Rating Schedule for the Endocrine System

Contains a bunch of organs that make hormones to regulate various bodily functions.



Helps regulate blood sugar levels.

7913 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes)

  • When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (Type 1); or

  • When the body does not respond properly to insulin (Type 2).


  • It is the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA’s) policy to concede that an individual’s diabetes mellitus requires insulin, restricted diet, and regulation of activities when the diabetes has caused episodes of ketoacidosis that have resulted in hospitalization.

  • Gestational diabetes (Type 3) diabetes that can occur during pregnancy CANNOT be given a rating as the condition is temporary.

  • Prescription of a non-insulin injectable medication (like Ozempic, Victoza, Trulicity, or other generic versions) is considered to be an oral hypoglycemic agent for rating purposes. They are NOT considered as equivalent to treatment with insulin!


  • If diagnosed within a Year of separation AND the severity warranted at least a 10% evaluation within that time; or

  • If exposed to Agent Orange AND the severity ever warranted at least a 10% evaluation.


  • Regulation of activities -

    • Voluntary avoidance of strenuous activity with the intention of avoiding hypoglycemic episodes, does NOT meet the regulatory criteria.

    • Prescribed or voluntary exercise also does NOT satisfy the regulation-of-activities criterion.

    • Evidence MUST document that the avoidance of strenuous activities is required/prescribed as part of medical management of the individual’s diabetes.

10% Can be managed by a restricted diet.
20% Requiring 1 or more daily injection of insulin and restricted diet; OR oral hypoglycemic agent and restricted diet.
40% Requiring 1 or more daily injection of insulin, restricted diet, AND avoidance of strenuous occupational and recreational activities.
60% Requiring 1 or more daily injection of insulin, restricted diet, AND regulation of activities with episodes of ketoacidosis or hypoglycemic reactions requiring 1-2 hospitalizations a year or twice a month visits to a diabetic care provider, plus complications that would not be compensable if separately evaluated.
100% Requiring more than 1 daily injection of insulin, restricted diet, AND avoidance of strenuous occupational and recreational activities, with episodes of ketoacidosis or hypoglycemic reactions requiring at least 3 hospitalizations a year or weekly visits to a diabetic care provider, plus either progressive loss of weight and strength or complications that would be compensable if separately evaluated.

Common Secondary Conditions



Helps regulate many of the body’s processes, such as metabolism, energy generation, and mood.

7900 Overactive Thyroid (Hyperthyroidism, including Graves' Disease)

Thyroid produces too many hormones.

30% For 6 months after INITIAL diagnosis; Afterwards Veteran will be rated based on residuals.

7901 Toxic Thyroid Enlargement

When the condition causes the thyroid to enlarge (tumors, nodules, swelling, etc.) AND makes the thyroid produce too many hormones (hyperthyroidism).

30% For 6 months after INITIAL diagnosis; Afterwards Veteran will be rated based on residuals.

7902 Nontoxic Thyroid Enlargement

When the condition causes the thyroid to enlarge (tumors, nodules, swelling, etc.) AND does NOT make the thyroid produce too many hormones (hyperthyroidism).

If the swelling causes Disfigurement of the neck or if it puts Too much pressure on the esophagus, making it hard to swallow. The Veteran may get individual ratings for those conditions.

7903 Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

Thyroid produces too few hormones.


Myxedema - Symptoms include:

  • Cold intolerance

  • Constipation

  • Dementia

  • Depression

  • Feeling cold

  • Heart conditions (low blood pressure, slow heart rate, and fluid buildup around the heart)

  • Muscle cramps

  • Muscle weakness

  • Stupor (slowed thought)

  • Tiredness

  • Weight gain

30% No myxedema diagnosis: This rating will continue for 6 months after INITIAL diagnosis; After which, the Veteran will be rated on residuals
100% Active myxedema diagnosis: This rating will continue for 6 months after the Veteran's physician has determined the myxedema is no longer life threatening; After which, the Veteran will be rated on residuals.

Common secondary conditions

7906 Thyroiditis

Thyroid gland becomes irritated and swells.


0% No symptoms.


Controls the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.

7904 Overactive Parathyroid (Hyperparathyroidism)

Parathyroid produces too many hormones.

Hypercalcemia - too much calcium in the blood. For the purposes of the VA the Veteran must meet 1 or more of the following conditions to have an active diagnosis:

  • Total calcium level greater than 12 mg/dL (3-3.5 mmol/L);

  • Ionized calcium level greater than 5.6 mg/dL (2-2.5 mmol/L);

  • Creatinine clearance less than 60 mL/min; or

  • Bone mineral density T-score less than 2.5 SD (below the mean).

0% No symptoms.
10% Symptoms such as fatigue, low body weight, nausea, or constipation that occur despite surgery; OR in individuals who are not candidates for surgery but require continuous medication for control.
60% Hypercalcemia condition is present: Rating will continue for 6 months after treatment begins. UNLESS the Veteran is going to have surgery at some point. In which case, the rating will continue till the Veteran is released from the hospital.
100% For 6 months from date of discharge following surgery to correct the issue; Veteran is then rated on residuals.

