease of the palm.

5227 Ring or Pinky Finger


  • You CAN get separate ratings per finger on each hand.

Any limitation.

Miscellaneous Ratings


  • The Veteran will NOT receive an additional rating if they fit the criteria of any of these miscellaneous cases. The Veteran will get a single rating for the ROM or Miscellaneous rating; Whichever rating is higher!

Pain with Motion


  • You CAN get a 10% rating for pain with motion for each thumb, index, and middle finger!

Pain with motion: Ring and pinky fingers.
10% Pain with motion of: Thumb, index, or middle fingers.


When a Veteran's arthritis does not warrant a rating based upon ROM or other miscellaneous situations. The Veteran's condition will be rated under degenerative arthritis.

  • For an explanation of arthritis ratings click HERE.

Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQs)

To get an idea of how a C&P exam will be conducted it is recommended that the Veteran look at the applicable DBQ.

Veteran's may ask a physician to complete a DBQ on their behalf to submit with their claim. For more information on DBQs click HERE.

Having Trouble Finding Your Condition?

  • Click HERE to view the Master Condition List.

> Conditions that the VA will NOT Rate
> Dental and Oral > Digestive System
> Endocrine System > Female Reproductive System
> Genitourinary System
> Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders > Mental Disorders
> Nutritional Deficiencies > Respiratory System
> Skin