Rating Schedule for the Elbow and Forearm


  • For the purposes of Range of Motion (ROM), the examiner/rater are REQUIRED to consider flair ups in your conditions. Meaning, if you do not happen to have an Examination on your worst day, the examiner is required to reasonably estimate your impairment on your worst day! The rater is required to use this estimate, unless your ROM is somehow noted as being worse during ROM testing during the exam. In any event, the rater is to use the most impaired ROM measurements noted by the examiner!

Amputation Rule

Veterans CANNOT have a total Combined rating of over 80% for musculoskeletal conditions for their dominant forearm down or 70% for their non-dominant forearm down.


  • For Veterans who are ambidextrous the affected limb WILL be considered dominant.

5123/5124 Amputation

Veteran is entitled to Special Monthly Compensation.

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
Degree of Amputation
70% 60% Below the middle of the forearm.
80% 70% Above the middle of the forearm.

Loss of Use (Ankylosis)

When you cannot move the joint.

5205 Elbow Ankylosis

Inability to bend or straighten your forearm at all.

  • Pronation: Palms down.

  • Supination: Turning the arm

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
40% 30% Stuck between 90° and 70°.
50% 40% Stuck more than 90°, or between 70° and 50°.
60% 50% Less than 50°; OR with COMPLETE loss of supination or pronation.

5213a Forearm Ankylosis

Inability to twist your hand at all.

  • Hyperpronation: Palms are down and the radius bone has dislocated.

  • Pronation: Palms down.

  • Supination: Palms up.

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
20% 20% The hand fixed near the middle of the arc or moderate pronation.
30% 20% The hand fixed in full pronation.
40% 30% The hand is fixed in supination or hyperpronation.

5052 Elbow Replacement (Prosthesis)

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
30% 20% Minimum Rating.
50% 40% Chronic residuals consisting of severe painful motion or weakness.
100% 100% For 1 year following the replacement. After which Veteran will be rated based upon their residual symptoms.

Ratings Based Off Limitations of Range of Motion (ROM)


  • The Veteran CAN receive a rating for BOTH extension and flexion, based on ROM limitations.

  • The Veteran CAN ALSO get a separate rating pronation OR supination.

    • In total, 3 different ROM ratings can be awarded for the elbow/forearm!

5206/5207/5208 Elbow ROM

The ability to straighten your arm (Extension) or bend your arm (Flexion).


  • If the Veteran can only straighten their arm to 45° AND only bend their arm to 100° then they will receive a 20% rating. This 20% rating is the same for the dominant or non-dominant arm.

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
Limited Extension Limited Flexion
0% 0% - 110°.
10% 10% 45°-60°. 100°.
20% 20% 75°. 90°.
30% 20% 90°. 70°.
40% 30% 100°. 55°.
50% 40% 110°. 45°.

5213b Forearm ROM

The ability to twist your arm palm down (pronation) or palm up (supination).

Dominant Rating
Non-Dominant Rating
Limited Pronation Limited Supination
10% 10% - To 30° or less
20% 20% Motion lost beyond last quarter of arc, the hand does not approach full pronation. -
30% 20% Motion lost beyond middle of arc. -

Too Much Motion or Instability

When your forearm acts much like a medieval knight's flail.

5209a Too Much Motion

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Description
60% 50% Veteran has a 'flail joint' at the elbow.

5210 Instability

Veteran's radius or ulna bone must have broken at some point and did not heal. Resulting in extra movement in the forearm. Similar to a flail joint, but being located within the forearm.

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Description
50% 40% As described above.

Elbow & Forearm Bones

5209b Elbow Joint

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Description
20% 20% Joint fracture, with marked cubitus varus or cubitus valgus deformity or with ununited fracture of head of radius.

5211 Ulna Bone

The bone within the forearm that is on the opposite side of the thumb.

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Description
10% 10% Bone healed improperly.
20% 20% Bone will not heal, in just the part of the bone nearest the hand.
30% 20% Without loss of bone substance or deformity.
40% 30% At least one inch of bone is missing.

5212 Radius Bone

The bone within the forearm that is on the same side as the thumb. These ratings are for then this bone causes there to be extra motion in the forearm; but it is NOT significant.

Dominant Rating Non-Dominant Rating Description
10% 10% Bone healed improperly.
20% 20% Bone will not heal, in just the part of the bone nearest the hand.
30% 20% Without loss of bone substance or deformity.
40% 30% At least one inch of bone is missing.

Miscellaneous Ratings


  • The Veteran will NOT receive an additional rating if they fit the criteria of any of these miscellaneous cases. The Veteran will get a single rating for the ROM or Miscellaneous rating; whichever rating is higher!


When a Veteran's arthritis does not warrant a rating based upon ROM or other miscellaneous situations. The Veteran's condition will be rated under degenerative arthritis.

  • For an explanation of arthritis ratings click HERE.

Pain with Motion


  • When there is an award based on pain with motion with movement of the elbow. The VA will CAN award up to TWO ratings! One for pronation/supination and one for extension/flexion. HOWEVER, you CANNOT get separate ratings for say pain with motion of pronation and supination or extension and flexion, based upon pain with motion.

10% Pain with motion.

Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQs)

To get an idea of how a C&P exam will be conducted it is recommended that the Veteran look at the applicable DBQ.

Veteran's may ask a physician to complete a DBQ on their behalf to submit with their claim. For more information on DBQs click HERE.

Having Trouble Finding Your Condition?

  • Click HERE to view the Master Condition List.

> Conditions that the VA will NOT Rate
> Dental and Oral > Digestive System
> Endocrine System > Female Reproductive System
> Genitourinary System
> Infectious Diseases and Immune Disorders > Mental Disorders
> Nutritional Deficiencies > Respiratory System
> Skin