7905 Underactive Parathyroid (Hypoparathyroidism)

Parathyroid produces too few hormones.

100% For 3 months after INITIAL diagnosis; After which Veteran will be rated on any residuals.

Pituitary Gland

Helps with cell reproduction and releases growth hormone.

7908 Acromegaly (Gigantism)

Pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone.

30% Abnormal growth of fingers, toes, hands, feet, or the bones in the arms and legs.
60% High blood pressure, pre-diabetes, AND some kind of disease of the joints.
100% Increased pressure inside the skull (with evidenceed such as by affected vision), some kind of disease of the joints, pre-diabetes, and either high blood pressure or swelling of the heart.

Adrenal Gland (Suprarenal gland)

Produces a variety of hormones including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol.

7907 Cushing’s Syndrome (Hypercortisolism)

When there is too much cortisol in the body.


  • ALL Ratings under this schedule are TEMPORARY lasting for 6 months following INITIAL diagnosis; After which, the Veteran will be rated on any residuals.

30% With stretchmarks, obesity, significantly rounded face due to weight gain, pre-diabetic, and fragile veins/arteries.
60% Muscle wasting that results in inability to rise from squatting position, climb stairs, rise from a deep chair without assistance, or raise arms.
100% Active, progressive disease, including areas of decreases in bone density, high blood pressure, and extremity muscle wasting that results in inability to rise from squatting position, climb stairs, rise from a deep chair without assistance, or raise arms.

7909 Diabetes Insipidus (DI)

When the body can't regulate how it handles fluids. The condition is caused by a hormonal abnormality and isn't actually related to type 1 or 2 diabetes.

10% With persistent excess urination; OR requires continuous hormonal therapy.
30% For 3 months after INITIAL diagnosis. Afterwards the Veteran is rated based upon residuals of the disease itself or from treatment side effects.

7911 Addison’s Disease (Adrenocortical Insufficiency, Hypocortisolism)

Adrenal glands not producing enough steroid hormones.


  • If caused by a tuberculosis infection "Tuberculous Addison's Disease". The Tuberculous schedule will be used instead. Once that schedule has been exhausted, the Veteran will be rated on any residuals. Which, if the Addison's disease is still present the Veteran may then be rated under this schedule.

  • An Addison's “crisis” is when: arteries and veins in the limbs collapse and blood can no longer circulate throughout the limbs. This is causes extremely low blood pressure and severe shock. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dehydration, severe weakness, pain in the stomach, legs, and back, fever, and reduced brain functioning which can lead to coma and even death.

  • An Addison's “episode” is when: arteries and veins do not collapse, but there are symptoms including anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, weakness, low blood pressure, and low blood sugar.

20% 1-2 crises during the past year; OR 2-4 episodes a year, OR; weakness and fatigability; OR corticosteroid therapy required for control.
40% 3 crises a year; OR 5 or more episodes a year.
60% 4 or more crises a year.

7912 Polyglandular Syndrome (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome)

When a condition affects multiple glands of the endocrine system at the same time.

Rated based upon the main symptoms the condition causes:

Multiple Gland Conditions

Cancer and Tumors

7914 Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms)


?% Any residuals.
100% For 6 months after treatments stop and the cancer goes dormant.
100% While active.

7915 Tumor (Benign Neoplasm)

Has no rating in and of itself.

However, if the Veteran suffers residual symptoms due to the presence of the tumor(s) or any treatments used to deal with them. Those may be rated.

7916 Prolactin Secreting Pituitary Dysfunction (Hyperpituitarism)

When the pituitary gland produces too many hormones because of a tumor or cancer.

It is rated under the appropriate Tumor or cancer schedules - whichever is the reason for the overproduction.

7917 Hyperaldosteronism

When the adrenal glands produce too many aldosterone hormones because of a tumor or cancer.

It is rated under the appropriate Tumor or cancer schedules - whichever is the reason for the overproduction.

7918 Pheochromocytoma (PCC)

When the adrenal glands produce too many noradrenaline and adrenaline hormones because of a tumor or cancer.

It is rated under the appropriate Tumor or cancer schedules - whichever is the reason for the overproduction.

7919 C-cell Hyperplasia of the Thyroid

When the C-cells that produce calcitonin in the thyroid grow abnormally into a cancer.

  • If it is treated with antineoplastic therapy/chemotherapy, it is rated as Cancer.

  • If surgery is performed and antineoplastic therapy/chemotherapy is NOT required, then it is rated as Hypothyroidism.

Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQs)

To get an idea of how a C&P exam will be conducted it is recommended that the Veteran look at the applicable DBQ.

Veteran's may ask a physician to complete a DBQ on their behalf to submit with their claim. For more information on DBQs click HERE.

Having Trouble Finding Your Condition?

  • Click HERE to view the Master Condition List.

> Conditions that the VA will NOT Rate
> Dental and Oral > Digestive System
> Endocrine System > Female Reproductive System
> Genitourinary System
> Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders > Mental Disorders
> Nutritional Deficiencies > Respiratory System
> Skin