Rating Schedule for the Wrist
For the purposes of Range of Motion (ROM), the examiner/rater are REQUIRED to consider flair ups in your conditions. Meaning, if you do not happen to have an Examination on your worst day, the examiner is required to reasonably estimate your impairment on your worst day! The rater is required to use this estimate, unless your ROM is somehow noted as being worse during ROM testing during the exam. In any event, the rater is to use the most impaired ROM measurements noted by the examiner!
For Veterans who are ambidextrous, whichever wrist is affected will be considered dominant.
5125 Amputation at Wrist
This schedule is pretty straight forward. However, Veterans must be aware of the Amputation Rule. It boils down to a Veteran cannot be rated higher for disabilities of a limb that would Combine to be more than a Veteran who has had an amputation that resulted in a loss of those areas.
Veterans who have also had an amputation/loss of use of their foot in addition to a wrist will receive a singular rating of 100% for both the loss of the hand and foot.
Veteran is entitled to Special Monthly Compensation.
Rating |
Description |
60% |
Non-dominant wrist |
70% | Dominant wrist |
100% | Both wrists. |
5214 Loss of Use (Ankylosis) of Wrist
When the wrist joint cannot be moved at all.
Deviation: Hand is tilted left or right.
Dorsiflexion: Palm facing the wall.
Palmar flexion: Palm faces yourself.
*Veterans is entitled to Special Monthly Compensation.
Dominant Rating |
Non-Dominant Rating |
Degree Stuck |
30% | 20% | Between 20° to 30° dorsiflexion. |
40% | 30% | Greater than 30° dorsiflexion. |
50% | 40% | Any degree of palmar flexion, or with ulnar or radial deviation. |
70% | 60% | If hand becomes unusable at all*. |
5053 Wrist Replacement (Prosthesis)
If appropriate, rate residuals under diagnostic code 5214 instead of this schedule.
Dominant Rating |
Non-Dominant Rating |
Description |
20% | 20% | Minimum Rating. |
40% | 30% | Chronic residuals consisting of severe painful motion or weakness in the affected extremity. |
100% | 100% | For 12 months following the replacement. |
5215 Ratings Based Off Limitations of Range of Motion (ROM)
For how much range of motion a normal wrist has. The VA really has an extremely narrow band of consideration. In terms of what constitutes a compensational disability.
You CANNOT get separate evaluations for dorisflexion and palmar flexion, you get rated under one or the other!
Ability to bend your hand up, so your palm faces the wall.
Rating |
Can Bend |
10% |
Less than 15°. |
Palmar Flexion
Ability to bend your hand down, so your palm faces yourself.
Rating |
Can Bend |
10% |
No further than in line with forearm (0°). |
Other Ratings
The Veteran will NOT receive an additional rating if they fit the criteria of this miscellaneous case. The Veteran will get a single rating for the ROM or Miscellaneous rating; Whichever rating is higher!
Rating |
Description |
10% |
Pain with motion. |
When a Veteran's arthritis does not warrant a rating based upon ROM or other miscellaneous situations. The Veteran's condition will be rated under degenerative arthritis.
For an explanation of arthritis ratings click HERE.
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