Rating Schedule for the Knee and Lower Leg
For the purposes of Range of Motion (ROM), the examiner/rater are REQUIRED to consider flair ups in your conditions. Meaning, if you do not happen to have an Examination on your worst day, the examiner is required to reasonably estimate your impairment on your worst day! The rater is required to use this estimate, unless your ROM is somehow noted as being worse during ROM testing during the exam. In any event, the rater is to use the most impaired ROM measurements noted by the examiner!
5163, 5164, 5165 Amputation
Veterans must be aware of the Amputation Rule. It boils down to a Veteran cannot be rated higher for disabilities of a limb that would Combine to be more than a Veteran who has had an amputation that resulted in a loss of those areas.
Veterans who have had these amputations are entitled to Special Monthly Compensation.
Rating |
Degree of Amputation |
40% |
Below the knee. |
60% | Amputation not improvable by prosthesis controlled by natural knee action. |
60% | With defective stump, thigh amputation recommended. |
Knee Replacement (Prosthesis) or Resurfacing
If the Veteran has intermediate degrees of residual weakness, pain or limitation of motion; The Veteran will be rated accordingly.
If you had a separate rating for knee instability, the knee instability rating WILL be discontinued! The assumption being, your surgery fixed the issue.
If AFTER, your temp 100% ends, you find your knee instability has NOT resolved and/or you have chronic residuals rating over the minimum rating you CAN file an Increase claim.
5055 Knee Replacement (Prosthesis)
Rating |
Description |
30% |
Minimum Rating. |
60% | Chronic residuals consisting of severe painful motion or weakness in the affected extremity. |
100% | For 4 months following the replacement. |

Ratings Based Off Limitations of Range of Motion (ROM)
How well you can move your knee joint.
The Veteran CAN receive two separate ROM ratings. If the Veteran's flexion and extension are both affected by their disability!
5260 Flexion of Leg
Veteran can straighten their leg but they CANNOT bend it fully.
Rating |
Can Bend To |
0% |
46°-60°. |
10% | 31°-45°. |
20% | 16°-30°. |
30% | 15° or less. |
Ratings Based Off Too Much Motion
When your Knee is Gumby.
The Veteran CAN receive separate ratings for instability and ROM limitations!
The Veteran can NOT receive more than one instability rating!
5257 Recurrent Subluxation or Lateral Instability
Subluxation refers to partial or incomplete dislocation of the knee joint (tibiofemoral dislocation/subluxation) or tendency for the kneecap to dislocate from its track (patellar dislocation/subluxation).
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or complete ligament tear (repaired, unrepaired, or failed repair) causing knee to give out regularly, WITHOUT a prescription from a medical provider for an assistive device (e.g., cane(s), crutch(es), walker) or bracing for walking. |
20% | Either a OR b: (a) Sprain, incomplete ligament tear, or repaired complete ligament tear causing knee to give out regularly, and a medical provider prescribes a brace and/or assistive device (e.g., cane(s), crutch(es), walker) for walking. (b) Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing persistent instability, and a medical provider prescribes either an assistive device (e.g., cane(s), crutch(es), walker) or bracing for walking. |
30% | Unrepaired or failed repair of complete ligament tear causing knee to give out regularly, and a medical provider prescribes BOTH an assistive device (e.g., cane(s), crutch(es), walker) AND bracing for walking. |
5257 Kneecap Instability (Patellar Instability)
Patellar instability due to recurrent patellar subluxation or patellar dislocation, and/or;
Any other instability or laxity of the knee that involves other stabilizing structure of the knee such as the collateral or cruciate ligaments.
For patellar instability, the patellofemoral complex consists of the quadriceps tendon, the patella, and the patellar tendon.
A surgical procedure that does NOT involve repair of one or more patellofemoral components that contribute to the underlying instability shall NOT qualify as surgical repair for patellar instability (including, but not limited to, arthroscopy to remove loose bodies and joint aspiration).
