Rating Schedule for Nutritional Deficiencies
When your body is unable to absorb or obtain nutrients from foods. This inability is commonly caused by diet, diseases, surgical complications, and environmental exposures.
If the nutritional deficiency is caused by an Eating disorder INSTEAD of a disease or other source. The Veteran will be rated under the eating disorder schedule and NOT this schedule!
Was a POW for at least 30 days and the severity of the condition was at least 10% at any point.
If a disease or other cause is causing the nutritional deficiency, the Veteran CAN get separate ratings for the disease/other cause and the secondary nutritional deficiency.
6313 Vitamin Deficiency (Avitaminosis)
When the body does not have enough of any one vitamin.
Rating |
Description |
10% | Confirmed diagnosis with nonspecific symptoms such as: decreased appetite, weight loss, abdominal discomfort, weakness, inability to concentrate and irritability. |
20% | With inflammation of the mouth and lips (stomatitis), or absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices produced in the stomach (achlorhydria), or diarrhea. |
40% | With stomatitis, diarrhea, and symmetrical rashes. |
60% | With all symptoms listed above, plus mental symptoms and impaired bodily vigor. |
100% | Marked mental changes, moist rashes, inability to retain adequate nourishment, exhaustion, and marked weight loss and muscle loss (cachexia). |
6314 Thiamine Deficiency (Beriberi)
Caused by vitamin B-1 deficiency.
Rating |
Description |
?% | If Veteran does not rate at least 30%, they will be rated on any residuals. |
30% | Peripheral neuropathy with absent knee or ankle jerks and loss of sensation, or; with symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, anorexia, dizziness, heaviness and stiffness of legs, headache or sleep disturbance. |
60% | Heart enlargement (cardiomegaly), or; with peripheral neuropathy with footdrop or atrophy of thigh or calf muscles. |
100% | Congestive heart failure, swelling of the whole body (anasarca), or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. |
6315 Pellagra
Caused by a lack of the vitamin niacin (vitamin B3).
Rating |
Description |
10% | Confirmed diagnosis with nonspecific symptoms such as: decreased appetite, weight loss, abdominal discomfort, weakness, inability to concentrate and irritability. |
20% | With inflammation of the mouth and lips (stomatitis), or absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices produced in the stomach (achlorhydria), or diarrhea. |
40% | With stomatitis, diarrhea, and symmetrical rashes. |
60% | With all symptoms listed above, plus mental symptoms and impaired bodily vigor. |
100% | Marked mental changes, moist rashes, inability to retain adequate nourishment, exhaustion, and marked weight loss and muscle loss (cachexia). |
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