Former Prisoners of War (POW)

It has been recognized that those who became POWs were exposed to conditions that make them more susceptible to developing certain disabilities later in life.


The Veteran may develop any of these diseases at any point before their death AND the severity of the condition must have been at least 10% at some point.

Diseases with Additional Requirements

Those who were a POW for at least 30 days may develop any of these additional diseases at any point before their death AND the severity of the condition must have been at least 10% at some point.

Frequently Asked Questions

    • Sometimes the VBA makes a mistake or they are missing evidence that would indicate you are an eligible Veteran with a diagnosed condition. If this happens, it is strongly recommended that you seek out the assistance of a VSO to help you file an Appeal.


    • If there is documentation that during service the Veteran's exposure was due to their own willful misconduct or that after the Veteran's separation there was a supervening condition or event that was more than likely the etiology of the disease, the Veteran may be denied service-connection.