Rating |
Description |
10% |
A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability (with or without history of surgical repair) that does NOT require a prescription from a medical provider for a brace, cane, or walker. |
20% | A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for one of the following: A brace, cane, or walker. |
30% | A diagnosed condition involving the patellofemoral complex with recurrent instability after surgical repair that requires a prescription by a medical provider for a brace AND either a cane or a walker. |
5263 Knee Hyperextension (Back Knee, Genu Recurvatum)
When your knee bends the wrong direction.
Usually results in weakness and insecurity when bearing weight.
The condition MUST be witnessed by the examiner in order to get a rating!
You CANNOT get a separate evaluations for this condition and limitation of extension OR under instability. You would be rated under whichever schedule produces the highest rating (or this schedule if appropriate).
You CAN get a separate evaluation for condition and limitation of flexion.
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Condition exists. |
5258, 5259 The Meniscus (Cartilage, Semilunar, Dislocated/Removed)
That cartilage located in the Knee joint.
If the symptoms of this schedule are used in a separate rating, the VA CANNOT award a separate rating under this schedule! IE if the pain and swelling is accounted for in a ROM rating, a separate rating under this schedule is prohibited!
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Cartilage is removed and there are residual symptoms. |
20% | Cartilage is dislocated and frequently has episodes of “locking,” pain, and swelling into the joint. |
Tibia and Fibula Bones
The bones in your calf.
The Veteran can only get ONE rating for tibia and fibula impairment OR Shin Splints.
5262 Tibia and Fibula Impairment
If the bones healed improperly or never heal at all.
Rating |
Description |
?% |
If either bone healed improperly. It will be rated by how it affects ROM of the knee or Ankle joints. |
40% | Either bone remains broken and will NOT heal AND requires a brace. |
5262 Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS))
Rating |
Description |
0% |
Treatment LESS THAN 12 consecutive months, 1 or both legs. |
10% | Requiring treatment for NO LESS than 12 consecutive months, AND unresponsive to either shoe orthotics or other conservative treatment, 1 OR both legs. |
20% | Requiring treatment for NO LESS than 12 consecutive months, AND unresponsive to surgery AND either shoe orthotics or other conservative treatment, 1 leg. |
30% | Requiring treatment for NO LESS than 12 consecutive months, AND unresponsive to surgery AND either shoe orthotics or other conservative treatment, BOTH legs. |
Regarding pain with motion - if the Veteran's BILATERAL shin splints causes pain that impairs movement of the knee or ankle a SINGLE pain with motion rating of 10% can be granted! However, this pain with motion rating CANNOT be applied if the Veteran has a separate diagnosed knee or ankle condition in which this principle is already being applied!
X = Has pain with motion.
L Ankle | L Knee | L Shin | R Ankle | R Knee | R Shin | Description |
X | X | X | X | X | X | Pain with motion CANNOT be applied to shins. |
X | X | A single rating of 10% for bilateral shin splints. | ||||
X | X | Left shin splints CAN get a 10% IF the shin impairs the knee. | ||||
X | X | X | Bilateral shin splints CAN get a single 10% IF the shins impair the knee. |
5275 Shortening of the Leg
When the Veteran has their leg shortened as a result of trauma or a service-connected surgery.
Separate ratings for ROM and leg length ARE allowed.
Separate ratings for tibia or fibula impairment are NOT allowed (based on the same leg).
Measured from anterior superior spine of the ilium to the internal malleolus of the tibia.
Rating |
Shortening of |
10% |
1.25 to 2 inches. |
20% |
2 to 2.5 inches. |
30% | 2.5 to 3 inches. |
40% | 3 to 3.5 inches. |
50% | 3.5 to 4 inches*. |
60% | Over 4 inches*. |
*Entitles the Veteran to Special Monthly Compensation.
Miscellaneous Ratings
The Veteran will NOT receive an additional rating if they fit the criteria of any of these miscellaneous cases. The Veteran will get a single rating for the ROM or Miscellaneous rating; Whichever rating is higher!
Pain with Motion
When there is an award based on pain with motion with movement of the knee. The VA will only award a SINGLE rating under range of motion per limb! No matter how many ranges of motion are impacted!
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Pain with motion. |
When a Veteran's arthritis does not warrant a rating based upon ROM or other miscellaneous situations. The Veteran's condition will be rated under degenerative arthritis.
For an explanation of arthritis ratings click HERE.
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